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National and Regional Courses

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Course Information
Course ID:

No. Instruction Hours: 36
Course Description:
This 4.5 day course will focus on the art and science of watershed modeling and is intended to help USGS personnel understand, analyze, and predict the hydrologic impacts of changes in land use or climate. Two watershed models, the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and the Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF), will be used in hands-on exercises to illustrate modeling processes and approaches. THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE DATE IS JULY 21, 2006. All USGS employees must register at the following URL: If you have TMS questions please contact Melaine Hood, the TMS Project Lead, at or Leigh Healy at for assistance. OFAs and cooperators can contact Gloria Armstrong at for assistance. OFAs and cooperators can access a course application at the following URL:
Course Title:
Watershed Modeling I Workshop
Attendees should have an interest in projects assessing the hydrologic impacts of changes in land use, drainage systems & climate. Understanding of basic hydraulic and hydraulic processes will be helpful. The class will be limited to 18 students. Cooperators & non-USGS persons may attend on a space available bases.
Course Discipline:
Surface-Water Hydrology Courses
Pre-class work will include required participation in 3 Cyber Seminars and tutorial exercises associated with each seminar. These will be used to introduce data preparation, data management, basin delineation, model set up, and other pre- and post- processing. This course will be a prerequisite for Watershed Systems Modeling II, SW3018TC which will emphasize model calibration using data provided and developed by trainees. Although not required, this course should be taken before River Basin Water Quality Modeling, ID2146TC.
Course Coordinator:
Kate Flynn

Course Costs for: USGS: $405
Non-USGS: $655
Cancellation: $330
Additional Information: Carpooling, Lodging, Nominations, and more for Denver Courses. If course is not held in Denver, please contact the "Point of Contact" (listed in e-mail announcement for course and on Lotus Bulletin Board announcement for course) for lodging and transportation information.

Scheduled Class Dates

[Description of "Status" definitions: Cancelled 1 = Class was cancelled by the course coordinator due to low registrations; Cancelled 2 = Class was cancelled by the course coordinator for other reasons; Closed Slots = Registration deadline date has occurred, please check with the NTC for possible availability; Closed & Held = Class meet the minimum number of registrations and was held; Full = Maximum number of registrations has been received, the class is a "GO", any additional registrations will be waitlisted; N/A = Registration is being accepted via another source other than OED-NTC, please check course announcement for details; Open = Class is open for registration via DOI LEARN; Pending = Additional class information is required from the course coordinator before the classs can be advertised. For assitance please check with Gloria Armstrong at or (303) 445-4676.]

Location Status Coordinator
08/13/2001 Denver, CO Closed
08/26/2002 02.44 Denver, CO Closed
08/11/2003 03.45 Denver, CO Cancelled
01/12/2004 04.01 Denver, CO Closed
09/11/2006 Denver, CO Closed

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For information regarding Denver courses, please email Gloria Armstrong at
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Office of Organizational and Employee Development,

P.O. Box 25046, MS 414
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

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Office of Organizational and Employee Development,

National Center
Reston, VA 20192

U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey