CMS LOG NlGWS FROM Z&Y KNIGHTON, DR. KOCP AND DH. HS?_'~~3.I,L -L-I------ ---- ------.-~=z -=.--I==7=tl'---z--- Addis Ababa - February 2 Ve have seen and heard so much already - we are becoming Saturated: Dr. Koop says that he does not see how we can hold and think anymore! This mission trip is a thrill but at the same time we are more burdened than ever to see an increasingly better job done for Christ through CMS. We left the hotel in Cairo at 1:00 aDme but our plane did not leave until 5:CO a.m. We arrived here in kddis about 1:OC p.m. and were met by a host of people, some having driven a day's drive to see us! We left immediately for Ambo, 80 miles east of Addis...packed into a small van. Ambo is where Dr. and Mrs. Robert Schenck and Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Carlson are working. They are under the Baptist General Conference. We really saw the country and the poor village people. We got up early this morning and were driven to the SIM headquarters here. We had conferences with many men from various missions who had come into the SIM headquarters -- Norwegian Lutheran, Baptist General Conference, Mennonite, and SIM. We had a wonderful time of discussion together. After that we met with ICA and Ethiopian Government officials and the Minister of Health. They were most gracious and kind. I then spoke at a Prayer Meeting for all the Protestant missionaries represented by SIM, Baptist General Conference, Presbyterian, Norwegian Lutheran, Swedish Lutheran, British Bible Society, and Lutheran World Fellowship. It is now February 3 and we are on our way to Nairobi. On our way to the airport we visited a Government Hospital. There must have been twenty people who saw us off at the airport. Nairobi - February 5 We arrived here Friday evening and registered in at the New Stanley Hotel. Saturday after a couple of conferences we were picked up by Mr, and Mrs. Earl Winsor who drove us out to Nijabe (means %indy City") to the Africa Inland Mission Headquarters. !$e had lunch with Dr. andMrs. Prop&and family- then we toured the new hospital. Dr. Fropst then offered to take us out to see some big game - (AND that's another chapter!!) Today we went to church and then toured the Rift Valley Academy which is a wonderful school for missionary children. We had lunch with Dr, Njorge and he introduced us to Tom Mboya, the man who probably will be the prime minister here in Kenya Dar Es Salaam - February 7 Yesterday before leaving Nairobi we spent the afternoon with doctors from surrounding mission stations - a conference at the Christian Council and Hospital Committee. We also toured the medical training center. Today isothe first time since we left home that we have been hot and it is not too bad - about 90 and humid. We froze in Cairo, Addis, and Nairobi as soon as the sun went down, although it was pleasant in the daytime - about 75'. Xe got up at 5:30 a.m. and were picked up and taken to the airport. Our plane left about 8 o'clock. We stopped in Mombasa and then flew over the Indian Ocean to Dar Hs Salaam. We were met at the airport by Dr. Lorne Brown. After lunch-we were driven out about 20 miles to Minkata to a hospital run by a British doctor and the hospital is very primitive. We have also had conferences with representatives of a number of mission boards. Dr. Lorne Brown has started a new primitive work 100 miles south of here. The family are staying here-,until he gets the house built. Page -20 Kisumu,Kenya-February9 Yesterdsy we spent the morning with the Executive Health Officer in Tanganyika; he was most cordial and cooperative. In the afternoon we were in conference with Bob Jensen who is in charge of all the medical missionary work in this territory. Then we flew back to Nairobi and finally retired at 1:00 aemo Left Nairobi this morning by Missionary Aviation Fellowship plane and visited three mission hospitals -- Tenwek (World Gospel Mission, formerly the National Holiness), Kisumu (Friends - Quaker Hospital); and tonight at the Mwihila Hospital (Church of God) where we are staying tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow we fly by M.A.F. to KampaB.and the medical School,,,The Makerere College. One of the doctors at the mission hospital has a three year old son with a double hernia so Chick and Gus are getting up at 6:00 a.m. to operate on him before wefly to Kampala Kempala- February 12 After Gus and Chick were through with surgery we drove 30 miles back to Kisumu airport. We flew over the northern edge of Lske Victoria to E$tebbe and then by car to Kampala. We have had a most wonderful time here at Kampala. We have hadmany conferences - with the Minister of Health, Chief Medical Officer, Chancellor of the University, Dean of the Medical School, Professor of Surgery. We toured the very oldest hospital in F&t Africa. This morning at 8:30 we go to Communion at the African Angelican Chapel with the African medical students - and then to breakfast with the Chaplain. Hay is not going to Usumbura or to Lulabourg in the Congo, Instead he is going to South Africa tomorrow with Chick while Gus goes to Salisbury and then to Mt. Darwin to be with Dr. Clemenger. Then all three of us are going to Leopoldville on the 19th. KEHP ON PRAYING FOR us. *+**+**c+ (Cow of letter received today, February 17e from Mr, Fletcher Lunn, FIX'S, Makeree College Medical School in Rampala.) Letter dated February 13, 1961 We have today said good-bye to Hay Knighton and his two friends. They have sent messages to their families via friends in Huanda but perhaps their folk would be glad to hear from me who looked after them on their trip round this part of Africa, that they are bounding in fine form. Their visit here was a real blessing to all of us. Although they may not realise it, it was a good start to the spirit of "giving" and friendship which they hope will develop. They gave themselves to much time and effort in understanding our problems, and their cheerful human has done us all good. We understand how much they must be missed at home and pray they will soon be home again safe and sound. I have a feeling that your office will be hearing from us from time to time. God bless. Yours sincerely, Fletcher Lunn **it*+*+***