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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Work Schedule

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Standby  |  Tours of Duty/Schedules  |  Miscellaneous

Days Off

  1. Guaranteeing that nurses will have every other weekend off. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 3669, 2 FLRA 641 [NN]
  2. Establishing rotating days off for certain employees. AFSCME, AFL–CIO, Local 2477, 14 FLRA 59 [N]
  3. Employees may be relieved for four Saturdays each year by requesting the days off ten days in advance in writing. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Meat Grading Council of Locals, 22 FLRA 496, Proposal 3 [N]
  4. Agency must make every effort to give three consecutive days off to employees who are scheduled to work tours of more than five days. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2094, 22 FLRA 710, Proposal 8 [N]
  5. Ordinarily, employees will be given consecutive days off. NAGE, Local R14–8, 24 FLRA 126, Proposal 3 (first sentence) [N]
  6. Employees’ days off will not be split except in cases adversely affecting patient care. NAGE, SEIU, AFL–CIO, 24 FLRA 147, Proposal 4 [N]
  7. Preventing the agency from scheduling a workweek without two consecutive days off unless the union agrees. Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, 25 FLRA 3, Proposal 3 [NN]
  8. Providing nurses with two consecutive days off, precluding split shifts, and specifying the minimum time between shifts regardless of agency work requirements. Colorado Nurses Association, 25 FLRA 803, Proposal 2 [NN]
  9. Agency to schedule administrative non-duty days for weekends in an equitable manner. NFFE, Local 1798, 27 FLRA 239, Proposal 8 [N]
  10. Limiting the ability of the agency to schedule nurses for more than six consecutive days. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Section 5 (second sentence) [NN]
  11. Agency to make every effort to give nurses every third weekend off, weekends being defined as Saturday and Sunday. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Section 5 (third sentence) [NN]
  12. Agency to grant requested days off or shift preference based on seniority. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1661, 29 FLRA 990, Proposal 4 [N]
  13. A nurse has 15 ½ hours off between workdays. New York State Nurses Association, 30 FLRA 706, Proposal 13, Section 8.03 [NN]
  14. Exceptions in regard to days off may be made either by agreement between the employee and the employer or in accordance with title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 610.111 and 610.121. NFFE, Local 2058, 38 FLRA 1389, Proposal 1 [N]
  15. Whenever possible employees will be given 2 consecutive days off, preferably Saturday and Sunday. NAGE, SEIU, AFL–CIO, 40 FLRA 657, Provision 1 [N]
  16. Employees will be guaranteed 10 consecutive hours off duty between certain work assignments. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 3769, 45 FLRA 92, Sentence 2 [NN]


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  1. Listing eleven holidays, defining the working conditions, limiting duties to be performed on these holidays, and including Saturday afternoon and Sundays as holidays. IAFF, AFL–CIO, Local F-61, 3 FLRA 438, Proposal II [NN]
  2. Receiving a bonus for any work performed on Saturday, Sunday, or United States or Panamanian legal holidays. IOMMP, AFL–CIO, 13 FLRA 508, Proposal 14 [NN]
  3. Requiring the supervisors to post advance notice of holiday work schedules. Service & Hospital Employees International Union, Local 150, 35 FLRA 521, Provision 3 [N]
  4. Requiring the agency to keep holiday work to a minimum and precluding it from assigning holiday work for the purpose of avoiding overtime work and pay. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2298, 35 FLRA 1128, Proposal 1 [NN]


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  1. Agency to notify an employee two weeks or as far in advance as reasonably feasible of changes in shifts and duty hours. NAGE, 14 FLRA 280 [N]
  2. At least three days advance written notice of a change in an employee's basic workweek or shift hours except in an emergency. LIUNA, AFL–CIO, Local 1267, 14 FLRA 686, Proposal 2 [NN]
  3. Tours of duty will be established or changed at least two weeks in advance. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 900, 18 FLRA 40 [NN]
  4. A two–week notice of any change in the work shift. NAGE, Local R7–36, 18 FLRA 741 [NN]
  5. Tours of duty will be scheduled two weeks in advance. NFFE, Local 7, 19 FLRA 176, Provision 2 [NN]
  6. Agency to schedule and post tours of duty at least seven days in advance. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2955, 20 FLRA 436 [NN]
  7. Preventing the agency from changing established tours of duty without at least fourteen days advance notice except in emergencies. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1738, 20 FLRA 439 [NN]
  8. Agency to provide one or two weeks advance notice before changing or establishing tours of duty. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1909, 20 FLRA 498, Provision 1 [NN]
  9. Agency to notify employees of any scheduled tour of duty change between shifts five days in advance, and the union of any alteration to an established irregular tour of duty two weeks in advance. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2484, 20 FLRA 686 [NN]
  10. Agency to give at least seven days notice of work schedule changes. NAGE, Local R14–87, 21 FLRA 24, Provision 1 [NN]
  11. Agency to establish tours of duty at least two weeks in advance for at least two pay periods and preventing changes without at least two weeks notice. IAMAW, AFL–CIO, Local 2424, 24 FLRA 502 [NN]
  12. Notice of 72 hours before the workweek starts of any shift changes. Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, 25 FLRA 3, Proposal 2 [NN]
  13. Tour of duty changes to be made and posted two weeks in advance. On remand, AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2484, 25 FLRA 908, Provision 1 [NN]
  14. Two weeks notice in the event changes in work shifts are required. On remand, AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1546, 25 FLRA 958 [NN]
  15. Agency will give two weeks advance written notice before assigning elected union officials to a tour of duty other than the day shift except in an emergency. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2182, 26 FLRA 600, Provision 2 [NN]
  16. Employees will be given at least three days notice of a change of tour of duty. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2182, 26 FLRA 600, Provision 5 [NN]
  17. Agency to give ten days notice to employees of changes in work schedules, except in emergencies. NFFE, Local 1655, 26 FLRA 654, Proposal 2 [NN]
  18. Agency would normally give an employee a week notice of a change in work schedules and such a changed work schedule would continue for at least one week. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1799, 26 FLRA 926, Provision 1 [N]
  19. Prohibiting the agency from changing an employee's work schedule without seven days notice. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1974, 27 FLRA 90, Proposal 1 [NN]
  20. Agency to give employees written notice before changing work schedules, except in emergencies or other unforeseen circumstances. NFFE, Local 642, 27 FLRA 862, Proposal 2 [N]
  21. Agency to give the union 15 days notice before making any changes to starting and quitting times. NFFE, Local 797, 29 FLRA 333, Provision 1 [NN]
  22. Established work schedules will be posted at least 2 weeks in advance. IBEW, AFL–CIO, Local 2080, 32 FLRA 347, Provision 1 (second sentence) [N]
  23. Posted work schedules may not be changed without at least 24 hours notice. IBEW, AFL–CIO, Local 2080, 32 FLRA 347, Provision 1 (third sentence) [NN]
  24. Requiring 24 hours notice of the establishment of a multiple shift operation. IBEW, AFL–CIO, Local 2080, 32 FLRA 347, Provision 2 [NN]
  25. Tours of duty to be scheduled in advance covering no less than 3 consecutive weeks and requiring basic workweeks of Monday through Friday, except for employees whose service will be required on a Saturday or Sunday for at least 3 consecutive weeks. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2024, 32 FLRA 404 [NN]
  26. Requiring the agency to provide a minimum of 14 days advance notice of changes in an employee’s work schedule unless there is an emergency or mutual consent between the agency and the employee. Service & Hospital Employees International Union, Local 150, 35 FLRA 521, Provision 4 [NN]
  27. Requiring the agency, absent an unforeseen emergency, to notify employees of their post and patrol assignments 7 days in advance and to notify them of any change in their work requirements prior to the beginning of the administrative workweek. NFFE, Local 2058, 38 FLRA 1389, Proposal 2 (first sentence) [NN]
  28. Requiring notification to employees in advance of changes in their work requirements. NFFE, Local 2058, 38 FLRA 1389, Proposal 2 (second and third sentences) [N]
  29. Basic workweek assignments will be scheduled not less than 10 days in advance of the start date, those assignments will cover periods of not less than 28 days, and the assignments will include the location and assigned duty point. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 3157, 44 FLRA 1570, Proposal 6 [N]
  30. In all other circumstances management will notify an employee of an altered starting time not less than 24 hours before that starting time and, in the absence of that notice, employees may report at their previous starting times. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 3157, 44 FLRA 1570, Proposal 2 (second sentence) [NN]


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  1. Setting forth absolute requirements governing the assignment of nurses to shifts without regard to personnel needs. New York State Nurses Association, 12 FLRA 540 [NN]
  2. Management to consider and grant requests for assignment to prime shifts from employees assigned to second and third shifts under certain circumstances. NTEU, 14 FLRA 243, Provision 4 [N]
  3. Non–full–time employees to be relieved also by summer workers of night duty, agency honor requests from them for change of hours in order of priority based on seniority. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 236, 14 FLRA 461 [NN]
  4. Preventing management from changing shift assignments so long as the composition and responsibilities of shifts remain unchanged. LIUNA, AFL–CIO, Local 1267, 14 FLRA 686, Proposal 1 (fourth sentence) [N]
  5. Establishing for two specific employees a work schedule starting at 1:00 p.m. and ending at 9:30 p.m. NFFE, Local 1461, 16 FLRA 995 [NN]
  6. Two weeks notice in the event changes in work shifts are required. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1546, 19 FLRA 1016, Provision 1 [NN]
  7. Agency to continue its present shift and to solicit volunteers when staffing a new shift. NTEU, 21 FLRA 667, Proposal 1 [NN]
  8. Describing the hours of the existing principal day shift without preventing the agency from changing the hours of the shift or from establishing a new shift. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 171, 23 FLRA 224, Provision 2 [N]
  9. Agency to negotiate over changes in the basic workweek and permitting the union to grieve changes if the parties fail to reach agreement. Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, 25 FLRA 3, Proposal 3 [NN]
  10. Setting the number of stewards on each shift. International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America, AFL–CIO, Local 2, 25 FLRA 113, Provision 2 [N]
  11. Preventing the agency from assigning an employee to another shift unless 8 hours have elapsed since the end of that employee‘s previous shift. International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America, AFL–CIO, Local 2, 25 FLRA 113, Provision 7 [NN]
  12. Agency to keep a 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. shift and to establish 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. as the hours for a second shift. NFFE, Local 1945, 25 FLRA 675 [NN]
  13. Employees to be given at least sixty-four hours off between shift or tour changes. NFFE, Local 1655, 26 FLRA 654, Proposal 3 [NN]
  14. Limiting management from changing shift tour assignments. NFFE, Local 1798, 27 FLRA 239, Proposals 5, 6, 7 and 10 [NN]
  15. Defining the term emergency. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Section 4 (second sentence) [NN]
  16. Where a system of equitable distribution is incorporated, management will attempt to make allowance for demonstrated hardship [of individual nurses] wherever possible. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Section 4 [NN]
  17. Management, once it has decided to schedule administrative non-duty days for weekends and holidays, will schedule non–duty weekends and holidays in an equitable manner among nurses. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Section 5 [N]
  18. Employees normally have fifteen and a half hours of non–duty time between shifts. National Union of Hospital & Health Care Employees, AFL–CIO, District 1199, 28 FLRA 435, Proposal 15, Section 4.c [NN]
  19. Agency to assign certain union officials permanently to the day shift. National Union of Hospital & Health Care Employees, AFL–CIO, District 1199, 28 FLRA 435, Proposal 3 [N]
  20. Requests for changes in schedules or trades of days off will not be unreasonably denied. National Union of Hospital & Health Care Employees, AFL–CIO, District 1199, 28 FLRA 435, Proposal 15, Section 5 [N]
  21. Changing the duration of shift rotations of a cook foreman from monthly to quarterly. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 683, 30 FLRA 497 [NN]
  22. Shift changes to be based on seniority. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2029, 30 FLRA 650, Proposal 1 [N]
  23. Stating that full–time employees will be scheduled 40 hours per week. New York State Nurses Association, 30 FLRA 706, Proposal 7 [NN]
  24. Prescribing weekends off and precluding split days off. New York State Nurses Association, 30 FLRA 706, Proposal 13, Section 8.03 [NN]
  25. Allowing employees to request evening and night tours as permanent assignments, and stating that such requests may be granted subject to performance and staffing needs. New York State Nurses Association, 30 FLRA 706, Proposal 13, Section 8.05 [N]
  26. Management ensures that rotation was necessary and that the agency makes every effort to obtain volunteers for shifts. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360 Proposal 21, Section 2 (third and fourth sentences) [NN]
  27. Employees will not be asked to double back unless there is an absolute emergency or unless the employee requests to do so. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Section 6 (first sentence) [NN]
  28. Each employee has a 20 minute rest break within each half of an employee’s workday. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Section 10 (first sentence) [N]
  29. Management grants a 20 minute rest break for each 4 hours of overtime work. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Section 10 (second sentence) [N]
  30. Rest breaks may be taken away from the immediate work site. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Section 10, Sentence 3 [NN]
  31. Providing for a mutually agreed to master schedule indicating the cycle of shift rotations, duration in days of a particular shift and off-days under normal conditions. IBEW, AFL–CIO, Local 2080, 32 FLRA 347, Provision 1 (first and second sentences) [N]
  32. Limiting the number of night drills which the agency may schedule during certain hours and certain portions of a 24–hour shift. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1931, 32 FLRA 1023, Provision 12 [NN]
  33. Employees will be assigned to shifts fixed by the agency and will have rotating days off. NFFE, Local 2058, 38 FLRA 1389, Proposal 1 [N]
  34. Barring shift changes without employee consent. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2143, 48 FLRA 41 [NN, (a)(1)]
  35. Requiring the agency to schedule the third shift basic workweek for five consecutive eight–hour work days. IAMAM, AFL–CIO, 59 FLRA 830, Proposal 2 [NN, GWR]


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  1. Allowing an employee to leave home while on standby. NAGE, 12 FLRA 354, Proposal 1 [NN]

Tours of Duty/Schedules

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  1. Tours of duty will be scheduled two weeks in advance. NFFE, Local 7, 19 FLRA 176, Provision 2 [NN]
  2. Tour of duty changes be made and posted two weeks in advance. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2484, 17 FLRA 769, Provision 2 [NN]
  3. Agency to give employees two weeks advance notice of any change in tours of duty. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Council of Grain Inspection Locals, 18 FLRA 530 [NN]
  4. Agency to negotiate over the impact of any change in hours of work prior to implementation except in emergencies and to give employees at least seven days notice of changes in tours of duty except in emergencies. NFFE, Local 687, 19 FLRA 617, Proposals 1 and 2 [NN]
  5. Prohibiting the agency from changing work schedules except in emergencies. NAGE, Local R1–100H, 20 FLRA 162 [NN]
  6. Management will delay for four weeks the requirement that certain employees work a new tour of duty and the agency is obligated to post car pool or transportation notices in a preexisting medium. NTEU, 21 FLRA 667, Proposal 2 [N]
  7. Locking in established tours of duty. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Meat Grading Council of Locals, 22 FLRA 496, Proposal 1 [NN]
  8. Agency to notify the union and the employees in writing at least 14 days in advance of any change in duty hours except in an emergency. NAGE, Local R7–23, 23 FLRA 753, Proposal 1 [NN]
  9. An eleven hour break between shifts when there is a shift change and prohibiting the scheduling of two different tours of duty in the same week except to provide the eleven hour interval between shifts. NAGE, Local R14–8, 24 FLRA 126, Proposal 2 [NN]
  10. A two shift period break between shifts when an employee changes shifts and prohibition on the scheduling of more than two tours of duty during one workweek. NAGE, SEIU, AFL–CIO, 24 FLRA 147, Proposal 3 [NN]
  11. Evening relief and night duty will be distributed as equitably as possible. Colorado Nurses Association, 25 FLRA 803, Proposal 6 [N]. Reversed in Colorado Nurses Association v. Federal Labor Relations Authority, 851 F.2d 1486 (D.C. Cir. 1988).
  12. Prescribing a basic forty–hour, Monday through Friday workweek. NFFE, Local 1655, 26 FLRA 654, Proposal 3 [N]
  13. Prescribing regular tours of duty and precluding split shifts. Illinois Nurses Association, 27 FLRA 714, Proposal 3, Section 2 [NN]
  14. Scheduling of tours of duty to be fair and equitable. Illinois Nurses Association, 27 FLRA 714, Proposal 3, Section 3 (first sentence) [N]
  15. Posting of schedules covering a period of at least 4 weeks. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Section 4, Paragraph 1 (first sentence) [N]
  16. Prohibiting the agency from changing nurses’ work schedules once they have been posted, except for emergencies. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Section 4, Paragraph 2 [NN]
  17. Agency shall inform nurses of changes in their work schedules. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Section 4, Paragraph 3 [N]
  18. There should be a fair and equitable distribution of time in the scheduling of nurses’ tours of duty. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5 [N]
  19. Agency to attempt to assign newly-hired nurses to odd tours of duty after appropriate orientation. National Union of Hospital & Health Care Employees, AFL–CIO, Local 1199, 28 FLRA 435, Proposal 14 [NN]
  20. Setting work scheduling requirements for registered nurses that must be consistent with patient needs. Veterans Administration Staff Nurses Council, Local 5032, WFNHP, AFT, AFL–CIO, 29 FLRA 849 Proposal 5, Article XIV.e [N]
  21. Establishing the number of instructional days, the number of in-service days and the length of school vacations, consistent with the requirements of Alabama law. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1815, 29 FLRA 1447, Provision 1, Section 2 [NN]
  22. Stating that tours of duty will not be changed solely for the purpose of avoiding overtime pay. AFGE, Local 85, 30 FLRA 400, Proposal 11 [NN]
  23. Permitting assignment of no more than 35 hours to part–time employees. New York State Nurses Association, 30 FLRA 706, Proposal 7 [NN]
  24. Parties agree that it may be necessary to change the tour of an employee called as a witness. New York State Nurses Association, 30 FLRA 706, Proposal 17, Section 14.05 [N]
  25. The administrative workweek, or basic workweek, will be 40 hours Sunday through Saturday for full–time employees. NFFE, Council of Veteran Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Article 24, Section 1 (first sentence) [N-Except Baylor Plan Nurses]
  26. The normal tour of duty within the 40-hour basic workweek shall consist of five 8–hour days, exclusive of the 30 minute lunch period. NFFE, Council of Veteran Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Article 24, Section 1 (second sentence) [NN]
  27. The basic workweek may not extend over more than 6 days. NFFE, Council of Veteran Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Article 24, Section 1 (fourth sentence) [NN]
  28. The Medical Center Director has the authority to schedule basic workweeks including Saturday and Sundays if service needs so dictate. NFFE, Council of Veteran Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Article 24, Section 1 (third sentence) [N]
  29. Employees shall not be required to arrange for their own relief or to make staffing arrangements for any unit or tour of duty. NFFE, Council of Veteran Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Article 24, Section 4 [NN]
  30. Employees may exchange tours of duty or day within a tour with the supervisor’s permission. NFFE, Council of Veteran Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 21, Article 24, Section 5 [NN]
  31. Employees’ schedules will be arranged so that they work not more than a stated number of consecutive workdays in one administrative workweek. NFFE, Local 2058, 38 FLRA 1389, Proposal 1 [N]
  32. Accommodation of employees’ work schedules to their personal religious beliefs. NTEU, 39 FLRA 27, Provision 2 [NN]
  33. Employees may not work more than 16 hours within a 24–hour period without the Garrison Commander’s approval. AFGE, Local 2022, 40 FLRA 371, Proposal 4, Article 18, Section 18–6 [NN]
  34. Defining the tour of duty for police officers as an 8-hour day and placing employees in a duty status for the entire 8 hours. NAGE, Local R12–33, 40 FLRA 479 [NN]
  35. Requiring the agency to adjust employee work schedules so that the employees can attend weekend National Guard drills during their off–duty time rather than on annual leave or on leave–without–pay. NAGE, Local R1–109, 43 FLRA 1140 [N]
  36. Precluding management from changing employees’ tours of duty to include a holiday within their regularly scheduled workweek solely to avoid payment of overtime. NAGE, Local R14–52, 44 FLRA 738, Provision 2 [NN, to the extent that it applies to employees subject to Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 610.121].
  37. Under normal circumstances, employees will work 5 consecutive days, Monday through Friday, at least 8 hours a day. AFGE, Local 3157, 44 FLRA 1570, Proposal 1 [N]
  38. Under normal circumstances, management will schedule each employee's starting and quitting times for a workweek not later than 2:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the workweek. AFGE, Local 3157, 44 FLRA 1570, Proposal 2, Sentence 1 [N]
  39. Establishing three 8–hour tours of duty and two l2–hour tours of duty. AFGE, Local 3157, 44 FLRA 1570, Proposal 3 [N]
  40. Under normal circumstances, no employee will be required to work more than 8 hours a day for more than 3 consecutive workdays. AFGE, Local 3157, 44 FLRA 1570, Proposal 5 [N]
  41. Precluding the agency from assigning employees to work more than 12 hours in a 24–hour period except during abnormal, unplanned or unforeseen circumstances. AFGE, Local 3769, 45 FLRA 92, Article II, Section E (first sentence) [NN]
  42. Seeking to retain an established tour of duty. AFGE, Local 2145, 48 FLRA 53 [PN, (b)(1)]
  43. Maintaining the current practice of assigning police officers in the bargaining unit to fixed schedules. Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 1–F, 51 FLRA 143 [NN, (a)(1)]
  44. Designating the Associate Commissioner, Enforcement, as responsible for approving or denying requests for tour extensions and home leave and requires that decisions on such requests be consistent with Government–wide and agency policies and regulations. AFGE, National Border Patrol Council, 51 FLRA 1308, Provision 1 [NN, (a)(2)(A) and (B)]
  45. The length of tours of duty at overseas posts. AFGE, National Border Patrol Council, 51 FLRA 1308, Provision 3 [NN, (a)(2)(A)]
  46. Limiting the agency’s authority to adjust tours of duty. AFGE, National Border Patrol Council, 51 FLRA 1308, Provision 4 [NN, (a)(2)(A) and (B)]
  47. Obligating the agency to place an employee whose tour of duty overseas has been involuntarily extended for more than 6 months in one of three funded vacancies chosen by the employee. AFGE, National Border Patrol Council, 51 FLRA 1308, Provision 6 [NN, (a)(2) (C)(ii)]
  48. Permitting management to make changes in tours of duty with less than 7 days’ notice only when there is an emergency that would hamper accomplishment of the agency’s mission. AFGE, Local 1815, 53 FLRA 606, Provision 10, Article 10, Section 4 [NN, GWR]
  49. Establishing the three fire inspectors' schedules, and would permit the agency to rotate inspectors from one station to another and to determine which individual inspectors would be assigned which shifts. IAFF, 59 FLRA 832 [NN, (a)(2)(A)]
  50. Supervisors required to complete the bidding process for assignment to particular watch schedules before unit employees undertake their bidding. NATCA, AFL–CIO, 61 FLRA 336, Provisions 2 and 3 [N, (b)(2)]


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  1. Restrictions on the kind, duration, and the scheduling of work. IAFF, Local F–48, 3 FLRA 489, Proposal 1 [NN]
  2. Deviations in approved workdays and workweeks may occur only after consultation with the union. NFFE, Local 7, 19 FLRA 176, Provision 1 [NN]
  3. Agency to keep a gate to the Base open during the currently scheduled hours. AFGE, Local 987, 24 FLRA 940 [NN]

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