NASA Langley Research Center - Multimedia Repository
Browse Category: Laboratories
NASA Insignia


Title:  Composite Specimen Examined Using Laser
ID #:  EL-1996-00014
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 393x500)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  DC-9 Simulation in support of approach chart study
ID #:  EL-1996-00016
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 401x501)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  High Performance Aircraft Helmet Mounted Display Research
ID #:  EL-1996-00017
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x478)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Computer Graphics Verification
ID #:  EL-1996-00028
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x476)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Full Scale Dynamic Mode of the EOS-AM1 Satellite
ID #:  EL-1996-00034
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x476)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Astronaut Assembly of a 14-Meter-Diameter Microwave Antenna
ID #:  EL-1996-00043
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 501x506)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Brain Mapper and IVAR
ID #:  EL-1996-00067
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x487)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Advanced Civil Transport Simulator Cockpit View
ID #:  EL-1996-00072
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x473)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Simulation Cockpit and Instruments for HSCT
ID #:  EL-1996-00073
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x485)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  TOPS Overall Views of Hanger Floor with Displays
ID #:  EL-1996-00076
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x478)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  HPCCP Testbeds CAS Personnel
ID #:  EL-1996-00082
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x477)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Specimen Puller
ID #:  EL-1996-00083
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x424)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Test Chamber B-1247
ID #:  EL-1996-00084
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x476)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Materials Lab Equipment
ID #:  EL-1996-00086
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x425)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  High Intensity Radiation Laboratory Reverberation Facility
ID #:  EL-1996-00087
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x479)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  TDRV-CWIN System
ID #:  EL-1996-00095
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x479)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Stitching Machine Setup and Preform Lay-up
ID #:  EL-1996-00097
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x441)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Visual Motion Simulator
ID #:  EL-1996-00101
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x475)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Simpson Probe Lab Test
ID #:  EL-1996-00108
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 358x499)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Laser Velocimetry of Chemical Vapor Deposition Flows
ID #:  EL-1996-00111
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x475)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Differential Maneuvering Simulator
ID #:  EL-1996-00118
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x420)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Dual Reflector System In Aneholic Chamber
ID #:  EL-1996-00121
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x479)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  2D-CD AR=4 nozzle with ejector
ID #:  EL-1996-00123
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x479)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  2D-CD Nozzle Model
ID #:  EL-1996-00124
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 395x501)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Mixed Flow High Temperature Nozzle
ID #:  EL-1996-00125
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 497x506)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Optical Measurement System experimental apparatus system
ID #:  EL-1996-00127
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 398x501)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Laser Damage Lab
ID #:  EL-1996-00128
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x474)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Turbine bypass engine nozzle
ID #:  EL-1996-00129
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x459)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Visual Motion Simulator
ID #:  EL-1996-00132
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x481)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  LITE Cold Plate Electronics
ID #:  EL-1996-00134
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x473)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  Geolab
ID #:  EL-1996-00146
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x479)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  LASE Ti: Sapphire Laser
ID #:  EL-1996-00194
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 397x501)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  LASE Ti: Sapphire Laser
ID #:  EL-1996-00195
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 544x472)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

Title:  LASE Ti:Sapphire Laser
ID #:  EL-1996-00202
Format:  IMAGE (JPEG 394x501)
Details:  More information & higher resolution images

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NASA Official: Bill von Ofenheim (
Date: 02/27/2002