Table 2. Height and diameter of mature large trees, by region and species.

[--, no data in Preston, 1976] Tree heights based on North American Trees by Preston (1976)

Forest Region Height range, in meters Diameter range, in meters
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Southern Forest Region
Baldcypress 30 37 0.9 1.5
Sweetgum 24 37 0.6 1.2
White Oak 24 30 0.9 1.2
Shumard Oak 24 30 0.9 1.5
Willow Oak 21 30 0.6 1.2
Loblolly Pine 27 34 0.6 0.9
Slash Pine 24 30 0.6 0.9
Central Hardwood Forest Region
White Oak 24 30 0.9 1.2
American Elm 23 30 0.9 1.8
Sweetgum 24 37 0.6 1.2
Yellow-Poplar 24 30 1.2 1.8
Northern Forest Region
White Pine 27 55 0.0 0.8
Red Pine 18 24 0.6 0.9
Red Spruce 21 24 0.5 0.6
Yellow Birch 18 24 0.3 0.6
Beech 18 24 0.6 0.9
Basswood 18 24 0.6 0.9
Sugar Maple 18 24 0.6 0.9
Black Maple 18 24 0.6 0.9
Red Maple 18 24 0.6 0.9
Silver Maple 18 24 0.6 0.9
Northern Red Oak 18 24 0.6 1.2
Balsam Poplar 18 24 0.3 0.9
Rocky Mountain Forest Region
Engelman Spruce 18 37 0.5 0.9
Subalpine Fir 18 30 0.5 0.6
Western White Pine 27 55 -- 0.8
Lodgepole Pine 21 24 0.4 0.8
Balsam Poplar 18 24 0.3 0.9
Ponderosa Pine 46 55 0.9 1.2
Western Larch 43 55 0.9 1.2
Douglas Fir -- 40 -- --
Narrowleaf Cottonwood 15 21 0.3 0.5
Peachleaf Willow 18 21 -- 0.6
Broad-leafed Cottonwoods 18 30 0.9 1.5
Pacific Coast Forest Region
Coast Redwood 61 84 2.4 3.7
Douglas Fir -- 91 -- --
Ponderosa Pine 46 55 0.9 1.2
Sugar Pine 53 61 0.9 1.5
Jeffrey Pine 30 55 1.2 1.8
Western Hemlock 38 53 0.6 1.2
White Fir 37 46 0.9 1.2
Grand Fir 43 49 0.6 1.2
Pacific Silver Fir 43 49 0.6 1.2
California Red Fir 46 55 1.2 1.5
Noble Fir 46 61 1.2 1.8
Western Red Cedar 46 61 1.2 2.4
Sitka Spruce 55 61 0.9 1.4
Port Orford Cypress 43 55 1.2 1.8
Black Cottonwood -- 61 -- 2.4
Red Alder 24 30 0.3 0.9
Bigleaf Maple 24 30 0.9 1.2
California White Oak 18 24 0.9 1.5

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Last update: Tuesday, 27-May-2003 16:29:16 EDT
URL: /pubs/FHWA-RD-97-028/tab_2x.htm
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