How the Endowment Works Jefferson Lecture National Humanities Medals
Preservation and Access Public Programs Research and Education
Federal/State Partnership Challenge Grants Enterprise
FY 1997 Panelists NEH Senior Staff National Council Members
Summary of FY 1997 Grants Financial Report Index of Grants

Office of Enterprise

The Office of Enterprise explores new ways to strengthen the Endowment's leadership role in the humanities in the United States and to increase the reach of Endowment programs.

The Enterprise Office is coordinating NEH's contribution to a national celebration of the millennium underway at the White House, the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Kennedy Center, and the Institute for Museum and Library Services.

The Enterprise Office, in coordination with the Division of Public Programs, made three preliminary grants for film treatments on the millennium. Millennium Minutes will create a series of one-minute spots focusing on the people, events, and achievements of the past thousand years, and do so in an exciting and intriguing way to inspire a broad and diverse audience to examine these events in more depth.

A number of exciting new partnerships were developed by the Enterprise Office this past year. In October, NEH launched EDSITEment, a new website that serves as a gateway to high-quality humanities sites on the Internet. The project was made possible by a $500,000 gift in March from the MCI Foundation. It represents the largest corporate gift in NEH history, and is the product of a partnership among the NEH Enterprise Office, NEH Division of Research and Education, the Council of the Great City Schools, the MCI Corporation, and the National Trust for the Humanities. The EDSITEment address is:

Another partnership was forged with the National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Getty Conservation Institute, to produce the Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel, a cooperative public-private effort to protect the nation's cultural heritage from the ravages of natural disasters. Collaborative funding between the Office of Enterprise and the Division of Preservation and Access made distribution of the wheel possible to 45,000 libraries, museums, archives, and historical organizations and sites nationwide.

The Enterprise Office continued its partnership with the Old Post Office Pavilion, the building housing the NEH. Endowment-funded exhibitions have helped enrich the experience of millions of visitors to this historic building. An exhibition on presidents: Hail to the Chief: Presidents, Power, and Politics, presents ten of the presidents who have been the subject of NEH-funded editorial and film projects.

The NEH played a key role this past year as part of a twelve-member coalition which convened cultural tourism forums across the country. "Partners in Tourism: Culture and Commerce" brought together more than one thousand leaders from the tourism industry and the cultural community to launch or strengthen collaborative relationships.

Finally, participation in the Administration's American Heritage Rivers Initiative provided another opportunity for NEH to encourage attention to historical and cultural authenticity in community- and economic-development efforts. Through the mechanisms of this fourteen-agency "reinventing government" effort, NEH grantmaking and advisory resources and the value of the humanities in public life are becoming better known in more American communities.

In addition to these partnerships, the Office of Enterprise used its funds to help extend the reach and audience of two projects funded through the Division of Public Programs: the American Experience (WGBH) series, The Presidents, and KCET's production of Liberty! The American Revolution. Endowment funds made possible the rebroadcast of twelve WGBH documentaries on U.S. presidents.

A grant to H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences Online at Michigan State University allowed creation of a website about the American Revolution to complement Liberty!, providing scholarly material as well as teaching guides and other tools to prolong the life of the series and to extend its audience.

Ann Young Orr
Office of Enterprise