Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Weight of Freight Shipments

The Weight of Freight Shipments table shows that in 2002:

  • One out of every seven tons transported by freight carriers was gravel and crushed stones in 2002, according to the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS).
  • 1.8 billion tons gravel and crushed stone were shipped.
  • Although gravel and crushed stone comprised 15 percent of all freight, by weight, in 2002, that commodity represents less than 1 percent of all freight by value and about 3 percent of ton-miles in 2002.

Gravel and stone shipments traveled the least miles (about 60 miles) as measured by average length of haul (i.e., miles per ton). From 1993 to 2002, miscellaneous manufactured product shipments and pharmaceuticals grew the fastest as measured by percent change in weight, increasing from 26 million to 91 million tons and from 7 million to 23 million tons, respectively. Each realized a 15-percent annual growth rate since 1993.

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