How to Publish Notices in the Federal Register
Updated 11/19/07

Notices are published in the Federal Register (FR) to provide general information of public interest. They may announce meetings, grant application due dates, rulemaking documents, notices with information collection activities or other information requiring public notice.  All rulemaking documents and notices with information collection activities must be cleared by the ITA's Information Collection Officer before General Counsel clearance. The FR notice must be double-spaced and pages numbered.  Click to view sample of a notice documentClick to view sample of a rule (interim or final) or proposed rule.

Submit:  (1) a memorandum from your FR Liaison or Alternate to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, (2) the signed notice (original and three copies double-spaced), and (3) a diskette in Word Perfect or Microsoft Word to the ITA Unit FR contact. (Click here for a listing of FR contacts.) The FR contact will sign the memorandum, certify the notice and return it to the originator. Deliver the original and two certified copies of the notice and diskette to the Office of the Federal Register (OFR), 800 North Capitol Street, NW, Room 700, Washington, D.C. Do not mail. Notices are filed for public inspection on the second day and published three working days after OFR receipt, if received BEFORE 2:00 p.m. Arrivals AFTER 2:00 p.m. will be published within four working days. If you are requesting emergency publication, the reason must be stated in the memorandum to the Director for the Office of the Federal Register.  If the reason is not stated the notice will be published in the time frame as stated above.

For Further Information Contact: Refer to the Document Drafting Handbook or contact Jacqueline Harris at 202-482-4011 or e-mail