Lesson 10: Subject: Demonstrate Flight

Objective: The learner will measure the distance and duration of fight .

Approximate time: 45 minutes.


Pattern for The Dart

Paper (preferably stiff paper)



Tape Measure


Stop Watch

Science Lab Observation Form


1. Fold a sheet of paper lengthwise, exactly down the middle. Unfold it and smooth the paper flat.

2. Fold one of the corners over as far as the center fold. Then fold the other corner over in the same way.

3. Fold the corners over again so that they meet at the center fold.

4. Fold the two sides together along the center fold. Then, to make wings, fold the top portion of each side down toward the center fold.

5. Use a small piece of tape to fasten the wings together. If you wish, you can snip off about 1 cm for the plane's nose. Tape together the keel (paper under the wings) at both ends.

6. Predict what will happen when you launch The Dart. Use Science Lab Observation Form.

7. Launch the Dart by holding it at the back of the keel and throwing. How long does the Dart stay in the air? How far can you throw it?

8. Observe and record observations on the Science Lab Observation Form.

9. Teacher will elicit discussion as to how planes can be altered. What effect will each variable have on the flight of the plane? (Add paper clip to nose, fold elevators down)

10. Allow flight time with variables and have students record their new observations. Put data in a table.

11. Closure: Discuss what changes were made and what effect they had on the flight time and distance.

Evaluation: Information found on the Science Lab Observation Form regarding duration and distance of flights.

Extension: Graph results using a Computer program or Spreadsheet.

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