Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Cost Shares of the Factor Inputs in Trucking

(Basic growth accounting without land)

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Year Labor Weight: Share of labor costs in industry output Capital Weight (Residual) Weight of Intermediate Inputs
  '(1) '(2) '(3)
1987 0.414 0.185 0.468
1988 0.353 0.178 0.484
1989 0.337 0.174 0.494
1990 0.317 0.160 0.529
1991 0.322 0.164 0.517
1992 0.313 0.158 0.528
1993 0.314 0.164 0.518
1994 0.307 0.165 0.518
1995 0.309 0.162 0.526
1996 0.302 0.157 0.541
1997 0.299 0.164 0.534
1998 0.292 0.177 0.532
1999 0.286 0.167 0.548
2000 0.283 0.152 0.565
2001 0.296 0.158 0.546
2002 0.293 0.174 0.533
2003 0.309 0.185 0.506

NOTE and SOURCES: Data on labor and intermediate purchases: BEA, Annual Industry Accounts: http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/dn2/gdpbyind_data.htm. The share of capital was calculated as a residual.