[U.S. Department of Commerce Seal]


Economic and Statistics Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce


December 1998-------------------Released 10 a.m. (EST), Monday, December 14, 1998 (CB98-230)
Contact: Ronald H. Lee (301) 457-3343 or Frank Hartman (301) 457-3379.

Note: For order & release information, see the end of this report.

Except where noted, all figures in text and tables are not seasonally adjusted.
Sales and after-tax profits data for all manufacturing are presented in Table 1 on both a seasonally adjusted and an unadjusted basis. Seasonally adjusted historical data for this series, as well as for total durable and total nondurable manufacturing, are presented in Table 3. Data for individual manufacturing industries are not seasonally adjusted.

Beginning with the first quarter of 1998, the reporting forms used by the Quarterly Financial Report Program were updated to conform with changes in accounting principles and to provide more meaningful data to users. As a result, net income before and after tax have been redefined to include minority stockholders` interest. Prior quarter data in the publication and the press release have been restated to reflect this change in definition.

[CHART 1: Manufacturing After-Tax Profits]
[Manufacturing Profits Per Dollar of Sales]

Manufacturing corporations` seasonally adjusted after-tax profits averaged 6.1 cents per dollar of sales for the third quarter of 1998, up 0.9 (+\-0.1) cents from the second quarter of 1998. The Commerce Department`s Bureau of the Census also reported that on an unadjusted basis, after- tax profits for the third quarter averaged 6.2 cents per dollar of sales, up 0.5 (+\-0.1) cents from the preceding quarter, but down 0.1 (+\-0.1) cents from the same quarter in 1997.

For the third quarter of 1998, manufacturers` seasonally adjusted after-tax profits were $60.4 billion, up $9.0 (+\-1.2) billion from last quarter. On an unadjusted basis, third quarter after-tax profits were $61.2 billion, up $4.6 (+\-1.2) billion from last quarter, but down $1.3 (+\-1.2) billion from the same quarter a year ago.

Unadjusted durable manufacturers` after-tax profits for the third quarter of 1998 were $28.2 billion, up $2.8 billion or 11.1 percent (+\-4.0%) compared to the second quarter of 1998, with the underlying industry categories showing mixed results. Electrical machinery, machinery, iron and steel, stone, clay, and glass, nonferrous metals, and miscellaneous manufacturing reported statistically significant increases. Electrical machinery`s increase of $4.2 (+\-0.4) billion was due primarily to gains from asset sales and the inclusion of significant nonrecurring charges against income last quarter. Machinery`s $2.2 (+\-0.4) billion improvement was due principally to the inclusion of significant nonrecurring charges against income last quarter. Motor vehicles, fabricated metals, and lumber reported statistically significant decreases. Motor vehicles` $3.5 (+\-0.1) billion downturn was due chiefly to declines in operating profits and foreign earnings.

When compared to the third quarter of 1997, unadjusted durable manufacturers` profits were down $1.3 billion or 4.5 percent (+\-3.5%). The underlying industry categories showed mixed results. Motor vehicles, instruments, lumber, and aircraft reported statistically significant decreases. Motor vehicles` $1.6 (+\-0.1) billion decline was due chiefly to lower operating profits and foreign earnings. Machinery, stone, clay, and glass, iron and steel, and miscellaneous manufacturing reported statistically significant increases. Machinery`s $1.3 (+\-0.3) billion increase was principally a result of improved foreign earnings.

Unadjusted nondurable manufacturers` after-tax profits for the third quarter of 1998 were $33.1 billion, up $1.8 billion or 5.7 percent (+\-2.3%) when compared to the second quarter of 1998, with the underlying industry categories showing mixed results. Food, drugs, apparel, printing, petroleum, and textiles reported statistically significant increases. Food`s $3.1 (+\-0.3) billion increase was due principally to improved operating profits and the absence of significant nonrecurring charges reported in the second quarter of 1998. Industrial chemicals, rubber, and residual of chemicals reported statistically significant decreases. Industrial chemical`s decline of $1.4 (+\-0.1) billion was primarily due to the inclusion of significant nonrecurring charges in the third quarter.

When compared to the same quarter in 1997, unadjusted nondurable manufacturers` after-tax profits showed no statistically significant change from last year, with the underlying industry categories showing mixed results. Printing, food, drugs, and textiles reported statistically significant increases. Printing`s $1.7 (+\-0.3) billion increase was primarily a result of improved operating profits and gains from asset sales. Food`s improvement of $1.3 (+\-0.3) billion was due chiefly to increased operating profits. Petroleum, residual of chemicals, industrial chemicals, and rubber reported statistically significant decreases. Petroleum`s $1.8 (+\-0.1) billion decrease was due chiefly to a decline in operating profits.

Manufacturers` seasonally adjusted sales for the third quarter of 1998 were $989.7 billion, showing no statistically significant change from last quarter. On an unadjusted basis, sales were $986.0 billion, down $11.1 billion or 1.1 percent (+\-1.0%) from last quarter, but showing no statistically significant change from the third quarter of 1997.

Seasonally adjusted sales of nondurables were $449.1 billion, showing no statistically significant change from last quarter. Seasonally adjusted durable manufacturers` sales were $540.6 up $12.9 billion or 2.5 percent (+\-1.3%) from last quarter. Unadjusted sales for nondurable manufacturing were $453.7 billion, showing no statistically significant change from last quarter, but down $12.9 billion or 2.8 percent (+\-1.3%) from the third quarter of 1997. Unadjusted durable manufacturers` sales were $532.3 billion, down $8.7 billion or 1.6 percent (+\-1.3%) when compared to the second quarter of 1998. On a same quarter a year ago basis, unadjusted durable manufacturers` sales were up $12.9 billion or 2.5 percent (+\-1.5%).

Also included in this release are third quarter 1998 data for large mining and wholesale trade corporations.

These advance data, based on quarterly financial reports from about 8,300 corporations, were released today from the Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--Third Quarter 1998 (QFR-98-3). The publication includes statements of income and retained earnings, balance sheets, and related financial and operating ratios. The aggregated data are classified by industry and asset size.


This quarter`s publication contains data revised due to the reclassification of corporations by industry, and revisions that reflect respondents` corrections of submitted data subsequent to original publication.

The data presented in this report are estimated from a sample survey and therefore are subject to sampling variability as well as nonsampling variability such as response error, nonreporting, and coverage errors. Estimates of sampling variability are presented in the publication. A statement such as "up 2.5 (+\-0.15) cents," appearing in the text, indicates the range (+2.35 to +2.65 cents) in which the actual change is likely to have occurred. The range given for the change is a 90 percent confidence interval that accounts only for sampling variability. If the range had contained zero (0), it would have been uncertain whether there was an increase or decrease; that is, the change would not have been statistically significant. For any comparison cited without a confidence interval, the change is statistically significant. The quarterly publication includes more detailed explanations of confidence intervals and sampling variability, along with additional measures of sampling variability.


The complete report, Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining and Trade Corporations, is available for download, under "Products: Publication", at <http://www.census.gov/csd/www/qfr.html>.

This press releases is available in page image formatDownload Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf). This press release is also available (in text format) on the day of issue through the Department of Commerce`s on-line Economic Bulletin Board (202-482-1986).

The publication becomes available for sale approximately two weeks from the date of this release from the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 (202-512-1800). The cost for an annual subscription is $34 domestic and $42.50 foreign. [Remittances from foreign countries must be by international money order or by draft on a U.S. bank.]

Files are also available on 3.5 inch flexible diskettes from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (MS1921), P.O. Box 277943, Atlanta, GA 30384-7943 (301-763-INFO(4636)). The annual subscription cost is $84; $66 for the first diskette and $6 for each additional diskette.

Questions regarding this report (or program) should be directed to Ronald H. Lee (301) 457-3343 or Frank Hartman (301) 457-3379.


                                                   Seasonally Adjusted
                                                 3Q        2Q        3Q    
                                               1998      1998(1)   1997(1) 
Rate of return (after taxes):
 Cents per dollar of sales ................     6.1       5.2       6.2
 Percent on equity (annual rate) ..........      NA        NA        NA    

                                                   (million dollars) 
Sales ..................................... 989,672   981,100   989,282
 Income after income taxes ................  60,399    51,381    61,528
 Dividends paid (cash) ....................      NA        NA        NA
(1) Revised.

SOURCE: "Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations" (QFR-98-3), U.S. Bureau of the Census, December 1998.


                                                 3Q        2Q        3Q    
                                               1998      1998(1)   1997(1) 
Rate of return (after taxes):
 Cents per dollar of sales ................     6.2       5.7       6.3
 Percent on equity (annual rate) ..........    16.1      14.9      16.8    

                                                   (million dollars) 
Sales ....................................  986,005   997,070   986,008
 Income after income taxes ................  61,237    56,624    62,498
 Dividends paid (cash) ....................  25,704    28,010    25,586
(1) Revised.

SOURCE: "Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations" (QFR-98-3), U.S. Bureau of the Census, December 1998.


                                                 3Q        2Q        3Q 
                Industry Group                 1998      1998(1)   1997(1)
                                                   (million dollars)
All manufacturing corporations ............  986,005   997,070   986,008

Nondurable goods ..........................  453,661   455,985   466,553
  Food and tobacco.........................  121,539   121,078   122,245
  Textiles ................................   15,920    16,383    16,686 
  Apparel(2) ..............................   19,183    17,675    18,794
  Paper ...................................   41,813    41,651    42,212
  Printing ................................   50,630    49,456    47,054
  Chemicals ...............................  107,530   109,100   106,124
   Industrial chemicals and synthetics(3)..   36,764    38,135    41,730
   Drugs(3) ...............................   34,766    34,213    30,552
   Residual of chemicals(3)................   36,000    36,752    33,843
  Petroleum ...............................   65,280    68,380    81,559
  Rubber ..................................   31,767    32,262    31,878

Durable goods .............................  532,344   541,085   519,455
  Stone, clay, and glass ..................   20,803    19,718    19,296
  Primary metals ..........................   38,762    40,729    39,209
   Iron and steel(3) ......................   19,465    20,831    19,158
   Nonferrous metals(3)....................   19,297    19,898    20,052
  Fabricated metals .......................   46,967    46,969    44,713
  Machinery ...............................  111,186   114,426   108,117
  Electrical machinery ....................  115,264   111,341   110,708
  Transportation Equipment ................  126,136   133,564   124,966
   Motor vehicles and equipment(3) ........   79,657    86,681    82,182
   Aircraft, guided missiles, and parts(3).   37,353    38,345    35,459
  Instruments .............................   29,315    29,968    28,969
  Other durable goods .....................   43,912    44,371    43,475
   Lumber and wood products(3) ............   18,058    17,883    19,321
   Furniture and fixtures(3) ..............   16,081    16,675    14,931
   Miscellaneous manufacturing(3) .........    9,773     9,813     9,224

Mining(4) .................................   15,200    15,817    15,798
Wholesale trade(4) ........................  280,899   278,596   274,494
Retail trade(4) ...........................       NA   269,487   254,259
(1) Revised.
(2) Includes leather industry (previously titled "Other Nondurables").
(3) Included in major industry above.
(4) Mining and trade data are of the quarterly results of companies in those divisions with assets over $50 million; whereas, data for manufacturing corporations represent the quarterly results of companies with assets over $250,000.

SOURCE: "Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations" (QFR-98-3), U.S. Bureau of the Census, December 1998.


                                                    Operating Profits*
                                                 3Q        2Q*       3Q*
                Industry Group                 1998      1998(1)   1997(1)
                                                   (million dollars)
All manufacturing corporations ............   77,637    79,213    80,436

Nondurable goods ..........................   42,050    40,532    43,769
  Food and tobacco.........................   13,409    11,313    11,518
  Textiles ................................    1,228     1,238     1,156
  Apparel(2) ..............................    1,549     1,096     1,624
  Paper ...................................    3,326     3,323     3,296
  Printing ................................    5,539     5,315     4,686
  Chemicals ...............................   11,076    10,533    11,938 
   Industrial chemicals and synthetics(3)..    3,382     3,620     3,922 
   Drugs(3) ...............................    3,637     2,873     4,322 
   Residual of chemicals(3)................    4,057     4,041     3,695 
  Petroleum ...............................    3,548     4,900     7,024 
  Rubber ..................................    2,374     2,813     2,526

Durable goods .............................   35,587    38,682    36,667 
  Stone, clay, and glass ..................    3,055     2,663     2,634
  Primary metals ..........................    2,394     2,979     2,601
   Iron and steel(3) ......................    1,069     1,454     1,066
   Nonferrous metals(3)....................    1,325     1,525     1,535
  Fabricated metals .......................    4,480     4,621     4,176
  Machinery ...............................    5,511     6,607     5,739
  Electrical machinery ....................    8,162     8,042    10,494
  Transportation Equipment ................    5,259     6,854     5,468
   Motor vehicles and equipment(3) ........    1,306     3,041     1,829
   Aircraft, guided missiles, and parts(3).    3,088     2,899     3,024
  Instruments .............................    3,145     3,518     2,161
  Other durable goods .....................    3,580     3,396     3,394
   Lumber and wood products(3) ............    1,363     1,301     1,469
   Furniture and fixtures(3) ..............    1,328     1,374     1,232
   Miscellaneous manufacturing(3) .........      889       720       694

Mining(4) .................................    1,344     1,895     2,404 
Wholesale trade(4) ........................    7,139     7,274     7,668
Retail trade(4) ...........................       NA    12,210    10,351
* Operating profits are profits before nonoperating income and expense items and income taxes.
(1) Revised.
(2) Includes leather industry (previously titled "Other Nondurables").
(3) Included in major industry above.
(4) Mining and trade data are of the quarterly results of companies in those divisions with assets over $50 million; whereas, data for manufacturing corporations represent the quarterly results of companies with assets over $250,000.

SOURCE: "Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations" (QFR-98-3), U.S. Bureau of the Census, December 1998.


                                                    After-Tax Profits
                                                 3Q        2Q        3Q 
                Industry Group                 1998      1998(1)   1997(1)
                                                   (million dollars)
All manufacturing corporations ............   61,237    56,624    62,498

Nondurable goods ..........................   33,069    31,276    33,017
  Food and tobacco ........................    9,333     6,249     8,067
  Textiles ................................      662       526       506 
  Apparel(2) ..............................    1,038       710     1,164
  Paper ...................................    1,426     1,596     1,568
  Printing ................................    4,311     4,039     2,611
  Chemicals ...............................   10,321    11,600    11,054
   Industrial chemicals and synthetics(3)..    1,388     2,800     2,174
   Drugs(3) ...............................    5,386     5,020     4,351
   Residual of chemicals(3)................    3,547     3,780     4,530
  Petroleum ...............................    4,839     4,661     6,639
  Rubber ..................................    1,139     1,894     1,408
Durable goods .............................   28,168    25,347    29,481
  Stone, clay, and glass ..................    2,009     1,770     1,693 
  Primary metals ..........................    1,954     1,486     1,640
   Iron and steel(3) ......................      944       696       637
   Nonferrous metals(3) ...................    1,011       790     1,003
  Fabricated metals .......................    2,661     3,292     2,909
  Machinery ...............................    5,867     3,618     4,567
  Electrical machinery ....................    8,032     3,859     8,363
  Transportation equipment ................    4,229     7,739     5,820
   Motor vehicles and equipment(3) ........    1,633     5,086     3,257
   Aircraft, guided missiles, and parts(3).    2,105     2,109     2,240
  Instruments .............................    1,438     1,263     2,364
  Other durable goods .....................    1,978     2,321     2,125
   Lumber and wood products(3) ............      598     1,015       945
   Furniture and fixtures(3) ..............      796       910       784 
   Miscellaneous manufacturing(3) .........      584       397       395
Mining(4) .................................      (68)      271     1,697  
Wholesale trade(4) ........................    4,327     4,054     4,982
Retail trade(4) ...........................       NA     6,119     4,974
(1) Revised.
(2) Includes leather industry (previously titled "Other Nondurables").
(3) Included in major industry above.
(4) Mining and trade data are of the quarterly results of companies in those divisions with assets over $50 million; whereas, data for manufacturing corporations represent the quarterly results of companies with assets over $250,000.

SOURCE: "Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations" (QFR-98-3), U.S. Bureau of the Census, December 1998.


                                                   Sales (1)
         Industry Group and Year         Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4
                                               (million dollars)
All manufacturing:
    1993 ............................  743,881  751,095  753,429  766,287
    1994 ............................  784,850  802,978  825,246  841,321
    1995 ............................  871,899  872,587  883,844  898,965
    1996 ............................  914,835  932,386  949,567  959,317
    1997 ............................  966,688  972,081  989,282  993,527
    1998 ............................  987,735  981,100  989,672         
All nondurable manufacturing:
    1993 ............................  381,988  382,607  379,364  381,142
    1994 ............................  387,520  394,687  405,691  409,742
    1995 ............................  425,949  427,613  430,904  435,680
    1996 ............................  442,196  452,581  458,113  462,371
    1997 ............................  462,806  457,385  461,929  464,474
    1998 ............................  454,754  453,454  449,096         
All durable manufacturing:
    1993 ............................  361,893  368,488  374,065  385,145
    1994 ............................  397,330  408,291  419,555  431,579
    1995 ............................  445,950  444,974  452,940  463,285
    1996.............................  472,639  479,805  491,454  496,946
    1997 ............................  503,882  514,696  527,353  529,053
    1998 ............................  532,981  527,646  540,576         
(1) Revised.

SOURCE: "Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations" (QFR-98-3), U.S. Bureau of the Census, December 1998.


                                               After-Tax Profits (1)
         Industry Group and Year         Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4
                                               (million dollars)
All manufacturing:
    1993 ............................   12,622   19,416   23,498   27,627   
    1994 ............................   36,508   41,219   45,338   51,895
    1995 ............................   53,054   51,962   49,233   43,954
    1996 ............................   51,659   53,924   61,050   58,282
    1997 ............................   61,463   61,863   61,528   59,246
    1998 ............................   74,537   51,381   60,399         
All nondurable manufacturing:
    1993 ............................   12,743   15,338   11,755   15,752
    1994 ............................   19,008   19,897   22,536   26,329
    1995 ............................   25,960   28,198   27,806   21,920
    1996 ............................   28,114   28,295   32,524   29,884
    1997 ............................   33,517   30,751   31,074   27,558
    1998 ............................   29,378   31,287   31,267         
All durable manufacturing:
    1993 ............................    (121)    4,078   11,743   11,875
    1994 ............................   17,500   21,322   22,802   25,566
    1995 ............................   27,094   23,764   21,427   22,034
    1996 ............................   23,545   25,629   28,526   28,398
    1997 ............................   27,946   31,112   30,454   31,688
    1998 ............................   45,159   20,094   29,132         
(1) Revised.

SOURCE: "Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations" (QFR-98-3), U.S. Bureau of the Census, December 1998.


The publication becomes available for sale approximately two weeks from the date of this release from the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburg, PA 15250-7954 (202-512-1800). The annual subscription rate is $34, (foriegn customers, $42.50 on an international money order or by draft on a U.S. bank). Single publication copies are $10 and $12.50, respectively and are available at the Bureau of the Census, (301) 763-INFO(4636).

Electronic files are also available on 3.5 inch flexible diskettes from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, (MS1921), P.O. Box 277943, Atlanta, GA 30384-7943 (301-763-INFO(4636)). The annual subscription cost is $84; $66 for the first diskette and $6 for each additional diskette.

This report is also available on the day of issue through the Department of Commerce`s on-line Economic Bulletin Board (N-8-1) (202-482-1986).

Schedule of Advance Data Release Dates--1998
[Economic Indicator Release Schedule]

Quarter      Manufacturing, Mining, and Wholesale Trade   Retail Trade

Second 1998                                             October 14, 1998
Third 1998                     December 14, 1998           April 5, 1999
Fourth 1998                        April 5, 1999

Questions concerning this report should be directed to Ronald Lee on (301) 457-3343 or Frank Hartman (301) 457-3379.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Author: Durwin Knutson (Company Statistics). Revised March012004.
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