Want to start volunteering, but not sure what you should do?  Click here.
Volunteering is fun!  To help show you, we’ve created some games to get you started.  Click here.
Did you know that President and Mrs. Bush like to volunteer?  They and their friends will tell you why on our service stories page.  Click here.
Do you like to color?  We’ve created a coloring book to show you how easy it is to volunteer!  Click here.
Did you know you can earn and award from the President by volunteering?  Click here to find out how.
Want to learn more about other kids’ websites or our partners?  Then click here.
Have a volunteer story you want to share with the President?  Click here to find out how to contact the White House.

Ideas (cont.)

Blue star Volunteer with an adult at your local animal shelter. Take a shelter animal for a walk or offer to help in the kennel or around the office. Make these simple dog cookies to take as an extra treat for your furry friend.


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USA Freedom Corps