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NG7 30-m Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument

2001 Publications

#Article TitleAuthorsJournal TitleVolumeIssuePage NumberYear
1A SANS study of organoclay dispersions Hanley H J, Muzny C D, Ho D L, Glinka C J, Manias EInt. J Thermophys.22514352001
2Anomalous surface conformation for polymeric gas-hydrate-crystal inhibitorsKing H E, Hutter J L, Lin M YDynamics in Small Confining Systems Symp.651T8.4.12001
3Chain conformation in ultrathin polymer films using small-angle neutron scatteringJones R L, Kumar S K, Ho D L, Briber R M, Russell T PMacromol.3435592001
4Dimensions of polyelectrolyte chains and concentration fluctuations in semidilute solutions of sodium-poly (styrene sulfonate) as measured by small-angle neutron scatteringPrabhu V M, Muthukumar M, Wignall G D, Melnichenko Y BPolymer422189352001
5Effect of carbon black and silica fillers in elastomer blends Zhang Y, Ge S, Tang B, Koga T, Rafailovich M H, Sokolov J C, Peiffer D G, Li Z, Dias A J, McElrath K O, Lin M Y, Satija S K, Urquhart S G, Ade H, Nguyen DMacromol.342070562001
6Filled and Nanocomposite Polymer Materials. Symposium (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol.661)Nakatani A I, Hjelm R P, Gerspacher MFilled & Nanocomp. Poly. Mater. Symp.6612001
7Formation and Characterization of Ultra-Low Dielectric Materials Using TEM and SANSYang G Y, Briber R M, Huang E, Rice P M, Volksen W, Miller R DProc. Amer. Chem. Soc.85182001
8Influence of shear on the alignment of a lamellae-forming pentablock copolymerVigild M E, Chu C, Sugiyama M, Chaffin K A, Bates F SMacromol.3449512001
9Interaction of Hydrogen and Deuterium With Dislocations in Palladium as Observed by Small Angle Neutron Scattering Maxelon M, Pundt A, Pyckhout-Hintzen W, Barker J, Kirchheim RActa Materialia491426252001
10Interaction, critical, percolation and kinetic glass transitions in pluronic L-64 micellar solutionsChen S H, Liao C, Fratini E, Baglioni P, Mallamace FColl. & Surf. A183952001
11Microstructural characterization studies to relate the properties of thermal-spray coatings to feedstock and spray conditionsAllen A J, Long G G, Boukari HSurf. & Coat. Tech.1465442001
12Phase behavior of an ABC triblock copolymer blended with A and C homopolymersSugiyama M, Shefelbine T A, Vigild M E, Bates F SJ Phys. Chem. B10550124482001
13SANS study of the structural phases of magnetically alignable lanthanide-doped phospholipid mixtures Nieh M P, Glinka C J, Krueger S, Prosser S, Katsaras JLangmuir17926292001
14Size and polydispersity determinations of AOT/bile salt reversed micelles obtained by small-angle neutron scattering Freeman K S, Tan N C, Trevino S F, Kline S, McGown L B, Kiserow D JLangmuir171339122001
15Small angle neutron scattering characterization of colloidal and fractal aerogels Reidy R F, Allen A J, Krueger SJ Non-Cryst. Solids2851-31812001
16Static and dynamic scattering from ternary polymer blends: Bicontinuous microemulsions, Lifshitz lines, and amphiphilicityMorkved T L, Stepanek P, Krishnan K, Bates F S, Lodge T PJ Chem. Phys.1141672472001
17The significance of percolation on the dynamics of polymer chains bound to carbon blackNakatani A I, Ivkov R, Papanek PFilled & Nanocomp. Poly. Mater. Symp.661KK4.2.12001
18Viscosimetric, hydrodynamic, and conformational properties of dendrimers and dendronsTande B M, Wagner N J, Mackay M E, Hawker C J, Jeong MMacromol.342485802001

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