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National Streamflow Statistics Program

National Streamflow Statistics Program

Regional Regression Equation Publications by State

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Washington Oregon Idaho Montana Wyoming North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Minnesota Iowa Wisconsin Michigan Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Maryland Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Kentucky Ohio Indiana Illinois Missouri Arkansas Kansas Oklahoma Colorado Utah Nevada California Arizona New Mexico Texas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands Hawaii-American Samoa Alaska
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  Urban Equations Low-Flow Equations


  • SIR 2004-5135, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods on Small Rural Streams in Alabama
  • WRIR 95-4199, Magnitude and frequency of floods in Alabama
  • WRIR 93-4186, Low-flow and flow-duration characteristics of Alabama streams
  • WRIR 82-683, Synthesized Flood Frequency of Urban Streams in Alabama


  • WRIR 03-4188, Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Streamflows for Ungaged Sites on Streams in Alaska and Conterminous Basins in Canada
  • WRIR 03-4114, Estimating annual high-flow statistics and monthly and seasonal low-flow statistics for ungaged sites on streams in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada

    American Samoa

    • WRIR 95-4185, Analysis of Streamflow Characteristics for Streams on the Island of Tutuila, American Samoa


    • WRIR 95-4224, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Arkansas
    • WRIR 93-4013, Regionalization of low-flow characteristics of Arkansas streams
    • WRIR 92-4026, Flow duration and low-flow characteristics of selected Arkansas streams
    • WRIR 85-4150, Floodflow Frequency of Streams in the Alluvial Plain of the Lower Mississippi River in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana


    • SIR 2006-5306, Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges for the Navajo Nation in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States
    • WRIR 84-4142, Estimation of magnitude and frequency of floods in Pima County, Arizona, with comparisons of alternative methods
    • AWRA, Water Resources Bulletin, Volume 20, No. 5, p. 761-769, (1984), Flood-frequency characteristics of some Arizona watersheds
    • Arizona Department of Transportation Report ADOT-RS-15-121, 82 p., (1978), Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in Arizona
    • WSP 1683 (1966), Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States part 9, Colorado River Basin
    • Arizona Map: U.S. Weather Bureau, 1963, Normal Annual Precipitation and Normal May-September Precipitation, 1931-1960, State of Arizona; Isohyetal Analysis prepared by U.S. Weather Bureau, published cooperatively by the Department of Geology, Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, and Institute of Atmospheric Physics in behalf of the University of Arizona Hydrology Program; scale 1:500,000. (PDF file = 3167 kB )


    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States
    • WRIR 77-21, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in California (Abstract only)


    • SIR 2006-5306, Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges for the Navajo Nation in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States
    • WRIR 99-4190, Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Colorado
    • WRIR 87-4094, Techniques for Estimating Regional Flood Characteristics of Small Rural Watersheds in the Plans Region of Eastern Colorado
    • WRIR 85-4086, Estimation of Natural Streamflow Characteristics in Western Colorado


    • SIR 2004-5160, Regression Equations for Estimating Flood Flows for the 2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year Recurrence Intervals in Connecticut
    • WRIR 89-4167, Effects of Urbanization on Peak Streamflows in Four Connecticut Communities, 1980-84


    • SIR 2006-5146, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods on Nontidal Streams in Delaware
    • WRIR 94-4020, Low-Flow Characteristics of Streams in Maryland and Delaware (Abstract only)


    • SIR 2005-5080, Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Streams in West-Central Florida, 2001
    • WRIR 96-4124, Methods for Estimating Low-Flow Characteristics of Ungaged Streams in Selected Areas, Northern Florida (Abstract only)
    • WRIR 96-4176, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Suwanee River Water Management District
    • WRIR 93-4165, Low-flow characteristics of Florida streams
    • WRIR 84-4004, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods from Urban Streams in Leon County, Florida
    • WRIR 83-4107, Selected flow characteristics of Florida streams and canals
    • WRIR 82-4012, Technique for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in natural-flow streams in Florida
    • WRIR 82-42, Magnitude and Frequency of Flooding on Small Urban Watersheds in the Tampa Bay Area, West-Central Florida (Abstract only)


    • WRIR 00-4049, Lagtime Relations for Urban Streams in Georgia
    • WRIR 95-4017, Flood-Frequency Relations for Urban Streams in Georgia-1994 Update
    • WRIR 93-4016, Techniques for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins of Georgia
    • WSP 2317 (1987), Simulation of flood hydrographs for Georgia streams
    • OFR 82-560, Monthly low-flow characteristics of Georgia streams (Abstract only)


    • SIR 2004-5262, Median and Low-Flow Characteristics for Streams Under Natural and Diverted Conditions, Northeast Maui, Hawaii
    • WRIR 95-4185, Analysis of streamflow characteristics for streams on the island of Tutuila, American Samoa
    • WRIR 94-4052, Estimation of Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Streams on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii (Abstract only)
    • WRIR 92-4099, Estimation of Median Streamflows at Perennial Stream Sites in Hawaii
    • OFR 72-453, Evaluation of the streamflow-data program in Hawaii


    • SIR 2006-5035, Estimating Low-Flow Frequency Statistics for Unregulated Streams in Idaho
    • WRIR 03-4261, Estimating the Magnitude of Bankfull Flows for Streams in Idaho
    • WRIR 02-4170, Estimating the Magnitude of Peak Flows at Selected Recurrence Intervals for Streams in Idaho
    • WRIR 01-4093, Estimating Monthly and Annual Streamflow Statistics at Ungaged Sites in Idaho
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States


    • SIR 2004-5103, Estimating Flood-Peak Discharge Magnitudes and Frequencies for Rural Streams in Illinois
    • WRIR 87-4207, Technique for Estimating Flood-Peak Discharges and Frequencies on Rural Streams in Illinois


    • FHWA/IN/JTRP 2005/18 (2006), Flood-Frequency Relationships for Indiana
    • WSP 2372 (1991), Methods for Estimating Low-Flow Characteristics of Ungaged Streams in Indiana
    • WRIR 84-4134, Techniques for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods on Streams in Indiana


    • WRIR 00-4233, Techniques for Estimating Flood-Frequency Discharges for Streams in Iowa
    • OFR 79-555, Annual and Seasonal Low-Flow Characteristics of Iowa Streams
    • OFR 72-405, Discharge Measurements at Low-Flow Partial-Record Stations in Iowa Geological Survey (U.S.)


    • SIR 2004-5033, Estimates of Flow Duration, Mean Flow, and Peak-Discharge Frequency Values for Kansas Stream Locations
    • SIR 2004-5032, Estimates of Median Flows for Streams on the 1999 Kansas Surface Water Register
    • WRIR 01-4142, Estimated Flow-Duration Curves for Selected Ungaged Sites in Kansas
    • WRIR 00-4079, Estimation of Peak Streamflows for Unregulated Streams in Kansas
    • WRIR 00-4133, Estimated Flow-Duration Curves for Selected Ungaged Sites in the Cimarron and Lower Arkansas River Basins in Kansas
    • OFR 80-734, Multiyear Low Flow of Streams in Northeastern Kansas
    • OFR 79-1288, Multiyear Low Flow in Southeastern Kansas


    • WRIR 03-4180, Estimating the Magnitude of Peak Flows for Streams in Kentucky for Selected Recurrence Intervals
    • WRIR 02-4206, Estimating Mean Annual Streamflow of Rural Streams in Kentucky
    • WRIR 97-4219, Estimation of Peak-Discharge Frequency of Urban Streams in Jefferson County, Kentucky
    • WRIR 91-4097, Low-Flow Characteristics of Kentucky Streams


    • TR No. 70, (2004) Regionalized Regression Equations for Estimating Low-Flow Characteristics for selected Louisiana Streams
    • TR No. 60, (1998) Floods in Louisiana, Magnitude and Frequency, Fifth Edition
    • WRIR 85-4150, Floodflow Frequency of Streams in the Alluvial Plain of the Lower Mississippi River in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana
    • WSP 2207, (1983) Flood Characteristics of Urban Watersheds in the United States
    • Research Study No. 65-2H, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Small Watersheds in Louisiana
    • OFR 78-218, Study to Determine Discharge at 50-percent Flow Duration and Ordinary High Water for Streams in Louisiana


    • SIR 2004-5157, August Median Streamflow on Ungaged Streams in Eastern Coastal Maine
    • SIR 2004-5026, Estimating Monthly, Annual, and Low 7-Day, 10-year Streamflows for Ungaged Rivers in Maine
    • WRIR 03-4225, August Median Streamflow on Ungaged Streams in Eastern Aroostook County, Maine
    • WRIR 99-4008, Estimating the Magnitude of Peak Flows for Streams in Maine for Selected Recurrence Intervals

    Maryland/District of Columbia

    • WRIR 95-4154, Technique for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Flows in Maryland
    • WRIR 94-4020, Low-Flow Characteristics of Streams in Maryland and Delaware (Abstract only)



    • WRIR 84-4207, Statistical Methods for Estimating Flow Characteristics of Michigan Streams (Abstract only)


    • OFR 2007-1033, Methods Used to Compute Low-Flow Frequency Characteristics for Continuous-Record Streamflow Stations in Minnesota, 2006
    • WRIR 97-4249, Techniques for Estimating Peak Flow on Small Streams in Minnesota
    • WRIR 87-4170, Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods in Minnesota
    • WRIR 86-4353, Low-flow-frequency characteristics for continuous-record streamflow stations in Minnesota
    • WRIR 78-132, Low-flow frequency of Minnesota streams


    • WRIR 91-4037, Flood Characteristics of Mississippi Streams
    • WRIR 91-4130, Techniques for estimating 7-day, 10-year low-flow characteristics for ungaged sites on streams in Mississippi
    • WRIR 90-4087, Low-flow and flow-duration characteristics of Mississippi streams
    • WRIR 85-4150, Floodflow Frequency of Streams in the Alluvial Plain of the Lower Mississippi River in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana


    • WRIR 95-4231, Technique for Estimating the 2- 500-year Flood Discharges on Unregulated Streams in Rural Missouri
    • WRIR 86-4322, Techniques for Estimating Flood-Peak Discharges from Urban Basins in Missouri
    • OFR 89-1189, Flow-duration data for Missouri streams


    • WRIR 2004-5263, Determiniation of Channel-Morphology Characteristics, Bankfull Discharge, and Various Design-Peak Discharges in Western Montana
    • WRIR 03-4308, Methods for Estimating Flood Frequency in Montana Based on Data through Water Year 1998
    • WRIR 85-4071, A Method for Estimating Mean and Low Flows of Streams in National Forests of Montana


    • WRIR 99-4032, Peak-Flow Frequency Relations and Evaluation of the Peak-Flow Gaging Network in Nebraska


    • OFR 02-168, Updated Techniques for Estimating Monthly Streamflow-Duration Characteristics at Ungaged and Partial-Record Sites in Central Nevada
    • WRIR 01-4231, Simulation of streamflow, middle Humboldt River, north-central Nevada
    • OFR 99-256, Hydrologic data for water years 1978-97 used in daily flow-routing and river-operations models from the upper Carson River basin, California and Nevada
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States
    • OFR 70-203, Evaluation of the streamflow-data program in Oregon

    New Hampshire

    • WRIR 02-4298, Development of Regression Equations to Estimate Flow Durations and Low-Flow-Frequency Statistics in New Hampshire Streams
    • WRIR 78-47, Progress Report on Hydrologic Investigations of Small Drainage Areas in New Hampshire--Preliminary Relations for Estimating Peak (Abstract only)

    New Jersey

    • NJ SR No. 38 (1974), Magnitude and frequency of floods in New Jersey with affects of urbanization

    New Mexico

    • SIR 2006-5306, Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges for the Navajo Nation in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
    • WRIR 01-4217, Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of the 4-day, 3-year Annual Low Flow on Unregulated Streams in New Mexico
    • WRIR 96-4112, Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharge in New Mexico (Abstract only)
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States

    New York

    • SIR 2006-5112, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in New York
    • WRIR 85-4070, Method for estimating low-flow statistics for ungaged streams in the Lower Hudson River Basin, New York
    • WRIR 84-4350, Evaluation of Six Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges on Urban Streams in New York

    North Carolina

    • WRIR 03-4147, Low-Flow Characteristics and Profiles for the Rocky River in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin, North Carolina, through 2002
    • WRIR 01-4094, Low-flow characteristics and discharge profiles for selected streams in the Cape Fear River basin, North Carolina, through 1998 (Abstract only)
    • WRIR 01-4207, Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins in North Carolina--Revised
    • WRIR 98-4135, Low-flow characteristics and discharge profiles for selected streams in the Neuse River basin, North Carolina (Abstract only)
    • WRIR 96-4084, Estimation of Flood-Frequency Characteristics of Small Urban Streams in North Carolina
    • WRIR 96-4085, Estimating flood hydrographs for urban basins in North Carolina
    • WRIR 96-4154, Low-flow characteristics and profiles for selected streams in the Roanoke River basin, North Carolina
    • WSP 2403 (1993), Low-flow Characteristics of Streams in North Carolina

    North Dakota

    • OFR 2000-344, High-streamflow statistics of selected streams in the Red River of the North basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Manitoba
    • OFR 98-21, Streamflow statistics of selected streams in the lower Red River of the North basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Manitoba
    • OFR 97-416, Streamflow characteristics of streams in the Upper Red River of the North basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota
    • WRIR 92-4020, Techniques for Estimating Peak-Flow Frequency Relations for North Dakota Streams


    • WRIR 03-4164, Techniques for Estimating Flood-Peak Discharges of Rural, Unregulated Streams in Ohio
    • WRIR 02-4068, Techniques for Estimating Selected Streamflow Characteristics of Rural, Unregulated Streams in Ohio
    • WSP 2432 (1994), Estimation of Peak-Frequency Relations, Flood Hydrographs, and Volume-Duration-Frequency Relations of Ungaged Small Urban Streams in Ohio
    • WRIR 86-4354, Multiple-regression Equations for Estimating Low Flows at Ungaged Stream Sites in Ohio


    • WRIR 02-4025, Statistical Summaries of Streamflow in Oklahoma through 1999
    • WRIR 01-4152, Flood Frequency Estimates and Documented and Potential Extreme Peak Discharges in Oklahoma
    • WRIR 97-4202, Techniques for Estimating Peak-Streamflow Frequency for Unregulated Streams and Streams Regulated by Small Floodwater-Retarding Structures in Oklahoma


    • SIR 2005-5116, Estimation of Peak Discharges for Rural, Unregulated Streams in Western Oregon
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States
    • WRIR 82-4078, Magnitude and Frequency in Floods in Eastern Oregon
    • OFR 80-689, Storm Runoff as Related to Urbanization in the Portland, Oregon - Vancouver, Washington Area (Abstract only)
    • OFR 70-203, Evaluation of the streamflow-data program in Oregon


    • SIR 2006-5130, Low-Flow, Base-Flow, and Mean-Flow Regression Equations for Pennsylvania Streams
    • WRIR 00-4189, Techniques for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Flows for Pennsylvania Streams

    Puerto Rico

    • WRIR 99-4142, Estimation of Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Streams in Puerto Rico: New Empirical Models
    • WRIR 98-4189, Analysis of flow durations for selected streams in Puerto Rico through 1994
    • WRIR 98-4200, Low-flow characteristics at selected sites on streams in northern and central Puerto Rico
    • WRIR 95-4147, Low-flow characteristics at selected sites on streams in southern and western Puerto Rico
    • WRIR 92-4063, Low-flow characteristics at selected sites on streams in eastern Puerto Rico

    Rhode Island

    • OFR 76-883, Flood Magnitude and Frequency of Small Rhode Island Streams

    South Carolina

    • SIR 2004-5030, Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Small Urban Streams in South Carolina, 2001
    • WRIR 02-4140, Techniques of Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins of South Carolina, 1999
    • WRIR 92-4040, Determination of Flood Hydrographs for Streams in South Carolina: Volume 2. Estimation of Peak-Discharge Frequency, Runoff Volumes, and Flood Hydrographs for Urban Watersheds
    • WRIR 90-4188, Low-flow characteristics of natural streams in the Blue Ridge, Piedmont, and upper Coastal Plain physiographic provinces of South Carolina
    • WRIR 89-4087, Determination of flood hydrographs for streams in South Carolina Volume 1

    South Dakota

    • SIR 2008-5105, Peak-Flow Frequency Estimates Based on Data through Water Year 2001 for Selected Streamflow-Gaging Stations in South Dakota
    • WRIR 98-4055, A Method for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in South Dakota


    • WRIR 03-4176, Flood-Frequency Prediction Methods for Unregulated Streams of Tennessee, 2000
    • WRIR 95-4293, Flow duration and low flows of Tennessee streams through 1992
    • WRIR 86-4007, Regionalization of Winter Low-Flow Characteristics of Tennessee Streams
    • WRIR 85-4191, Regionalization of Low-Flow Characteristics of Tennessee Streams
    • WRIR 84-4110, Flood Frequency and Storm Runoff of Urban Areas of Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee
    • WRIR 84-4182, Synthesized Flood Frequency of Small Urban Streams in Tennessee


    • WRIR 01-4243, Effects of Regulation on L-moments of Annual Peak Streamflow in Texas
    • WRIR 2000-4064, Regional equations for estimating mean annual and mean seasonal runoff for natural basins in Texas, base period 1961-90
    • WRIR 99-4172, Site-Specific Estimation of Peak Streamflow Frequency Using Generalized Least-Squares Regression for Natural Basins in Texas
    • WRIR 98-4015, Peak-Flow Frequency of Tributaries of the Colorado River Downstream of Austin, Texas
    • WRIR 98-4178, Peak-Discharge Frequency and Potential Extreme Peak Discharge for Natural Streams in the Brazos River Basing, Texas
    • WRIR 96-4307, Regional Equations for Estimation of Peak-Streamflow Frequency for Natural Basins in Texas
    • WRIR 96-4072, Peak-Flow Frequency and Extreme Flood Potential for Streams in the Vicinity of the Highland Lakes, Central, Texas
    • WRIR 86-4069, The Effects of Urbanization on Floods in the Austin Metropolitan Area, Texas
    • WRIR 82-18, Techniques for Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area, Texas
    • WRIR 80-17, Technique for Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency fo Floods in the Houston, Texas, Metropolitan Area
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States


    • SIR 2007-5158, Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Flows for Natural Streams in Utah
    • SIR 2006-5306, Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges for the Navajo Nation in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States


    • WRIR 94-4148, Methods for Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges of Rural, Unregulated Streams in Virginia
    • WSP 2374, Low-flow characteristics of streams in Virginia, (1991)


    • WRIR 02-4238, Flow Frequency Characteristics of Vermont Streams


    • WRIR 97-4277, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Washington
    • OFR 80-689, Storm Runoff as Related to Urbanization in the Portland, Oregon - Vancouver, Washington Area (Abstract only)

    West Virginia

    • WRIR 00-4080, Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Discharges for Rural, Unregulated Streams in West Virginia


    • WRIR 03-4250, Flood-Frequency Characteristics of Wisconsin Streams
    • WRIR 86-4005, Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Wisconsin Urban Streams


    • WRIR 03-4107, Peak-Flow Characteristics of Wyoming Streams
    • WSP 2433 (1997), Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Southwestern United States
    • WRIR 86-4246, An assessment of low flows in streams in northeastern Wyoming