Agenda for the 1/19 RT Teleconference - Attendees: - NIST: Fiscus, Rose - ICSI: Chuck, Mathew - IBM: Makis, Etienne - LDC: Glenn - UKA: McDonough, Rochet - SRI: Stolke - CMU: Burger - Old Issues - SASTT status (NIST) - JF reported the code development is proceeding. We expect a release by Feb. 2. - Standard segmentation for the STT IHM condition - During the last telecon, there was general consensus that a having a single site provide a "standard" segmentation output or a "standard" crosstalk-removed version of the test signals would suffice. - Andreas and Chuck discussed the possibilility or releasing their segmentation which they have already done. See the email list or the data website. - New Issues - RT 07 data site operational URL: Username: rt07 Password: It was given to attendees. It is the same password as the rt06s data website. Contact Jon F. to get it.. - Data issues: - Suzi will send a speaker ID/audio file lookup table for the CHIL dev data. (IT is also on the data web site: - Conference Room evaluation corpus - The corpus will be 3 hours selected from AMI, CMU, NIST and VT data - Do we need another telecon? - General consensus to hold one after the SASTT eval tool has been released. - Release of new NIST meetings for training: - Data will be shipped Monday or Tuesday - Send Jon F. an email request for the distribution. - Uncompleted Action Items - NIST publishes the Forced Aligned reference files from RT-05 and RT-06 - NIST release the conference meeting data forced alignments on the data web page. - CHIL will report on the soon-to-be-released DEV data and it will be documented on a web site - previously done. - Adam J. to circulate suggested AMI Dev/Train divide