[U.S. Department of Commerce Seal]


Economic and Statistics Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce


SEPTEMBER 2003-------------------Released 10 a.m. (EDT), Friday, September 12, 2003 (CB03-140)
Contact: Yolando St.George (301) 763-6600 or Frank Hartman (301) 763-3386.
e-mail: csd.qfr@census.gov

Availability | Order & Release | QFR Program |

[CHART 1: Manufacturing After-Tax Profits]
[Manufacturing Profits Per Dollar of Sales]

Seasonally Adjusted After-Tax Profits and Sales

Manufacturing Corporations
Seasonally adjusted after-tax profits of U.S. manufacturing corporations totaled $51.9 billion in the second quarter 2003, compared to the $50.9 billion recorded in the first quarter, the Department of Commerce's U.S. Census Bureau reported. Second quarter profits were up $12.8 (+/-1.3) billion from the $39.1 billion recorded in the same quarter a year ago.

Seasonally adjusted sales for these manufacturers totaled $1,067.5 billion for the quarter, down $25.7 (+/-7.1) billion from the $1,093.2 billion recorded in the first quarter 2003, and up $20.6 (+/-7.1) billion from the $1,046.9 billion recorded the year before.

After-tax profits per dollar of sales averaged 4.9 cents this quarter; 4.7 cents recorded last quarter, and 3.7 cents in the second quarter 2002.

Nondurable Goods Manufacturers
Nondurable goods manufacturers' seasonally adjusted after- tax profits were $34.7 billion, down $1.9 (+/-0.7) billion from the $36.6 billion recorded in the previous quarter, and up $5.8 (+/-0.7) billion from the $28.8 billion in the second quarter 2002.

Seasonally adjusted sales for the quarter at $506.7 billion were down $23.6 (+/-5.9) billion from the $530.3 billion recorded in the prior quarter, but up $28.8 (+/-5.8) billion from the $477.9 billion in the second quarter 2002.

After-tax profits averaged 6.8 cents per dollar of sales in the current quarter, 6.9 cents last quarter, and 6.0 cents a year ago.

Durable Goods Manufacturers
Second quarter 2003 seasonally adjusted after-tax profits for durable goods manufacturers were $17.2 billion, up $2.9 (+/-0.9) billion from the $14.3 billion recorded in the previous quarter, and up $6.9 (+/-1.1) billion from the $10.3 billion in the second quarter 2002 .

Seasonally adjusted sales for the quarter were $560.8 billion, not statistically different from the $562.9 billion recorded in the previous quarter, but down $8.2 (+/-5.7) billion from the $569.0 billion recorded in the second quarter last year.

After-tax profits averaged 3.1 cents per dollar of sales for the quarter, 2.5 cents in the first quarter 2003, and 1.8 cents a year ago.

Unadjusted After-Tax Profits and Sales

Manufacturing Corporations
Second quarter 2003 unadjusted after-tax profits for U.S. manufacturing corporations were $58.6 billion, up $12.4 (+/-1.3) billion over the $46.2 billion recorded in the second quarter a year ago. This improvement was mainly due to higher nonoperating income and lower nonrecurring charges. When compared to the first quarter 2003 after-tax profits of $52.0 billion, the second quarter 2003 after-tax profits were up $6.6 (+/-1.2) billion or 12.7 (+/-2.4%) percent.

Unadjusted sales for the second quarter, at $1,092.5 billion, were up $20.9 (+/-7.1) billion from the $1,071.6 billion recorded in the same quarter a year ago. Compared to the prior quarter sales of $1,063.2 billion, sales were up $29.3 (+/-7.1) billion or 2.8 (+/-0.7%) percent.

Profits per dollar of sales averaged 5.4 cents this quarter, 4.9 cents in the first quarter 2003, and 4.3 cents in the second quarter 2002.

Nondurable Goods Manufacturers
Second quarter 2003 nondurable goods manufacturers' unadjusted after-tax profits at $36.7 billion were up $5.5 (+/-0.7) billion from the $31.2 billion recorded in the second quarter 2002. Most nondurable categories were up, with petroleum and coal products leading with reported profits of $9.4 billion in the quarter. The $1.1 billion profit in apparel and leather was an improvement of $1.9 (+/-0.1) billion from the loss of $0.7 billion a year earlier. Pharmaceuticals reported after-tax profits of $8.5 billion, a modest increase of $1.2 (+/-0.3) billion, mainly from nonoperating income.

Unadjusted sales for the second quarter 2003 of $516.5 billion were up $28.4 (+/-5.8) billion from the $488.1 billion posted last year.

After-tax profits for this quarter averaged 7.1 cents per dollar of sales compared to 6.4 cents a year ago.

The second quarter 2003 after-tax profits of $36.7 billion were not statistically different from the prior quarter. Petroleum and coal products' profits of $9.4 billion declined $3.9 (+/-0.1) billion after a steady rise which was in part due to strong equity earnings. Beverage and tobacco's after-tax profits of $5.6 billion, reported the largest increase, $1.8 (+/-0.1) billion, in this category.

Durable Goods Manufacturers
Second quarter 2003 durable goods manufacturers posted unadjusted after-tax profits of $21.9 billion, up $6.9 (+/-1.1) billion from the $15.1 billion recorded a year earlier. Although most categories reported modest declines, the improvements in communications equipment, machinery products and computer peripherals, caused the overall increase. Communications equipment reduced their losses by $5.1 (+/-0.5) billion due to improved operating margins and fewer nonrecurring charges as well as improved equity earnings.

Unadjusted sales for the quarter at $575.9 billion were down $7.5 (+/-5.7) billion or 1.3 (+/-1.0%) percent from the $583.4 billion recorded a year earlier.

After-tax profits for the quarter averaged 3.8 cents per dollar of sales compared to 2.6 cents a year ago.

When compared to the first quarter 2003 after-tax profits of $15.3 billion, the second quarter 2003 after-tax profits rose $6.6 (+/-0.9) billion. Most underlying industries showed improvements this quarter over the last.

Mining Corporations

Second quarter 2003 unadjusted after-tax profits for mining corporations with assets of $50 million and over were reported at $3.1 billion, up $1.6 (+/-0.1) billion from the $1.5 billion in the same quarter a year earlier.

Unadjusted sales for the quarter were $23.2 billion, up $3.5 (+/-0.2) billion from the $19.7 billion in the same quarter a year ago.

After-tax profits per dollar of sales averaged 13.5 cents this quarter compared to 7.7 cents in the second quarter 2002.

Wholesale Trade Corporations

Second quarter 2003 unadjusted after-tax profits for wholesale trade corporations with assets of $50 million and over were $5.0 billion, down $0.9 (+/-0.2) billion from the $5.9 billion in the second quarter 2002.

Unadjusted sales this quarter were $339.3 billion, up $27.5 (+/-4.3) billion from the $311.8 billion in the same quarter a year ago.

After-tax profits per dollar of sales averaged 1.5 cents this quarter, compared to 1.9 cents a year ago.

These advance data, based on quarterly financial reports from approximately 8,000 corporations, were released today from the Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations - Second Quarter 2003 (QFR-03-2).

The data presented in this report are estimated from a sample survey and therefore are subject to sampling variability as well as nonsampling variability such as response error, nonreporting, and coverage errors. Estimates of sampling variability are presented in the publication. A statement such as "up 2.5 (+/-0.15) cents," appearing in the text, indicates the range (+2.35 to +2.65 cents) in which the actual change is likely to have occurred. The range given for the change is a 90 percent confidence interval that accounts only for sampling variability. If the range had contained zero (0), it would have been uncertain whether there was an increase or decrease; that is, the change would not have been statistically significant. For any comparison cited without a confidence interval, the change is statistically significant. The quarterly publication includes more detailed explanations of confidence intervals and sampling variability, along with additional measures of sampling variability.

This press release can be viewed today in page image format (.pdf) at our internet website (http://www.census.gov/csd/qfr/). In addition, more detailed information on U.S. Manufacturing, Mining, and Wholesale and Retail Trade Corporations is available for downloading at our website under "QFR Products: Publication". The publication includes income and retained earnings, balance sheets, and related financial and operating ratios. Data presented are classified by industry and asset size. The publication becomes available for sale approximately two weeks from the date of this release from the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 (202-512-1800). The cost for an annual subscription is $39 domestic and $48.75 foreign. Data are also available on 3.5 inch diskettes from U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau (MS0801), P.O. Box 277943, Atlanta, GA 30384- 7943 (301-763-INFO/301-763-4636). The cost for an annual subscription is $80 domestic and $105 foreign. The cost for a single diskette is $50. All remittances from foreign countries must be by international money order or by draft on a U.S. bank.

Second quarter 2003 advance data for U.S. Retail Corporations are scheduled for release on October 15, 2003.

Third quarter 2003 advance data for U.S Manufacturing, Mining and Wholesale Trade Corporations are scheduled for release on December 12, 2003.


The complete report, Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining and Trade Corporations, is available for download, under "Products: Publication", at <http://www.census.gov/csd/qfr/>.

This press release is available in page image format (.pdf). This press release is available on the day of issue on the Internet (http://www.census.gov/csd/www/qfr.html).

Questions regarding this report (or program) should be directed to Yolando St.George (301) 763-6600 or Frank Hartman (301) 763-3386.


					        Seasonally Adjusted	

                                                 2Q        1Q        2Q    

                                               2003      2003(1)   2002(1)    

Rate of return (after taxes):

 Cents per dollar of sales ................     4.9       4.7       3.7

 Percent on equity (annual rate) ..........      NA        NA        NA    

                                                   (million dollars) 

Sales ....................................1,067,539 1,093,193 1,046,907

 Income after income taxes ................  51,900    50,875    39,148

 Dividends paid (cash) ....................      NA        NA        NA

1 Revised.

SOURCE: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--QFR-03-2, September 2003.




                                             	  2Q        1Q        2Q    

                                                2003      2003(1)    2002(1)    

Rate of return (after taxes):

 Cents per dollar of sales ................      5.4       4.9       4.3

 Percent on equity (annual rate) ..........     12.7      11.6      10.2   


                                                   (million dollars) 

Sales .................................... 1,092,474 1,063,202 1,071,574

 Income after income taxes ................   58,595    51,990    46,236

 Dividends paid (cash) ....................   27,855    21,568    26,253

1 Revised.

SOURCE: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--QFR-03-2, September 2003.





         Industry Group and Year        Q1       Q2        Q3       Q4

                                              (million dollars)

All manufacturing:

    1994 ..........................  784,448   803,059   825,296   841,771

    1995 ..........................  871,251   872,750   883,506   899,929

    1996 ..........................  914,182   932,518   948,194   961,721

    1997 ..........................  965,685   972,105   986,466   996,012

    1998 ..........................  989,489   981,439   985,722   994,575

    1999 ..........................1,002,454 1,026,207 1,048,056 1,072,692

    2000 ..........................1,119,337 1,127,102 1,146,576 1,121,462

    2001 ..........................1,114,149 1,091,973 1,062,899 1,027,491

    2002 ..........................1,022,899 1,046,907 1,066,218 1,070,798

    2003 ..........................1,093,193 1,067,539 

All nondurable manufacturing:

    1994 ..........................  387,221   394,740   405,711   410,041

    1995 ..........................  425,583   427,624   430,798   436,121

    1996 ..........................  442,117   452,266   457,631   463,404

    1997 ..........................  463,099   456,276   461,087   464,272

    1998 ..........................  452,078   445,779   443,313   440,775

    1999 ..........................  445,273   452,457   460,932   476,460

    2000 ..........................  506,520   514,121   528,220   504,946

    2001 ..........................  507,104   505,132   490,568   471,663

    2002 ..........................  461,904   477,886   495,669   510,126

    2003 ..........................  530,268   506,690

All durable manufacturing:

    1994 ..........................  397,227   408,319   419,584   431,730

    1995 ..........................  445,668   445,127   452,708   463,808

    1996...........................  472,065   480,252   490,564   498,317

    1997 ..........................  502,586   515,830   525,379   531,740

    1998 ..........................  537,411   535,661   542,409   553,799

    1999 ..........................  557,181   573,751   587,124   596,232

    2000 ..........................  612,818   612,982   618,356   616,516

    2001 ..........................  607,045   586,841   572,331   555,828

    2002 ..........................  560,996   569,021   570,549   560,673

    2003 ..........................  562,924   560,848

(1)Data after fourth quarter 2000 are presented on the North American Industry Classification System basis. Data prior to fourth quarter 2000 are presented on the Standard Classification system basis. Comparisons of these data are useful only for trend analysis.

SOURCE: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--QFR-03-2, September 2003.



                                            After-Tax Profits(2)

                                         Q1       Q2        Q3       Q4

                                               (million dollars)

All manufacturing:

    1994 ..........................   36,357    41,164    45,395    52,148

    1995 ..........................   52,717    51,985    49,302    44,310

    1996 ..........................   51,126    53,996    61,125    58,910

    1997 ..........................   60,569    61,915    61,721    60,613

    1998 ..........................   74,418    49,228    60,937    50,150

    1999 ..........................   59,446    63,677    66,757    68,203

    2000 ..........................   76,677    71,442    74,012    48,308

    2001 ..........................    (981)    16,905    11,232     9,126

    2002 ..........................   23,716    39,148    44,267    32,414

    2003 ..........................   50,875    51,900

All nondurable manufacturing:

    1994 ..........................   18,961    19,822    22,401    26,641

    1995 ..........................   25,851    28,173    27,542    22,351

    1996 ..........................   28,021    28,259    32,032    30,644

    1997 ..........................   33,360    30,601    30,389    28,986

    1998 ..........................   29,725    28,402    30,655    17,991

    1999 ..........................   26,459    28,687    31,195    31,280

    2000 ..........................   37,427    38,356    36,926    29,772

    2001 ..........................   31,477    33,905    26,924    19,970

    2002 ..........................   26,498    28,836    30,602    28,128

    2003 ..........................   36,575    34,663

All durable manufacturing:

    1994 ..........................   17,396    21,343    22,986    25,507

    1995 ..........................   26,866    23,812    21,758    21,959

    1996 ..........................   23,105    25,736    29,101    28,266

    1997 ..........................   27,209    31,314    31,358    31,628

    1998 ..........................   44,692    20,825    30,339    32,158

    1999 ..........................   32,987    34,990    35,676    36,922

    2000 ..........................   39,250    33,085    37,266    18,536

    2001 ..........................  (32,458)  (17,001)  (15,438)  (10,845)

    2002 ..........................   (2,782)   10,312    13,379     4,286

    2003 ..........................   14,300    17,237 

(1)Data after fourth quarter 2000 are presented on the North American Industry Classification System basis. Data prior to fourth quarter 2000 are presented on the Standard Classification system basis. Comparisons of these data are useful only for trend analysis.

SOURCE: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--QFR-03-2, September 2003.




                                                2Q        1Q        2Q 

                Industry Group                 2003      2003(2)   2002(2)    

                                                   (million dollars)

All manufacturing corporations(3)..........1,092,474 1,063,202 1,071,574

All nondurable goods.......................  516,529   515,461   488,142

  Food.....................................   80,354    80,034    76,572

  Beverage and tobbaco products............   36,081    32,295    36,804

  Textiles mills and textile product mills.   12,446    11,271    12,549 

  Apparel and leather products.............   20,811    20,871    21,188

  Paper ...................................   36,989    35,307    39,948

  Printing and related support activities..   16,786    17,278    17,052

  Petroleum and coal products..............  142,081   155,178   116,986

  Chemicals ...............................  139,048   134,624   135,563

   Basic chemicals, resins, and               

    synthetics(4)..........................   39,685    39,095    37,995

   Pharmaceuticals and medicines(4)........   59,758    59,758    57,873

   All other chemicals(4)..................   39,605    35,771    39,696

  Plastics and rubber products.............   31,933    28,604    31,480


All durable manufacturing..................  575,944   547,741   583,433

  Wood products............................   15,663    14,166    16,473

  Nonmetallic mineral products.............   23,060    18,150    23,177

  Primary metals...........................   33,976    32,569    34,480 

   Iron, steel, and ferroalloys(4).........   14,932    13,941    14,346

   Nonferrous metals(4)....................   14,235    13,801    14,303

   Foundries(4)............................    4,809     4,827     5,831

  Fabricated metal products................   52,063    48,240    53,239

  Machinery ...............................   65,324    59,349    67,190

  Computer and electronic products.........  111,140   107,032   110,307

   Computer and peripheral equipment(4)....   34,726    34,091    35,155

   Communications equipment(4).............   22,635    20,417    22,121

   All other electronic products(4)........   53,779    52,524    53,031

  Electrical equipment, appliances and

   components..............................   45,748    41,960    47,067

  Transportation equipment ................  189,189   186,420   191,541

   Motor vehicles and parts(4).............  141,233   144,152   144,313

   Aerospace products and parts(4).........   40,083    37,978    39,604

  Furniture and related products...........   13,249    13,004    14,303

  Miscellaneous manufacturing..............   26,531    26,849    25,657

All mining(3)..............................   23,188    23,491    19,672

All wholesale trade(3).....................  339,277   327,211   311,816

All retail trade(3)........................       NA   352,074   350,116

(1)Operating profits are profits before nonoperating income and expense items and income taxes.
(3)Manufacturing data are the quarterly results of companies within that division with assets over $250,000; whereas, data for mining and trade corporations represent the quarterly results of companies with assets over $50 million.
(4)Included in major industry above.

SOURCE: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--QFR-03-2, September 2003.



                                                   Operating Profits(1)

                                                 2Q        1Q        2Q

                Industry Group                 2003      2003(2)   2002(2)   

                                                   (million dollars)

All manufacturing corporations(3)..........   67,384    53,989    71,536

All nondurable goods.......................   40,352    36,956    43,796

  Food.....................................    5,579     4,953     5,570

  Beverage and tobbaco products............    5,890     5,119     7,861

  Textiles mills and textile product mills.      498       416       883 

  Apparel and leather products.............    1,425     1,314     1,442

  Paper ...................................    1,816     1,366     2,482

  Printing and related support activities..    1,170       963     1,296

  Petroleum and coal products..............    6,720     6,844     5,457

  Chemicals ...............................   15,131    14,775    16,218

   Basic chemicals, resins, and               

    synthetics(4)..........................    2,107     1,419     2,392

   Pharmaceuticals and medicines(4)........    8,895    10,074     9,249

   All other chemicals(4)..................    4,129     3,283     4,577

  Plastics and rubber products.............    2,122     1,207     2,587


All durable manufacturing..................   27,032    17,033    27,740

  Wood products............................      739       253       883

  Nonmetallic mineral products.............    2,124       145     2,266

  Primary metals...........................      297       124     1,312

   Iron, steel, and ferroalloys(4).........     (348)     (383)      233

   Nonferrous metals(4)....................      400       266       622

   Foundries(4)............................      245       241       457

  Fabricated metal products................    4,377     3,082     4,452

  Machinery ...............................    4,089     2,407     4,016

  Computer and electronic products.........    2,808      (205)   (3,379)

   Computer and peripheral equipment(4)....      841      427       (224)

   Communications equipment(4).............      446    (1,289)   (2,553)

   All other electronic products(4)........    1,521       657      (602)

  Electrical equipment, appliances and

   components..............................    4,402     3,582     5,957

  Transportation equipment ................    5,093     4,302     8,193

   Motor vehicles and parts(4).............    1,685     1,728     3,893

   Aerospace products and parts(4).........    2,571     1,955     3,498

  Furniture and related products...........      757       656     1,010

  Miscellaneous manufacturing..............    2,346     2,686     3,031

All mining(3)..............................    4,382     4,817     2,241

All wholesale trade(3).....................    8,114     6,823     8,346

All retail trade(3)........................       NA    15,045    16,447

(1)Operating profits are profits before nonoperating income and expense items and income taxes.
(3)Manufacturing data are the quarterly results of companies within that division with assets over $250,000; whereas, data for mining and trade corporations represent the quarterly results of companies with assets over $50 million.
(4)Included in major industry above.

SOURCE: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--QFR-03-2, September 2003.



                                                  After-Tax Profits

                                                 2Q        1Q        2Q 

                Industry Group                 2003      2003(2)   2002(2)   

                                                   (million dollars)

All manufacturing corporations(3)..........   58,595    51,990    46,236

All nondurable goods.......................   36,682    36,702    31,179

  Food.....................................    3,798     3,086     3,412

  Beverage and tobbaco products............    5,564     3,777     5,767

  Textiles mills and textile product mills.       56        35       449 

  Apparel and leather products.............    1,145       692      (734)

  Paper ...................................      899       270       889

  Printing and related support activities..      581       383       765

  Petroleum and coal products..............    9,378    13,247     6,073

  Chemicals ...............................   14,164    14,793    12,852

   Basic chemicals, resins, and               

    synthetics(4)..........................    1,638       844       988

   Pharmaceuticals and medicines(4)........    8,484    11,060     7,329

   All other chemicals(4)..................    4,042     2,889     4,534

  Plastics and rubber products.............    1,096       418     1,708 


All durable manufacturing..................   21,913    15,288    15,057

  Wood products............................      392        11       642

  Nonmetallic mineral products.............    1,099      (481)    1,161

  Primary metals...........................       57      (221)      603

   Iron, steel, and ferroalloys(4).........     (337)     (534)      (16)

   Nonferrous metals(4)....................      307       277       327

   Foundries(4)............................       87        37       292

  Fabricated metal products................    2,966     1,549     2,833

  Machinery ...............................    2,410     1,544      (382)

  Computer and electronic products.........    2,175       345    (5,762)

   Computer and peripheral equipment(4)....    2,998     2,530       976

   Communications equipment(4).............     (630)   (1,270)   (5,736)

   All other electronic products(4)........     (193)     (915)   (1,002)

  Electrical equipment, appliances and

   components..............................    4,769     4,143     5,632

  Transportation equipment ................    5,919     5,889     7,607

   Motor vehicles and parts(4).............    4,007     4,481     4,371

   Aerospace products and parts(4).........    1,379     1,021     2,690

  Furniture and related products...........      315       246       591

  Miscellaneous manufacturing..............    1,811     2,262     2,133

All mining(3)..............................    3,138     3,652     1,515

All wholesale trade(3).....................    4,968     4,202     5,899

All retail trade(3)........................       NA     8,574     9,538

(1)Operating profits are profits before nonoperating income and expense items and income taxes.
(3)Manufacturing data are the quarterly results of companies within that division with assets over $250,000; whereas, data for mining and trade corporations represent the quarterly results of companies with assets over $50 million.
(4)Included in major industry above.

SOURCE: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--QFR-03-2, September 2003.


The publication becomes available for sale approximately two weeks from the date of this release from the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 (202-512-1800). The cost for an annual subscription is $39 domestic and $48.75 foreign. Data are also available on 3.5 inch diskettes from U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau (MS0801), P.O. Box 277943, Atlanta, GA 30384- 7943 (301-763-INFO/301-763-4636). The cost for an annual subscription is $80 domestic and $105 foreign. The cost for a single diskette is $50. All remittances from foreign countries must be by international money order or by draft on a U.S. bank.

Schedule of Advance Data Release Dates--2003
[Economic Indicator Release Schedule]

Quarter         Manufacturing, Mining, and Wholesale Trade        Retail Trade


Second 2003							October 15, 2003

Third  2003		 December 12, 2003			January 13, 2004

Questions concerning this advance report should be directed to Contact: Yolando St.George (301) 763-6600 or Frank Hartman (301) 763-3386.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Company Statistics Division
Maintained by Traci Gillespie-Brown

Revised Monday, 01-Mar-2004 09:05:56 EST.

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