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  1. Utilizing supervisory employees to cover a processing assignment except when a qualified unit employee is not available or in cases of emergency. AFGE, National Joint Council of Food Inspection Locals, 9 FLRA 663, Proposal 1 [NN]
  2. Establishing which inspectors already assigned “slaughter” or “processing” work will receive overtime for those kinds of work. AFGE, National Joint Council of Food Inspection Locals, 9 FLRA 663, Proposal 1 [N]
  3. Fair and equal distribution of overtime work according to overtime rosters where employees do not all perform the same duties. AFGE, International Council of U.S. Marshals Service Locals, 11 FLRA 672, Proposal 3 [NN]
  4. Prohibiting the assignment of overtime work to employees outside of the bargaining unit. AFGE, International Council of U.S. Marshals Service Locals, 11 FLRA 672, Proposal 2 [NN]
  5. Limiting mandatory overtime to emergency situations. NFFE, Council of Consolidated SSA Locals, 13 FLRA 422, Proposal 2 [NN]
  6. Limiting overtime to bargaining unit employees. AFGE, Local 1409, 16 FLRA 352, Provision 1, Article X [NN]
  7. Limiting overtime assignments to a reasonable amount. NFFE, Local 1622, 16 FLRA 998, Provision 1 [NN]
  8. Management to relieve an employee from an overtime assignment if another qualified employee is available and willing to work. NFFE, Local 1622, 16 FLRA 998, Provision 2 [N]
  9. Prohibiting the agency from requiring an employee to work overtime if the employee feels it will affect his/her efficiency, health or emotional stability. AFGE, Local 2094, 22 FLRA 710, Proposal 4 [NN]
  10. Agency to first consider division employees when assigning overtime. AFGE, Council of Prison Locals, Local 171, 23 FLRA 224, Provision 1, Article 18 [N]
  11. Agency to assign overtime work to employees it determines to be qualified in inverse order of seniority. International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America, AFL–CIO, Local 2, 25 FLRA 113, Provision 5, Article 10 [N]
  12. Allowing an employee to refuse overtime for a “legitimate reason,” if the agency can find a replacement who is both available and qualified to perform the work. International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America, AFL–CIO, Local 2, 25 FLRA 113, Provision 9, Article 10 [N]
  13. Prohibiting the agency from assigning weekend or holiday overtime work to employees who do not regularly work the corresponding week shift. International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers of North America, AFL–CIO, Local 2, 25 FLRA 113, Article 10, Provision 6 [NN]
  14. Precluding the agency from requiring any employee to work overtime unless the overtime work is necessitated by an “unusually heavy” workload. International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers of North America, AFL–CIO, Local 2, 25 FLRA 113, Article 10, Provision 8 [NN]
  15. The agency will make every effort not to assign FLSA exempt employees overtime beyond that for which they can be paid under Title 5. Local 3, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, 25 FLRA 714, Provision 1, Article 9, Section 10 [N]
  16. Barring disapproval of emergency leave requests solely on basis that the employee is needed to perform overtime work. AFGE, Local 1858, 27 FLRA 69, Provision 9, Article 47, Section 1.a [NN]
  17. Providing overtime as an option available to the agency when notified by an employee of his inability to complete his duties during his regular schedule. Illinois Nurses Association, 27 FLRA 714, Proposal 3, Section 11, Article XII [N]
  18. Calling for the equitable distribution of overtime. AFGE, Local 1770, 28 FLRA 493, Provision, 2, Section 4, Article 10 [N]
  19. Employees called in to work outside of their normal hours to be excused upon completion of the work for which they were summoned. AFGE, Local 1770, Provision 2, Section 6, Article 10, 28 FLRA 493 [NN]
  20. Preventing management from assigning overtime work on a federal holiday if the purpose of the assignment is to avoid assigning overtime work that otherwise would be assigned on a day outside the basic workweek. AFGE, Local 1815, 28 FLRA 1172, Provision 4, Article 12, Section 8 [NN]
  21. Employer will make a reasonable effort to have overtime work performed by qualified volunteers; absent qualified volunteers, a reasonable effort shall be made to assign overtime work to employees performing the task during the workday; a supervisor will seek to equitably rotate overtime assignments among employees under their supervision. NFFE, Local 1853, 29 FLRA 94, Provision 3 [N]
  22. Permitting overtime assignments to registered nurses only when necessary functions cannot be performed during basic workweek. VA Staff Nurses Council, Local 5032, WFNHP, AFT, 29 FLRA 849, Proposal 7, Article XV [NN]
  23. Requiring the employer to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the opportunity to work overtime is shared equally among employees who are normally assigned to the work. NFFE, 29 FLRA 1491, Provision 10, Article XX, Section 2.3(b) [N]
  24. Seeking to restrict the ability of the agency to assign certain overtime work to non-unit employees. AFGE, Council 214, 29 FLRA 1587, Provision 2, Article IX, Section 2 [NN]
  25. Two days’ notice of scheduled overtime. AFGE, Local 85, 30 FLRA 400, Proposal 3, Article XV [N]
  26. Making the assignment of overtime work conditional on the availability of lower–or higher–graded employees. AFGE, Local 85, 30 FLRA 400, Proposal 4, Article XV [NN]
  27. Stating that emergency overtime will not be compulsory. AFGE, Local 85, 30 FLRA 400, Proposal 5, Article XV (first sentence) [NN]
  28. Mandating a procedure for selecting people for overtime that precludes management from making qualification determinations. AFGE, Local 85, 30 FLRA 400, Proposal 5 (second sentence) [NN]
  29. Management will not assign to higher–graded employees overtime work normally performed by lower grade employees if such employees are available. AFGE, Local 2029, 30 FLRA 650, Proposal 2, Article 12 [NN]
  30. An employee scheduled to work 8 hours overtime on Saturday or Sunday to be released only after 4 hours if the activity determines his services are not needed for 8 hours. AFGE, Local 1625, 30 FLRA 1105, Provision 1, Article IV, Section 909 [NN]
  31. Employees to be excused from overtime if it would adversely affect health/safety of the employee as determined by the Base Medical Authority. AFGE, Local 2354, 30 FLRA 1130, Provision 3, Article 9, Section A (fourth sentence) [N]
  32. Preventing management from assigning work on a holiday to avoid assigning overtime work. Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, 31 FLRA 131, Provision 7, Article 18, Section 3 [NN]
  33. Agency, in designing overtime schedules for continuing periods of weekend work, to make a reasonable effort to preserve 1 day off for employees scheduled to work 2 consecutive weekends. Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, 31 FLRA 131, Provision 5, Article 16, Section 13 [N]
  34. Agency, in designing overtime schedules for continuing periods of weekend work, to schedule 1 weekend off after 4 consecutive weekends it schedules an employee except where management determines there is an emergency. Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, 31 FLRA 131, Provision 6, Article 16, Section 14a [N]
  35. Preventing the agency from changing schedules to avoid payment of overtime, even when the agency determines that the requirements of title 5, United States Code, section 6101(a) (3)(A) and title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 610.121(a) are met. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local 726, 31 FLRA 158, Provision 3, Article 13, Section 3 [NN]
  36. An employee will not be brought into a shop to work overtime when there are qualified employees in that shop who desire to work the overtime but have not been so assigned. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local 726, 31 FLRA 158, Provision 5, Article 13, Section 13 [N]
  37. Volunteers to be solicited as the step prior to making on–call assignments. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360 [N]
  38. Providing for a notice period which would be “normally” at least 2 days before assigning employee overtime work. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 22, Section 9 [NN]
  39. Permitting an employee to be scheduled for an overtime assignment even if the overtime assignment would result in the employee working a 16–hour shift. Portsmouth Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, AFL–CIO, 31 FLRA 1006 [N]
  40. Employee’s performance must be at the fully successful level or better in order for the employee to be eligible for overtime work. AFGE, Local 2761, 32 FLRA 1006, Provision 1 [NN]
  41. Agency to obtain the union’s agreement before the agency may deviate from the rotational system of overtime assignments when it determines that a specific project requires employees with specific expertise. AFGE Local 2761, 32 FLRA 1006, Provision 2 [NN]
  42. Preventing the agency from assigning an employee overtime in excess of 4 hours per day unless unusual circumstances exist. AFGE, Local 1931, 32 FLRA 1023, Provision 13 [NN]
  43. The starting time for overtime assignment scheduled on Saturday will be the same as for the regular workweek, unless a majority of the affected employees agree to a different starting time. NAGE, SEIU, AFL–CIO, 40 FLRA 657, Provision 5 [NN]
  44. Overtime will normally be scheduled in 8-hour blocks on Saturday. NAGE, SEIU, AFL–CIO, 40 FLRA 657, Provision 4 [N]
  45. Requiring the agency not to assign overtime when employees are unable to work for medical reasons, justifiable emergencies, or unavoidable personal situations. NFFE, Local 405, 42 FLRA 1112, Proposal 23 [N]
  46. Establishing a procedure for the rotational assignment of overtime. NAGE, Local R14–52, 44 FLRA 738, Provision 1, Article XII, Section 3a [N]
  47. Requiring the agency to provide advance notification to employees of overtime assignments. AFGE, Local 1658, 44 FLRA 1375, Provision 7, Section C [N]
  48. Precluding the agency from assigning overtime that involves duties and functions that are below an employee’s grade level. AFGE, Local 1658, 44 FLRA 1375, Provision 7, Section D [NN]
  49. Prohibiting the agency from compelling employees to work overtime unless it is necessary to accomplish essential mission and function related requirements. AFGE, Local 1658, 44 FLRA 1375, Provision 7, Section G [NN]
  50. Requiring management to assign and rotate overtime fairly and objectively. NTEU, 46 FLRA 696, Provision 27 [NN]
  51. Authorizing qualified employees to exchange certain overtime assignments. NTEU, 46 FLRA 696, Provision 28 [N]
  52. The assignment of overtime. National Association of Agriculture Employees, Local 39, 49 FLRA 319, Proposals 4 and 5 [N, (b)(2)]
  53. Conditioning the assignment of overtime on the assignment of training in connection with overtime assignments. NTEU, 53 FLRA 539, Article 15, Section 4 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  54. Requiring management to provide employees who work more than 4 hours of overtime with a compensated meal break. AFGE, Local 1815, 53 FLRA 606, Provision 11 [NN, LAW]
  55. Requiring the agency to address inequalities to bargaining unit employees caused by overtime work not being equally divisible during the calendar year among available qualified persons, in the following year. ACT, Granite State Chapter, 55 FLRA 476, Proposal d [N]
  56. Assignment of overtime. AFGE, Local 1302, 55 FLRA 1078 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]

Call Back

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  1. Requiring four hours as the minimum amount of call back overtime. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 2080, 10 FLRA 222, Proposal 3, Article 6.6 [NN]
  2. Limiting the work assigned to a called back employee to the emergency work leading to the call back. NFFE, Local 1380, 11 FLRA 129 [NN]
  3. An employee called back to work outside his/her normal shift will be paid a minimum of four hours overtime. NFFE, Local 1380, 11 FLRA 129 [NN]
  4. Setting four hours pay as the minimum for call back overtime. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 570, 14 FLRA 432, Proposal 6, Article V, Section 5 [NN]
  5. Guaranteeing an employee a minimum of four hours of work when scheduled for overtime outside the employee‘s basic workweek. AFGE, Mint Council 157, 19 FLRA 640, Provision 1, Article 11, Section 11–5(b) [NN]
  6. Agency to pay a minimum of four hours overtime to employees held over for overtime work. AFGE, Local 2612, 19 FLRA 1012, Proposal 1 [NN]
  7. Overtime compensation for at least two hours whenever an employee was called back to work outside of normal duty hours whether or not two hours of overtime work was required. AFGE, Local 1770, 28 FLRA 493, Article 10, Section 4 [N]
  8. Employees called in to work outside of their basic work week would be guaranteed a minimum of 2 hours of work and shall be excused upon completion of the task they were called in to perform. AFGE, Council 214, 29 FLRA 1587, Provision 3, Article IX, Section 6 [NN]
  9. Management to release an employee called back after the employee performs the call back work. AFGE, Local 85, 30 FLRA 400, Proposal 6, Article XV [NN]
  10. Guaranteeing at least 4 hours pay when employee is called back. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local 726, 31 FLRA 158, Provision 7 [NN]
  11. Payment of a minimum of 4 hours of overtime for officers’ scheduled court appearances on their regular days off. Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #1F, 32 FLRA 944, Proposal 2 [NN]
  12. Employees called back to work outside of their regularly scheduled hours of duty to be excused upon completion of the job that they were called in to perform. AFGE, Local 53, 42 FLRA 938, Provision 2 [NN]
  13. Any employee who reports to perform overtime work at the request of management will be paid for not less than 4 hours of work at the applicable non–straight time rate. AFGE, Local 1357, 44 FLRA 1570, Proposal 4 [NN]

Double Time/Premium Pay

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  1. Payment of double time for work performed on Sundays in excess of forty hours a week. AFGE, Council of Federal Grain Inspection Locals, 3 FLRA 530 [NN]
  2. Rates of premium pay to be paid under certain conditions. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 2080, 10 FLRA 222, Proposal 2, Article 6.1 [NN]
  3. Premium pay at time and one–half for all hours worked when the agency fails to comply with the overtime schedule and notice requirement. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 2080, 10 FLRA 222, Proposal 1, Article 5.8 [NN]
  4. Double time for overtime in excess of 2 hours, Saturday overtime in excess of 8 hours, and all Sunday work. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 570, 14 FLRA 432, Proposal 4, [NN]
  5. Overtime pay for Saturday, Sunday and holiday work and for work performed between 1900 and 0700 regardless of whether the employee has worked more than 8 hours in a single day or 40 hours in a week. Radio Officers Union, 19 FLRA 632, Proposal 1, Article III, Section 5B [NN]
  6. Permitting employees who work more than regular working hours to choose to be paid for the overtime or to take compensatory time. Radio Officers Union, 19 FLRA 632, Proposal 2, Article 1, Section 15D [NN]
  7. Agency to pay union negotiators overtime for negotiations when negotiations occur outside the employees’ normal duty hours. Patent Office Professional Association, 21 FLRA 580, Proposal 1, Section 3 [NN]
  8. Agency to pay overtime or grant compensatory time to union negotiators when negotiations extend beyond normal duty hours. AFGE, National EPA Council, 21 FLRA 635, Proposal 2 [NN]
  9. Time spent in negotiation will not be used in computing the average number of hours of administratively uncontrollable overtime for employees serving as union negotiators. National Border Patrol Council, AFGE, 23 FLRA 106 [N]
  10. Agency will credit the employees on detail for the same percentage of administratively uncontrollable overtime they worked before the detail for purposes of computing the overall average. AFGE, National Border Patrol Council, 23 FLRA 146, Proposal 1 [N]
  11. Prohibiting the establishment or modification of a tour of duty to avoid the payment of holiday or overtime pay. AFGE, Local 2182, 26 FLRA 600, Provision 5, Article 35 [NN]
  12. Agency shall grant compensatory time off and shall in each instance afford the employee the opportunity to work compensatory overtime in order to repay the compensatory time off. AFGE, National Immigration and Naturalization Service Council, 27 FLRA 467, Provision 4(2) [N]
  13. Compensatory time for labor–management meetings. National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, District 1199, 28 FLRA 435, Proposal 2, Section 4, Paragraph 2 [NN]
  14. Overtime pay or compensatory time for any overtime work. AFGE, Local 1770, 28 FLRA 493, Provision 2, Article 10, Section 3 [N]
  15. Providing overtime compensation for any work performed before or after regular hours. AFGE, Local 1770, 28 FLRA 493, Provision 2, Article 10, Section 7 [N]
  16. Seeking to fix overtime pay rates when employees are directed by management to perform work beyond normal duty hours. Overseas Education Association, 29 FLRA 485, Proposal 3 [N]
  17. If a substituting assignment results in a loss of scheduled preparation time or otherwise causes additional work beyond the normal duty day, the employee will be paid overtime or be granted compensatory time. Overseas Education Association, 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 8, Article 18 [N]
  18. Concerning the fixing of rates of overtime pay for teachers employed by the agency overseas. Overseas Education Association, 29 FLRA 734, Proposals 28 and 29 [N]
  19. Teachers have a normal workday of 6 hours and any additional duties performed by the teachers would require the payment of overtime consistent with the parties’ agreement. Overseas Education Association, 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 35 [N]
  20. Concerning overtime pay for nurses under Title 38. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 22, Article 25 [N]
  21. Travel to be scheduled during duty hours “in so far as practicable” and that overtime be paid for travel in accordance with governing law and regulations. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Article 25, Section 8 [N]
  22. An employee who works more than (40) hours per week or (8) hours per day shall be compensated in accordance with the law for such work by either receiving overtime pay or compensatory time off for those hours. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Article 25, Section 10 [N]
  23. Providing for an unpaid lunch period after 4 consecutive hours of work and that employees who are required to work all or part of their scheduled lunch period shall be paid overtime for such time worked. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Article 25, Section 11 [N]
  24. Requiring the agency to grant General Schedule employees compensatory time off instead of overtime. NFFE, Local 405, 42 FLRA 1112, Proposal 24 [N]
  25. Allowing bargaining unit employees to convert payment for overtime work to leave days. International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots, 47 FLRA 218 [NN]
  26. Requiring the agency to pay employees overtime compensation for 8 hours of Sunday overtime in circumstances where they do not actually perform 8 hours’ work. NAGE, 48 FLRA 639 [NN, LAW]. Remanded to the Federal Labor Relations Authority in National Association of Agriculture Employees v. Federal Labor Relations Authority, No. 94-1033 (D.C. Cir. 1994). On remand, NAGE, 51 FLRA 843 [NN, LAW]. Upheld in National Association of Agriculture Employees v. Federal Labor Relations Authority, 106 F.3d 442 (D.C. Circuit 1996).
  27. Requiring the agency to pay an employee the equivalent of 2 hours at the appropriate overtime rate when scheduled overtime is canceled less than 4 hours from the end of the employee’s last regularly scheduled shift. AFGE, Local 3062, 51 FLRA 229, Proposal 2-2d [NN, LAW]
  28. Providing for compensation at twice the normal rate for all emergency and unscheduled overtime. AFGE, Local 3062, 51 FLRA 229, Proposal 2-3b [N]
  29. Limiting the application of the double time rate by describing certain circumstances when overtime will be paid at the time–and–one half rate instead of the double time rate. AFGE, Local 3062, 51 FLRA 229, Proposal 2-3c [N]
  30. The proposed change mandating the forfeiture of compensatory time not taken within 26 pay periods is unacceptable to the union. AFGE, Locals 3807 and 3824, 55 FLRA l, Proposal 1 [N]
  31. The continuing practice of paying overtime for compensatory time not used within 26 pay periods would be acceptable. AFGE, Locals 3807 and 3824, 55 FLRA 1, Proposal 2 [N]
  32. An employee, rather than a manager, would decide whether the employee would receive compensatory time or overtime pay for overtime worked. AFGE, Locals 3807 and 3824, 55 FLRA 1, Proposal 3 [N]
  33. When the agency is authorized to do so by the passage of pending legislation, the agency will allow unit members to receive 1.5 hours of compensatory time for every hour of overtime worked. AFGE, Locals 3807 and 3824, 55 FLRA 1, Proposal 4 [N]
  34. Requiring the agency to maintain the original schedule of the five administrative health technicians and to use overtime and compensatory time to address patient care issues. NAGE, Local R1–109, 56 FLRA 1043, Proposal 1 [PN, (b)(1)]


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  1. Providing transportation to their homes to employees required to work unscheduled overtime. AFGE Local 1799, 20 FLRA 803, Article 10, Section 9 [NN]
  2. Agency either to provide transportation home or defray the cost of such transportation for an employee directed to work overtime, who does not have transportation home at the conclusion of the overtime hours. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 33 FLRA 711 [NN]
  3. Requiring the agency to ensure transportation home for employees who work scheduled or unscheduled overtime and who are unable, after a reasonable effort, to find transportation. NFFE, Local R12-29, Proposal 1, 43 FLRA 810 [N]


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  1. Establishing a seven–day work period for the purpose of computing overtime. International Association of Fire Firefighters, Local F–61, 3 FLRA 438, Proposal IV, Article X [N]
  2. Prohibiting the assignment of overtime work to employees outside the bargaining unit. AFGE, International Council of U.S. Marshals Service Locals, 11 FLRA 672, Proposal 2 [NN]
  3. Limiting overtime work to bargaining unit. AFGE Local 1409, 16 FLRA 352, Provision 1, Article 10 [NN]
  4. Establishing the meaning of the term “qualified” for the purpose of overtime assignments. AFGE, Local 2182, 26 FLRA 600, Provision 6 [NN]
  5. Overtime/compensatory time to be in accord with agency regulations. National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, District 1199, 28 FLRA 435 [N]
  6. Method of scheduling overtime will be negotiated in “local supplement agreement.” NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 22, Section 4 [N]
  7. Management to maintain records of overtime assignments it has made. NFFE, Council of VA Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 22, Section 4 [N]
  8. Reserving to the union the right to bargain on the subject of overtime. NFFE, Local 405, 42 FLRA 1112, Proposal 22 [N]

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