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Illness & Disability

More ways to become independent

Helping out at home

Helping out at home is a great way to learn about responsibility and gain more independence. Our Skills Checklist will help you see which skills you know well and which ones you need to practice.

Being a part of my community

There are many things you can do in your neighborhood to get to know others, help out, and show your independence. Talk to your parents about trying out some of these ideas:

  • Use public transportation such as the bus or train
  • Open a bank account
  • Spend time at the library
  • Send your mail at the post office
  • Volunteer to help out at a community event
  • Find a bathroom in an unfamiliar building by learning how to feel comfortable asking where it is
  • Join a group for people with your chronic illness or disability
  • Be a role model for younger people who share the same disability or illness as you (Learn more about youth leadership opportunities)

(Adapted from Washington State, Adolescent Health Transition Project)

Content last updated June 2, 2007

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
