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Atmospheric Temperature
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Infrared & Microwave Radiances
AIRS > Products


The study of global warming is priority for NASA, and "Protecting Life on Earth" is a major objective. NASA's Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on the EOS-Aqua Spacecraft is designed to measure the key greenhouse gases that affect weather and climate on Earth. AIRS is extremely stable and has measured small changes in greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide just since launch in March 2002.

Predicting the degree of global warming expected in the future is highly uncertain partly due to errors in the treatment of water vapor. AIRS water vapor data are the first global 3 dimensional measurements with sufficient precision to improve climate prediction models.

How It Works

The AIRS measures the global upwelling radiance (light) in the infrared spectrum. AIRS uses advanced computer modeling to derive geophysical parameters (e.g. water, temperature, etc.) from the spectrum. Maps are produced from the products and made available to the public in digital form from the Goddard Earth Sciences Data & Information Services Center.

Index of AIRS Data Products

Go to 'Temperature Profiles' Global Atmospheric Temperature Profiles
Knowledge of the global distribution of temperature in the atmosphere is fundamental to the prediction of weather and climate patterns both globally and regionally.
Go to 'Water Vapor Profiles' Global Atmospheric Water Vapor Profiles
The AIRS instrument measures the distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere in three dimensional, globally, every day.
Go to 'Surface Temperatures' Global Surface Temperatures
AIRS measures the global surface temperature daily.
Cloud Products Cloud Products
The study of cloud formations is important to understanding the radiative balance of the earth. AIRS also produces three other cloud products related to climate; Fractional Cloud Cover, Cloud Top Height, and Cloud Temperature.
Cloud Products Ozone
AIRS monitors the three dimensional distribution of ozone allowing observation of the transport of ozone from the stratosphere to the troposphere as well as the ozone hole produced by the CFC's.
Go to 'Carbon Monoxide' Carbon Monoxide
AIRS measures daily global carbon monoxide in the mid troposphere.
Cloud Products Carbon Dioxide
AIRS measures the distribution of CO2 in the mid troposphere, and its broad swath makes it able to map the global distribution of CO2 every day.
Go to 'Methane' Methane
AIRS methane product is unique in that it is retrieved daily and globally over land and over oceans.
Go to Sulfur Dioxide & Aerosols Sulfur Dioxide & Aerosols
Sulfur dioxide and aerosols play a part in global climate, rather than absorbing sunlight they reflect it.
Go to Infrared Radiances Infrared & Microwave Radiances
AIRS data are the most accurate and stable hyperspectral infrared measurements made in space. They meet the criteria identified in the National Research Council report for climate data records and are the basis for the stable accurate higher level products such as temperature and water vapor achieved from AIRS.