Hurricane Katrina Surge Inundation and Advisory Base Flood Elevation Maps

Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana

FEMA has developed Hurricane Katrina Surge Inundation and Advisory Base Flood Elevation Maps (referred to as "Katrina Recovery Maps") to aid Plaquemines Parish property owners to repair or rebuild structures to newly determined advisory coastal flood elevations.  These maps are based on Flood Recovery Guidance (PDF 254KB) for Plaquemines Parish that FEMA published on April 12, 2006, for areas with levee protection in Belle Chasse (sub-basin "a") and all other areas outside of levees.  Based on new storm surge data from USACE, FEMA released updated Katrina Recovery Maps, dated September 21, 2007, that reflect the new data as described in Advisory Addendum #1, Flood Recovery Guidance, for all areas inside of levees in Plaquemines Parish that were released on the same day.

To Which Locations Within Plaquemines Parish Are The Different Advisory Flood Recovery Guidance Recommendations Applicable?

April 12, 2006 Maps

If the property is inside levee protection in Belle Chasse (sub-basin "a"), or located completely outside of levees as per April 12, 2006, guidance.

The April 12 guidance was intended to address concerns about the accuracy of the flood risk information for Plaquemines Parish following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other recent storms. The guidance document explained the recommended application of freeboard above the Plaquemines Parish effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) information in areas outside of levee protection, and the use of ABFEs for sub-basin "a" of the Belle Chasse polder within the levee protected areas.

September 21, 2007 Maps

If the property is inside levee sub-basins "b" through "i" along the Mississippi River or otherwise previously undetermined area.

The September 21, 2007, Advisory Addendum #1 guidance addresses the flood risk for previously described "undetermined" levee protected areas, or other undetermined flood-prone areas described as "to be determined" in Plaquemines Parish.  The addendum establishes the ABFEs for those remaining flood-prone areas. Based on updated flood data and levee repair information, the addendum is primarily being issued for Plaquemines Parish levee polder sub-basins "b" through "i," and is aimed at assisting in the progression of the recovery process. This addendum information is both reliable and current, and has been developed based on the best available technical information on levee protection and flood data. There are no changes to recovery guidance in sub-basin "a" (the Belle Chasse polder) or the recommended freeboard of areas previously designated as outside of levee protection. 

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Last Modified: Thursday, 04-Oct-2007 21:08:48 EDT