How to Prepare a CD-464 To Request Use of the Hospitality Fund or Gift and Bequest Fund

Updated 09/14/2007

The ITA Hospitality Fund or Gift and Bequest Fund can be used for luncheons, dinners, receptions, flowers, wreaths, coffee, tea or other refreshments, table and room decorations, photographs, official gifts, certificates of appreciation, etc., for the purpose of entertaining businesspersons, foreign dignitaries or U.S. citizens who are involved in activities in furtherance of ITA's trade promotion objectives. A CD-464, "Request for Authorization by Primary Operating Unit for Official Entertainment", requesting use of the Fund must normally be completed at least two weeks in advance of the event for all requests. If the request is tardy, provide a justification for late submission. Additional detailed information concerning use of this Fund is found in Administrative Instruction 3-5, Gifts and Official Entertainment.


Complete the form (CD-464) through block 6 and forward all requests to the Deputy Under Secretary in Room 3842.


1. Block "TO" Address to Chief Financial Officer and Director of Administration (CFO&DOA), $2,500 and less or Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration (CFO&ASA), over $2,500.


2. Block "FROM" Each program area’s Assistant Secretary signs.


3. Block 1. Briefly, describe the function, event or gift. Include the date, place, and vendor's name of the hospitality event or the gift to be presented.


4. Block 2. State the need for the function or purpose of the gift.


5. Block 3. Enter the total amount requested and attach a cost estimate sheet or copy of invoice provided by the vendor.


6. Block 4. Enter the appropriation source of funds code and select "Hospitality" or "Gift and Bequest", as appropriate.


7. Block 5. Attach a list of non-Government attendees. Include name, title and affiliation.


8. Block 6. Attach a list of U.S. Government attendees. Include name, title and agency affiliation. If U.S. Government attendees are in the majority, the request must be justified and be approved by the Under Secretary.


9. Block 7. Clearance as follows: (1) Deputy Under Secretary all; (2) Accounting Office for funds availability.


10. Block 8 & 9. The CFO/DOA signs all requests. In addition, the CFO and Assistant Secretary for Administration signs requests of over $2,500.


11. The hospitality form must be approved before proceeding with the event or gift purchase.


12. Once the CD-464 is approved, your office point of contact will be notified.  Please provide the name and telephone number of the point of contact.


13. The hospitality or gift should be purchased with a Government issued Visa Purchase Card or CD-435, Procurement Request.


14. Copies of all receipts must be submitted to the Accounting Office within ten (10) business days of the event taking place or purchase being made.  This closes out the requests.


For additional information contact: or 202-482-8365.