A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

In this Issue
FY06 SMART Forms
Year-end Closing Procedures
Performance and Results Brown Bag Series
National Finance Center Operations and Pay
OHRM Staff Location Changes
Procurement Corner
Where Do I Find?

FY 2006 SMART Forms

Starting September 16, FY 2006 SMART Forms will be available for procurement and travel.   All travel from Oct 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006 must be charged to FY 2006 funds and must be requested on the FY 2006 CD 29 SMART form. All FY 2006 procurement requests must use the FY 2006 CD 435 SMART form. If you are having trouble accessing the SMART forms, please contact user assistance at (202)482-1955.  For travel questions, contact Sharon Russell (202)482-3267 and for procurement questions, contact Robin Carpenter (202)482-4989.

Year-end Closing Procedures

Year-end procedures were published via the OFM webpage at http://www.ita.doc.gov/ofm_guidance/itaofm.html found under 'What's New'. These procedures establish program and resource management responsibilities along with due dates. ITA must fulfill its reporting obligations as set internally by the Department of Commerce. If you have questions please contact Jim Donahue at (202)482-0210.

Performance and Results Brown Bag Series

Beginning in October, OFM's Planning and Performance Staff (PPM) will kick off a series of monthly brown bags that focus on ITA's program performance and results. The first topic in the series is, "How did we do in 2005?" This first session will look back at ITA's FY 2005 results by discussing ITA-wide performance metrics and progress made against the ITA strategic plan and our key program priorities. The brown bag will be held on Monday, October 24th, from 11:30 to 1:00 in Room 4115. Stay tuned to future issues of Pursuits for information on each session and future topics. For additional information, contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304.

National Finance Center Operations and Pay

The National Finance Center's (NFC) operations are up and running at their alternative worksites.  Time and Attendance (T&A) data for pay period 17 was processed and all employees were paid through the NFC database.  The official pay date is Thursday, September 15, 2005.  If you have any questions  about your pay, please contact Lorese Green at (202)482-5232 or via email Lorese_Green@ita.doc.gov or Annjuanna Rogers at (202)482-3806 or via email  Annjuanna_Rogers@ita.doc.gov.

OHRM Staff Location Changes

Over the last few months, some members of the OHRM staff have moved to different offices on the seventh floor.  The following employees have moved:  Employee Advisory Services Group:  Ruben Pedroza, Tina James, Diane Evans, and Marques Young to Room 7424 and Brad Lockett to Room 7420; and the Pay and Benefits Group:  Brenda Bradley to Room 7834; Lorese Green, Tawana Fonseca and Annjuana Rogers to Room 7838.   To learn more about the organization and assigned responsibilities of the OHRM staff, go to http://www.ita.doc.gov/hrm/tele.htm. If you have questions on where OHRM Staff are located, please call Christina Agoo at (202)482-3505 or at Christina_Agoo@ita.doc.gov.

Procurement Corner

Question: How do I Certify a Citibank Statement?

Answer: The Cardholder must:

(a) Review all transactions for accuracy. Report accountable property to the servicing property office, DOI/NBC, Judy Lombardi at (303)969-7780 x2535. (b) Describe each item listed on the purchase card log. (c) Attach any mandatory approvals to the statement. (d) Indicate the object class and accounting code for each transaction on the purchase card log. Attach sales slips, or shipping receipts to the statement for EACH transaction. (e) Attach the purchase card log. (f) Certify the statement by signing it. (g) Forward the statement and all supporting documentation to the Approving Official within 5 workdays after receipt. (h) Upon approval by the Approving Official, retain copies of the statement and supporting documentation for your files. (i) Once the Approving Official has signed the statement, forward the original statement and all supporting documentation (purchase card log, receipts, etc.) to the following:

Gerri Richie
Products and Services
Mail Stop D-2761
7301 W Mansfield Ave.
Denver, CO 80235-2230
(303)969-7780 x2998(voice) or (303)969-7075 (fax)

Where Do I Find....The Accrual Form

You can find the accrual form needed for completing end of year procedures on the OFM website at http://www.ita.doc.gov/ofm_guidance/AccrualFormFY05.doc. The form has been recently updated. Until the form is updated in E-Forms found in OurPlace, we ask that you use the form found on the OFM website. For additional information contact Melanie Hazlett at (202)482-1027.

Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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