Table 14: Regional Carrier Full-time Equivalent Employees* by Month,,,,, Numbers in thousands (000’s),,,,, ,2003**,2004,2005,2006,Percent Change 2003-2006 January,41,48,58,55,33.7 February,41,49,56,55,33.3 March,41,50,56,55,33.3 April,41,50,57,55,36.8 May,42,51,57,55,32.1 June,41,52,57,55,33.6 July,41,54,57,56,34.3 August,42,55,57,56,33.2 September,42,55,R57,56,33.7 October,42,56,56,, November,42,56,56,, December,43,55,55,, Monthly Average,42,53,57,55,32.8 Jan.-Sep. Average,41,52,57,55,33.5 Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,,, * Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE) calculations count two part-time employees as one full-time employee.,,,,, "** Note: Four regional airlines, Mesa, Pinnacle, GoJet and PSA, did not meet the reporting standard in 2003. Mesa and Pinnacle began reporting employment numbers in 2004, Pinnacle began reporting in 2005 while GoJet began reporting in 2006.",,,,, R: Atlantic Southeast Airlines was granted an extension for the filing of September 2005 employment numbers. The numbers were revised from the last release to include the late filing.,,,,, Note: Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding.,,,,,