U.S. Geological SurveyArsenic MineralsArsenic MineralsArsenic Minerals

USGS Arsenic Studies Group Arsenic Symbol

ReferencesAs MineralsMembership Directory


Robert L. Wershaw

Box 25046

Denver Federal Center,

MS 408
Denver, CO 80225-0046 



Further information on arsenic within and outside the USGS





The environmental effects of arsenic have become of major concern to federal agencies, state agencies, foreign governments, and private industries. Several areas worldwide are experiencing severe arsenic-related human health problems. Nationally, the proposed EPA revision of the drinking water standard for arsenic has led to significant focus on arsenic, both inside and outside of government. The USGS is directly involved in a broad range of national and international studies related to arsenic and its distribution and mobility in the environment. It therefore seems timely to set up an ‘Arsenic Studies Group’ within the Bureau. The goals of this group are to increase communication among scientists working on arsenic problems and ultimately to make our contributions more widely available to others working on arsenic studies. The focal point of the interest group will be this web site. The basic information contained on this web site will be descriptions of ongoing studies and point of contact information. To build the site, we need input from interested USGS and other scientists. If you would like to participate, please contact Blaine McCleskey at rbmccles@usgs.gov

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URL: http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/usgs/Arsenic/index.htm
Created/Maintained: R. Blaine McCleskey; rbmccles@usgs.gov
Last Updated: 04/04/2008