"Table 1: Passenger Airline Employment, April 2004-2005",,, ,Apr. 2004,Apr. 2005,Pct. Change 2004-2005 Total (37),,, Total,"464,977","451,915",-2.8 Full-time,"410,495","396,274",-3.5 Part-time,"54,482","55,641",2.1 Network Carriers (7)*,,, Total,"324,599","304,761",-6.1 Full-time,"286,668","266,931",-6.9 Part-time,"37,931","37,830",-0.3 Low-Cost Carriers (8),,, Total,"74,372","73,998",-0.5 Full-time,"67,545","66,877",-1.0 Part-time,"6,827","7,121",4.3 Regional Carriers (13)**,,, Total,"53,678","60,154",12.1 Full-time,"47,196","52,993",12.3 Part-time,"6,482","7,161",10.5 Other Carriers (9)***,,, Total,"12,328","13,002",5.5 Full-time,"9,086","9,473",4.3 Part-time,"3,242","3,529",8.9 "*Independence Air (formerly known as Atlantic Coast Airlines) data have been included in 2004 and 2005 totals for low-cost carriers, reflecting the current change in its business model.",,, "**2005 Regional data include results from one newly reporting airline that was not required to report employment data in 2004: PSA Airlines. The regional airline category, including only those airlines that reported employment data in both April 2004 and 2005, recorded an 8.9 percent growth rate.",,, "*** Allegiant Air, Aloha Airlines, Casino Express Airlines, Continental Micronesia, Hawaiian Airlines, Midwest Airlines, Sun Country Airlines, TransMeridian Airlines, USA3000 Airlines. ",,, Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,