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Credits and Contacts

Women of NASA is a NASA Quest project located at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffet Field, CA.

Learning Technologies Project (LTP) supports all of our NASA Quest online interactive projects.
Project Manager for Women of NASA is Tish Krieg (tkrieg@mail.arc.nasa.gov).
Donald James is the responsible NASA official for NASA Quest. Mark Leon is the responsible NASA official for the Learning Technologies Project.

For information on requesting speakers, materials, resources, etc. please visit out helpful NASA links and information.

To subscribe to the Women of NASA updates list, email: won-updates@quest.nasa.gov. To receive Quest project bimonthly updates about all our Quest project upcoming events email: subscription@quest.nasa.gov

This project is only possible with the dedicated support of the women who work in the various centers and bases of NASA. These women are donating their time and energy to support K - 12 education and Women of NASA's mission to encourage young girls to pursue math, science, and technology careers, and guide them in making more informed future career choices.

Additional help with all facets of the project and web pages is provided by The Young Women of NASA Advisory Council



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