NIST: Physics Laboratory: Research Program

What can we do for you?

Physics Laboratory researchers, often in collaboration with scientists from industry and other institutions, develop new measurement methods and instruments for overcoming measurement barriers to accuracy, reliability, and manufacturability. Examples include: a new instrument for measuring the operating voltage on mammographic X-ray instruments, critical to image quality; a new method for manufacturing reference lines with absolutely known, submicron spacing, critical for nanoscale metrology (see cover photo); and a new instrument for measuring local gravity changes, needed for discovering newgas and oil resources.

The Physics Laboratory offers dozens of calibration services and standard reference materials to manufacturers, researchers, and medical equipment makers and clinics. For example, makers of all types of lighting products measure their products against standard lamps calibrated at NIST. For more details, see

Point your web browser to the next time you need atomic, molecular, or radiation data. Researchers can also find the value of any fundamental constant in the Fundamental Physical Constants database from the Avogadro constant to the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

NIST researchers work to improve the practice of measurements by organizing workshops, participating in committees, collaborating/consulting, and providing training seminars on topics such as temperature measurement by radiation thermometry and time and frequency.

Contents   |  Health   |  Environment   |  Time   |  Nanotechnology   |  Frontiers of Science   |  What can we do for you?

Online: June 1999