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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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  1. Parties may file exceptions to an award with the Authority under regulations prescribed by the Authority. AFGE, 29 FLRA 3, Provision 15 [N]
  2. Prior to meeting with the arbitrator, the parties will meet to define the issue to be arbitrated. AFGE, 29 FLRA 1587, Provision 9 [N]
  3. Agency to reassign unit employees who participate in arbitration hearings to the day shift for the week(s) during which the hearings take place. AFGE, 30 FLRA 797, Proposal 2 [N]
  4. Arbitration award to be binding and implemented immediately in absence of notice to union within 30 days of date of the award of intent to file exceptions. AFGE, 30 FLRA 1105, Provision 2 [NN]
  5. Setting forth a procedure for invoking binding arbitration which does not provide for prior Panel approval. NTEU, 35 FLRA 7 [NN]
  6. Setting forth a procedure for binding arbitration which does not provide for prior Panel approval of the procedure. NTEU, 35 FLRA 26 [NN]
  7. The union may establish an arbitration fund to which unit employees who are not union members would contribute. NTEU, 46 FLRA 696, Provision 1 [NN]


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  1. Union appointed members on a board which judges allegations of traffic violations. NFFE, 15 FLRA 134 [NN]
  2. Establishing a joint committee to discuss union objections to a proposed employee handbook. AFGE, 17 FLRA 550, Proposal 1 [N]
  3. Establishing a joint committee to explore the feasibility of quality circles. AFGE, 17 FLRA 674, Proposal 3 [PN, (b)(1)]
  4. Equal representation from all departments on committees to make recommendations on textbook adoptions, grade cards, parent conference forms, and other items. Fort Knox Teachers Association, 22 FLRA 815 [NN]
  5. Agency to inform the union of management decisions to establish investigative or fact-finding committees affecting unit employees, and to consider employees nominated by the union for appointment to such committees. AFGE, 27 FLRA 52, Proposal 1 [N]
  6. Union representation on all nursing services committees, even those involving management’s internal business. National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, 28 FLRA 435, Proposal 2, Section 1 [NN]
  7. Union nominees to have seats on peer review board through which management exercises its § 7106 rights to hire, retain and remove. National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, 28 FLRA 435, Proposal 2, Section 2 [NN]
  8. Establishment of a joint labor–management committee to review and evaluate the impact and implementation of the Compensatory Education Manual. Overseas Education Association, 28 FLRA 700, Proposal 3 [N]
  9. Participation by unit employees on the Student Activity Fund Councils shall be voluntary and shall normally be done during an employee’s duty day. Overseas Education Association, 28 FLRA 936, Proposal 1 [NN]
  10. Union representative shall be a member of the state review board. Association of Civilian Technicians, Columbine Council, 28 FLRA 969 [NN]
  11. Agency to appoint one member designated by the union to each “Dean Committee.” AFGE, AFL-CIO, National Council of VA Locals, 29 FLRA 515, Proposal 10 [NN]
  12. Establishment of joint labor–management committees whose purpose is to make recommendations concerning the improvement of the work place. Overseas Education Association, 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 36 [N]
  13. Establishing a labor/management committee which provides that the agency agree to include on its team a Deputy State Director or higher level official. NFFE, 29 FLRA 1491, Provision 15 [NN]
  14. Giving the union the right to designate the union representative on the data collection team. New York State Nurses Association, 30 FLRA 706, Proposal 14 (third sentence) [NN]
  15. Permitting the union to have a permanent voting representative on the Invention Evaluation Committee. NFFE, 35 FLRA 1052 [NN]
  16. Providing for the establishment of a joint labor–management committee to make recommendations concerning matters pertaining to the use of the Agency’s Data Integration System. NFFE, 44 FLRA 637, Proposal 5 [N]
  17. Establishing a joint labor-management committee to address conflict of interest issues which are the result of currently employed examiners seeking employment outside the agency. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 22 [N]
  18. Creating a Runway Incursion Work Group with equal numbers of members selected by and representing the Agency and Union. NATCA, 61 FLRA 658, Section 2 [NN, (a)(1) and (a)(2)(A) and (B)]

Debt Collection

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  1. Preserving the scope of the negotiated grievance procedure for an employee who is initially determined to be indebted. NFFE, 32 FLRA 721, disputed section 1 of the proposal [N]
  2. Providing the employee with a written explanation of his/her rights under the negotiated grievance procedure. NFFE, 32 FLRA 721, disputed section 2.b.4 of the proposal [N]
  3. Establishing a 45–day notice period. NFFE, 32 FLRA 721, section 2b. of the proposal [N]
  4. Requiring hearings which are held to be conducted in the employee’s commuting areas and allowing arbitrators who are not Department of Defense employees to be hearing officers. NFFE, 32 FLRA 721, section 3 of the proposal [N]
  5. Permitting a blanket waiver of charges relating to the cost of processing claims of indebtedness owed to the US by its employees. NFFE, 32 FLRA 721, Section 4 [NN]
  6. Establishing the procedures to be followed when the activity planned to collect debts involving overpayments and allowances allegedly owed by bargaining unit employees. AFGE, 33 FLRA 691 [N]
  7. Prescribing procedures to be followed by the agency prior to collecting, through deductions from pay, debts owed to the Federal Government by bargaining unit employees. NAGE, 37 FLRA 500, Proposal 1 [NN]
  8. Prescribing procedures covering employment-related debts owed by unit employees to the agency. NAGE, 37 FLRA 500, Proposal 1 [N]


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  1. Fitness–for–duty examination may be required when an employee is unable to perform his or her assigned duties and assignment to other duties is not practicable. AFGE, AFL-CIO, 32 FLRA 1023, Provision 31 (first sentence) [NN]
  2. Allowing an employee who undergoes a fitness–for–duty examination to refuse to be examined by a physician designated by the agency and instead, request to be examined by a physician chosen by the employee at the agency's expense. AFGE, AFL–CIO, 32 FLRA 1023, Provision 31 (second and third sentences) [NN]
  3. Allowing the agency to make a decision concerning the retention of an employee in an assigned position in accordance with the findings of the fitness–for–duty examination and in accordance with existing regulations. AFGE, AFL–CIO, 32 FLRA 1023, Provision 31 (fifth sentence) [N]
  4. Requiring the agency to inform employees who are required to submit to a fitness–for–duty examination that they may be examined at the agency's medical facilities or by a physician chosen by the employee. AFGE, AFL–CIO, 32 FLRA 1023, Provision 40 [NN]

Grooming Standards

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  1. Adherence to grooming standards to ensure immigration officers are recognized as representatives of the agency. AFGE, AFL-CIO, National Immigration and Naturalization Service Council, 8 FLRA 347 [NN]
  2. Grooming standards, provided they do not conflict with the agency objective. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Immigration and Naturalization Service Council, 8 FLRA 347, Proposal 3 [PN]
  3. Grooming standards may not be applied to civilian technicians during the technician’s workweek. NAGE, SEIU, AFL–CIO, 26 FLRA 515, Proposal 10 [NN]


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  1. Agency will not lock–out employees during the term of the agreement. Fort Teachers Association, 27 FLRA 203, Provision 1 [N]

Political Action Fund

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  1. Providing all legal and regulatory requirements are complied with, the employer agrees to honor political action fund contribution deduction authorizations from bargaining unit employees. Nat’l Association of Air Traffic Specialists, 6 FLRA 588, Proposal IV [NN]
  2. Agency to establish a payroll deduction for employees' contributions to a political fund. Overseas Education Association, 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 66 [NN]

Quality of Worklife

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  1. Providing for training for union officials in operation of the program and providing for the identification and training of labor management facilitator. NFFE, 27 FLRA 239, Proposal 4, sections 7 and 14 [N]
  2. Substantive changes in employee duties/assignments as a result of quality of work life activities will be reflected as necessary in the employee's position description, performance standards and related documents in accordance with the performance appraisal system. NFFE, 27 FLRA 239, Proposal 4, section 13 [N]


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  1. The agency to seek an advisory opinion from Office of Personnel Management concerning whether the incumbents of the Recovery Reviewer position are eligible for Discontinued Service. AFGE, National Council of Social Security Payment Center Locals, 47 FLRA 439 [N]
  2. If Office of Personnel Management determines that an employee is entitled to an annuity under title 5, United States Code, sections 8336(d)(1) and 8414(b) (l)(A), the agency will honor that entitlement. AFGE, National Council of Social Security Payment Center Locals, 47 FLRA 439 [N]


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  1. Requiring the agency to provide probationary employees with 5 workdays’ advance notice of terminations not based on disciplinary reasons. AFGE, Council of Marine Corps Locals, 35 FLRA 1023 [NN]
  2. Requiring the agency to provide temporary employees with 5 workdays’ advance notice of terminations expiration of a temporary appointment. AFGE, Council of Marine Corps Locals, 35 FLRA 1023 [N]

Time Cards/Clock

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  1. Unit employees may fill out time cards manually rather than through the use of a time clock. Planners, Estimators and Progressmen Association, 13 FLRA 455 [N]

Total Quality Management

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  1. Pertaining to the use of volunteers for the total quality management program. AFGE, 47 FLRA 512, Provisions 1, 2 and 3 [NN]
  2. Relating to the number of management representatives on a process action team. AFGE, 47 FLRA 512, Provision 4 [NN]


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  1. Dealing with the military aspects of technician employment. Association of Civilian Technicians, Pennsylvania State Council, 3 FLRA 50, Paragraph C of the proposal [NN]
  2. Informing the taxpayer at the beginning of the conversation that the call is subject to monitoring. NTEU, 6 FLRA 522, Proposal VI [NN]
  3. Designating a unit as a combat unit. NFFE, 7 FLRA 732 [NN]
  4. Prohibiting the disclosure to complaining member of the public of the identity of employee involved. NTEU, 8 FLRA 3 [NN]
  5. Concerning efforts by the agency to recycle paper and to use recycled paper. NFGE, Council of Consolidated Social Security Administration Locals, 13 FLRA 422, Proposals 3 and 4 [NN]
  6. Concerning radio transmitting and monitoring at a pilot duty station. International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots, 13 FLRA 508 [NN]
  7. Concerning radio equipment to be used on launches. International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots, 13 FLRA 508, Proposals 1 and 2 [NN]
  8. Prohibiting the possession of a license as a qualification requirement. Laborers International Union, 15 FLRA 49, Proposal 2 [NN]
  9. Dissents to technical decisions will be stored in agency files for 20 years. NFFE, Local 1979, 16 FLRA 369, Provision 2 [NN]
  10. Concerning the way report authors are listed and the use of academic titles. NFFE, Local 1979, 16 FLRA 369, Provision 3 [NN]
  11. Agency to provide the union with updated lists of cooperative agreement employees. AFGE, AFL–CIO, 23 FLRA 160, Proposal 1 [N]
  12. Agency to continue allowing employees to drink left–over coffee which has been provided to patients. NAGE, 23 FLRA 266 [NN]
  13. Permitting employees to use pseudonyms when dealing with the public. NTEU, 27 FLRA 460, Proposals 1 and 2 [N]
  14. Agency to make every effort to accommodate the practice of religious beliefs by individual employees as consistent with the needs of the service. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Immigration and Naturalization Service Council, 27 FLRA 467, Provision 4 [N]
  15. Only the issuance of a statement to bargaining unit employees of the agency’s policy regarding the circumstances under which classroom interruptions will be considered by the agency to be inappropriate. Defense Language Institute, 29 FLRA 61, Proposal 4 [N]
  16. Prevent the agency from stamping or printing geographical restrictions on unit employee’s identification cards. Overseas Education Association, Inc., 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 42 [N]
  17. Agency to negotiate the qualifications necessary for a teacher employed prior to April 1, 1980. Overseas Education Association, Inc., 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 53 [NN]
  18. Providing a definition for the term emergency to be generally applied to the parties’ negotiated agreement as a whole. AFGE, 29 FLRA 1174 [NN]
  19. Seeking to enforce the agency's prohibition on military grade inversion. Association of Civilian Technicians Pennsylvania State Council, 29 FLRA 1292, Proposal 2 [NN]
  20. Setting out general policy regarding the employment of pregnant employees. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 14, Section 2 [N]
  21. Concerning the manner in which a pregnant employee will inform the agency of her pregnancy and physical condition. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 14, Section 3 [N]
  22. Job–related reference material to be maintained at a location reasonably accessible to unit employees. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 24, Section 9 [N]
  23. Providing for the maintenance of, and access to, Official Personnel Folders. Veterans Administration Affairs, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 26 [N]
  24. Agency, in documents used to convey information to bargaining unit employees, to use the terms “employee” and “technicians” and not the term “military technician.” AFGE, AFL–CIO, 32 FLRA 785 [NN]
  25. Agency to use the terms “employee,” “technician,” and “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” or “Ms.,” instead of “military technician” and military terms of rank, in communications with bargaining unit employees. AFGE, AFL–CIO, 34 FLRA 816 [NN]
  26. The GS–12 Senior Cartographer positions will be in the bargaining unit. NFFE, 45 FLRA 52 [NN]
  27. Prohibiting supervisors from soliciting contributions for charitable and civic programs from employees under their supervision. NTEU, 49 FLRA 176, Provision 4 [N], (b)(3)]
  28. Employees reporting at their work locations. Fort Bragg and Overseas Education Association, 49 FLRA 333, Proposal 1 [N]
  29. Permitting the dependents of bargaining unit members to attend the Fort Bragg Dependent Schools. Fort Bragg Association of Educators, 49 FLRA 333, Proposal 2 [NN, LAW]
  30. Meetings of bargaining unit employees during non-instructional hours. Fort Bragg Association of Educators, 49 FLRA 333, Proposal 4 [N]
  31. Providing for the integration of the dates and times of scheduled union meetings into the school calendar. NEA, Overseas Education Association, Laurel Bay Teachers Association, 51 FLRA 733, Provision 2 [N]
  32. MOU over the implementation of the Airport Resource Management Tool (ARMT), which is designed to aid air traffic controllers in providing information about flight plans to managers, customers, airport authorities, and others, applies only to facilities where the Agency has already implemented the ARMT; and the Agency is required to give the Union notice and an opportunity to bargain if the ARMT is implemented at other facilities. NATCA, 61 FLRA 341, Section 1 [NN, LAW]

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