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Appendix D. Native Americans Committed to Federal Bureau of Prisons

Ten Most Listed BOP Offense Codes and Count of Native Americans* Committed to BOP Custody

Count Offense Description
728 Sexual abuse, state and government reservations
553 Assault on state and government reservations
399 Murder, except government official, state and government reservations
363 Attempt and conspiracy - drugs
237 Firearms laws - use of firearm during a federal crime of violence or drug trafficking crime
188 Firearms laws - Armed Career Criminal Act
144 Manslaughter, state and government reservations
99 Create, manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled nonnarcotic drug under Schedule I
95 Create, manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled nonnarcotic drug under Schedule II
93 Create, manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled narcotic drug under Schedule II

* The roster data of Native Americans committed to Federal BOP custody for this analysis were current as of January 29, 2008. BOP uses race standards set by the Office of Management and Budget in that an American Indian or Alaska Native is a person originating from any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. For purposes of this report, only U.S. citizens were included in the BOP count, and data from Alaska federal courts of jurisdiction were excluded.

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