We are a National family-run organization dedicated exclusively to helping children with mental health needs and their families achieve a better quality of life. We:

  • Provide leadership to develop and sustain a nationwide network of family-run organizations.
  • Focus the passion and cultural diversity of our membership to be a potent force for changing how systems respond to children with mental health needs and their families.
  • Help policy-makers, agencies, and providers become more effective in delivering services and supports that foster healthy emotional development for all children.

National Federation Mission and Vision:

Through a family and youth driven approach, children and youth with emotional, behavioral and mental health challenges and their families obtain needed supports and services so that children grow up healthy and able to maximize their potential.
The FFCMH, a national family-run organization serves to:

  • Provide advocacy at the national level for the rights of children and youth with emotional, behavioral and mental health challenges and their families
  • Provide leadership and technical assistance to a nation-wide network of family run organizations
  • Collaborate with family run and other child serving organizations to transform mental health care in America

Contact us directly!

Staff | Board of Directors | Local Chapters and State Organizations


Publications: Claiming Children / Facts and Tips / Books and Guides / Other

Most of our publications are free or very low cost. Some can be downloaded. Call 240.403.1901 or send a message to ffcmh@ffcmh.org to order any of our publications. Quantities may be limited.

Some documents are provided in PDF format and do require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Please feel free to call us at 240-403-1901, email us, or fill out the form below. Click here to visit our staff page for email of specific staff members. Thank you!

