Home > Entrepreneurial Woman's Conference
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It is our pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to the 22nd Annual Entrepreneurial Woman’s Conference, Women’s Business & Buyers Mart, the oldest conference and business opportunities fair for women in business in the country, and the premier event for women business owners in the Midwest. This year’s conference will be held September 3 & 4, 2008 at Chicago’s Navy Pier.

Since our inception, one thing has always been clear. Along with the training, financial management, technical assistance, and guidance we offer our clients, women want something more, something strategically important to them. Our clients are motivated to come together; to network; to share opportunities, struggles and successes; to gain and offer advice and encouragement.Thus, the Entrepreneurial Woman’s Conference continues to meet those needs.

Presented by the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC), this year’s event offers women business owners the opportunity to increase the profitability of their businesses by building relationships with corporate and government buyers, business experts, and other women business owners.Our conference web site will provide you with information on the marathon of activities at the two-day event; please continue to check back with us as we get closer to September for updates.

We encourage you to attend this year’s event and participate in the opportunities that our staff and sponsors have made available to you. We hope you will join us as we embark on our third decade of success with this significant and valuable event!

Hedy M. Ratner

S. Carol Dougal

Co-Founders and Co-Presidents
Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC)

8 South Michigan . Suite 400 . Chicago, IL . 60603-3306 . (312) 853-3477 . Fax (312) 853-0145 . wbdc@wbdc.org