How to Order CD Forms, Office of the Secretary Stationery/Envelopes, and SF Forms
Updated 05/11/06

Commerce Department (CD) forms may be accessed directly from the DOC Electronic Forms Website at This web site contains the most up-to-date version of CD forms and enables users to view, fill-in and print CD forms from their PCs in .PDF file format. In addition, selected CD forms and Standard Forms (SF) are available on the ITA Intranet "Our Place" at http://ourplace.ita.doc.govSF forms are also available via the U.S. Office of Personnel website at

For CD Forms, SF Forms (not available in electronic format) and Office of the Secretary Stationery/Envelopes, ITA offices must follow the procedures outlined below.

For CD Forms, Office of the Secretary Stationery/Envelopes

1. Complete Form CD-520, "Request for Forms and Office of the Secretary Stationery/Envelopes."

2. Place orders:

U.S. Department of Commerce
Office of Administrative Operations (H2830B)
Washington, DC 20230

3. Orders will be delivered to the delivery address listed on the request form within two working days.

4. Direct status inquiries or problems with orders to Easton Lewis at 202-482-2131.

For SF Forms

1. Fill out an order form ($file/gs3542.pdf) from  GSA Global Supply (formerly known as the GSA Customer Supply Center order form).  

2. Place orders:

GSA Global Supply (7FLIS)
Room 6A06
819 Taylor Street
Fort Worth, TX  76102

3. Orders will be delivered address within two to seven working day.

4. Direct status inquiries or problems with orders to the GSA Customer Service at 1-800-525-8027.

For additional information contact: Nina Harris at 202-482-3585 or