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World Trade Center Health Resources


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What HHS Is Doing

Helping Responders
and Those Affected

Identifying Needs

Scientific Reports

Preparation for the Future

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Identifying Needs

Scientific studies are showing health effects among World Trade Center responders and a need for health care and further scientific understanding. It is clear that those affected should not be delayed from receiving access to health care monitoring, diagnosis and treatment. To speed access to health care, we recognize the need for coordination of the shared response among federal, state local and private health efforts.

The Department of Health and Human Services has established a high-level task force to advise on federal policies and funding issues related to responder WTC-associated health conditions based on scientific data and other relevant information. The Task Force is chaired by Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. John Agwunobi and will be guided by sound scientific data and analysis. Dr. John Howard, director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, serves as the lead scientific advisor on the task force and coordinates federal, state, local and private partners in their implementation of monitoring and treatment.


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