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Employee Standards of Conduct

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Financial Obligation

  1. Prohibiting the agency from requiring financial disclosure statements from employees below GS–16 who are not political appointees. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 3488, 12 FLRA 532, Proposal 1 [NN]
  2. Establishing criteria and procedures for determining a certifying officer’s liability and shifting the financial liability for errors from the certifying officer to the agency. NTEU, 14 FLRA 65, Proposal 1 [NN]
  3. Agency to waive any repayment obligation when an IPA assignment is terminated by management direction. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Council of HUD Locals, 14 FLRA 423 [N]
  4. Suspending the collection of indebtedness to the Government pending final action on requested waivers. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 225, 15 FLRA 607 [NN]
  5. Defining the financial interests that will be presumed to constitute a conflict of interest. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 1 [N]
  6. Providing the methods by which examiners may determine a company's industry sector so as to permit examiners to identify conflicting financial interests. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposals 2 and 3 [N]
  7. Providing a method for resolving disputes over the industry codes assigned to an examiner’s art unit or to a particular company. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 6 [N]
  8. Examiners will be told which financial holdings are barred because of their new or changed work assignments, and that management provide the information in the form specified. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 7 [N]
  9. Concerning situations when a preexisting financial interest becomes conflicting because the agency transfers an examiner to a new art unit or changes the industry sectors assigned to the examiner’s art unit. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 8 [N, (b)(3)]
  10. Specifying the actions that the agency is permitted to take when conflicts of interest arise because an examiner is assigned work that is either not typical of the work in the examiner's assigned industry sector, or the result of a temporary transfer of work. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 9 [N]
  11. Establishing certain time limits for accomplishing divestiture. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 10 [N]
  12. Specifying the actions that the agency is permitted to take when conflicts of interest arise because of an examiner’s vested interest in a pension or retirement fund. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 12 [NN, GWR]
  13. Prohibiting the agency from removing an examiner based on particular conflicts of interest. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 17 [N, (b)(3)]
  14. Providing a blanket waiver of conflicts of interest where the facts set forth in the proposal exist. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 18 [NN, GWR]
  15. Requiring an automatic waiver of conflicts of interest when the requirements set forth in the proposal are met. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 19 [NN, GWR]
  16. Requiring the agency to establish a code to enable examiners to identify on their time sheets the work time they spend fulfilling financial disclosure and conflict of interest requirements. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 23 [N, (b)(3)]
  17. Exempting examiners from including in their financial disclosure statements information concerning the interests set forth in the proposal. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 24 [NN, GWR]
  18. Requiring the agency to seek OGE approval of an alternative financial disclosure procedure that satisfies the criteria of the proposal, and would require that a union representative be included in the development and drafting of the alternative procedure. POPA, 53 FLRA 625, Proposal 25 [N]
  19. When employees required to file confidential financial disclosure forms receive those forms less than six weeks before the filing deadline, the agency would be required automatically to grant those employees an extension so that they will have a full six weeks for filing. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 1 [NN, GWR]
  20. A proposal, which would require the Designated Agency Ethics Official when that official determines that an employee has a conflict of interest, to “first” attempt to counsel the employee. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 2 [NN, GWR]
  21. Establishing criteria governing the agency’s exercise of its discretion under Office Government Ethics regulations to determine which employees will not be required to file confidential financial disclosure forms. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 3 [NN, GWR]
  22. Requiring an employee, when seeking guidance from the Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO), to provide the DAEO with “all relevant and correct information” regarding potential conflict of interest. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 4 [N]
  23. Concerning the agency’s determination of permitted or prohibited financial interests as a part of its overall determination of the framework for determining whether employees are subject to conflicts of interest in the performance of their official duties. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 5 [NN, GWR]
  24. Establishing a process and criteria to be applied when management changes an employee’s work assignment resulting in conflicts of interest of specified degrees of seriousness. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 6 [NN, GWR]
  25. Prescribing the actions that management will take when a conflict of interest results from certain specific work assignment situations. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 7 [NN, GWR]
  26. When an employee is determined to have an “intractable conflict of interest” as defined by the proposal, the agency “normally” will allow the employee to recuse him or herself or will waive the ethics requirements pertaining to conflict. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 8 [NN, GWR]
  27. When an employee has a conflict of interest that results from the current employment of the employee’s spouse or minor child, the agency “normally” will allow the employee to recuse him or herself or will waive the ethics requirements pertaining to the conflict. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 9 [NN, GWR]
  28. Requiring the Designated Agency Ethics Official, or his or her designee, to contact an employee and verify the technological area within which the employee works prior to determining that the employee has a conflict of interest and ordering the employee to divest the conflicting financial interest. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 10 [NN, GWR]
  29. Requiring that an employee be provided the opportunity to request a Certificates of Divestiture prior to being required to divest a financial interest. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 11 [NN, GWR]
  30. Where an order to divest has resulted from a specified action, the agency is required to afford the employee subject to such an order 30 days to complete the divestiture, but not before the employee's request, through the Designated Agency Ethics Official, for a Certificates of Divestiture has been granted or denied. POPA, 59 FLRA 331, Provision 12 [NN, GWR]

Outside Employment

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  1. Establishing the criteria to be used in determining whether to approve or disapprove applications for outside employment. NTEU, 3 FLRA 693, Proposal 1 [N]
  2. Outside employment to be consistent with Federal rules and regulations. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Small Business Administration Council of Locals, 6 FLRA 356 [N]
  3. Protecting employees, who nevertheless request and are granted approval by the agency, from having the agency initiate adverse action proceedings, if it subsequently disapproves of the outside employment, without advance notice to the employee. NTEU, Chapter 207, 14 FLRA 598, Proposal 3 [N]
  4. Employees shall have the right to engage in outside activities, including outside employment, except as required by law, regulation or higher authority. NFFE, Local 1798, 27 FLRA 239, Proposal 1 [N]
  5. Concerning approval of employees' requests for outside employment. NTEU, 40 FLRA 849, Article 6 [N]

Standards of Conduct

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  1. Agency to negotiate language of appropriate standards of ethical and other employee conduct within the agency before submitting them to Office of Personnel Management for approval. NTEU, 6 FLRA 522, Proposal VIII [N]
  2. Establishing rules of employee responsibility and conduct. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Joint Council of Food Inspection Locals, 9 FLRA 663, Proposal 2 [N]
  3. Providing for an employee’s right to privacy in his or her off duty conduct where that conduct does not affect job performance. Congressional Research Employees Association, 25 FLRA 306, Proposal 19 [N]
  4. Concerning conduct which would occur primarily during employees’ non–duty hours. Overseas Education Association, 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 67 [NN]


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  1. Permitting an employee to eat at his or her work station regardless of the presence of archival materials, as long as those materials are not in actual danger. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2578, 6 FLRA 477 [NN]
  2. Limiting number of loans from agency–regulated financial institutions and not restricting the number of such loans that could be obtained by agency employees. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 3385, 7 FLRA 398, Proposal II [N]
  3. Employees eat meals at their work site while performing their duties. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 3511, 12 FLRA 76, Proposal 29 [NN]
  4. Stating that the private life of an employee is his/her own affair. Defense Logistics Agency Council of AFGE Locals, AFGE, AFL–CIO, 24 FLRA 367, Provision 1 [NN]
  5. Giving employees the right to leave their offices to visit certain agency officials after notifying their supervisors. CREA, 25 FLRA 306, Proposal 18 [N]
  6. Allowing unit employees to express their own personal views, when asked, on a particular matter. Overseas Education Association, 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 67 [N]

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