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Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Membership Changes: New Members, New DOCLINE Libraries, Library Closures


Viva Librarians! Perspectives from MLA President, Mark Funk

As MLA President, Mark Funk visits MLA chapters around the country. He is an accomplished photographer and chronicles his visits with stories and photos on his blog, Only Connect! His report on his Las Vegas trip to the Joint Chapter Meeting of the Northern California and Nevada Medical Library Group and the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona is available here . Check out those photos with Elvis!

Are you ready for Social Networking?

Everyone’s talking about it! Perhaps you’ve explored MySpace, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Your library may be using these sites to communicate with your library’s clientele — or thinking about doing so. Maybe you’ve attended workshops on Web 2.0. You may have read the reports of MLA’s Social Networking Software Task Force. Do you want to learn more? (more…)

E-Licensing: Where do we stand?

In December, we surveyed PSR Network members to determine their involvement and interest in cooperative licensing of electronic resources. We were surprised and delighted with the response. We received 115 completed surveys from individual member libraries. (more…)

An interview with Joe Pozdol, UCLA MLIS Graduate Student and NN/LM PSR Intern


Membership Changes: Comings and Goings

We welcome our new members! (more…)

Meet Sharon Dennis — the new Technology Coordinator for the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region!

Sharon Dennis has joined the staff of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) Pacific Southwest Region as the new Technology Coordinator. (more…)

Viva Librarians! Announcing the Joint Meeting of Medical Library Groups, February 6-9, 2008

Want to get away? Then join us in Las Vegas! February 6-9, 2008, the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel, located at the famous “Four Corners” of the Vegas Strip, will be the site for the annual joint MLA chapter meeting of the Northern California / Nevada Medical Group (NCNMLG) and the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA). (more…)

Infobuttons: What are they and why should you care?

By Joy Graham, MLS, AHIP
Barnett-Briggs Medical Library
San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, CA

Preserving your Hospital Library: A Case Study and Advice

[Editor's Note: Because we are getting a lot of questions in the RML office about hospital library downsizing, we asked Debbie Hunt, an independent information professional, for a case study and advice to hospital libraries. Here is Debbie's contribution:] (more…)