NIST: Physics Laboratory: Research Program





  • Surfactant-Controlled Nanodot Growth Nanoscale semiconductor devices present numerous possibilities for future studies of quantum confinement and single electron devices. The growth of germanium on silicon is a classic system in which nanodot growth occurs spontaneously because of the mismatch in lattice spacings. Typically a few layers of germanium will grow first, layer by layer, and then islands of germanium form to produce nanodots of varying sizes. In recent experiments, control of the size of the nanodots has been demonstrated by use of an arsenic "surfactant" during molecular beam epitaxy deposition of germanium on Si (100). Experiments are performed with controlled molecular beam epitaxy of germanium on silicon, with varying amounts of arsenic surfactant deposited first on the surface. Atomic force microscopy is used to investigate the island size after growth. Laser ionization mass spectrometry and reflection high-energy electron diffraction are used to correlate the desorbing fluxes of arsenic dimers and tetramers with the onset of island growth. The results show a dramatic alteration of the island size and density with application of modest amounts of arsenic surfactant in the range of 0.25 to 1.0 monolayers. (S.R. Leone)
  Figure 1

Figure 1. Germanium islands grown on Si(100) using arsenic as a surfactant.

  • Apertureless Near Field Scanning Optical Microscopy. With the ever-decreasing scale of electronic components and chip design, there is an ever-increasing need to develop efficient optical methods to measure properties of nanoscale objects with sizes well below the diffraction limit of light. There have been considerable breakthroughs in this area based on near field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), which has conventionally been achieved by using metal coated, optical fiber tips to confine the light in rapidly tapered, optical fibers. However, this method is inherently limited by the skin depth of light in the metal cladding (approximately 12 nm for Al), which, even for optimum cases, yields only 20 to 30 nm resolution and, under typical operating conditions, more on the order of 100 nm resolution. An alternative, actively explored in the Nesbitt and Gallagher groups, is to develop new methods in apertureless near field scanning optical microscopy, which already have demonstrated resolution improvements down to the 2 to 3 nm length scale. This effort is based on a combination of: i) evanescent wave excitation of molecules/nanostructures on a prism surface; ii) sharp Si or Ag coated Si structures guided by atomic force microscopy (AFM) to condense the evanescent electric fields in the vicinity of the tip; and iii) resonant light scattering or fluorescence detection of the molecules/nanostructures subsequent to the excitation event. This method has been used to image Au nanospheres by resonant scattering of 543 nm light near the Au plasmon resonance, and to determine that the combination of AFM tip + particle leads to a scattering enhancement of over 4000-fold from that of the bare Au nanospheres. (D.J. Nesbitt and A. Gallagher).
  Figure 5

Figure 5. Apertureless AFM/NSOM fluorescence image of a dye doped polystyrene nanosphere (~80 nm) with the corresponding atomic force image below.

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Online: April 1999