A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Friday, September 14, 2007

In this Issue
White Pages Profile
Visitor Access to the HCHB
Federal Register
FY07 Year-End Financial Closing
ITA Strategic Plan
FY07 Performance Appraisal
Procurement/Purchase Card Corner
Where Do I Find
ITA Comings and Goings

 White Pages Profile 

As many employees know, the White Pages is a directory that makes it easy to locate employees throughout ITA.  It is also a source of emergency contact information for managers during a time of crisis.  However, White Pages is only effective when individual employee information is current; and that is the responsibility of each ITA employee.  Increasingly, White Pages data will integrate and share information with other systems that ITA plans to transition to in the future.  Keeping your employee profile up to date is becoming more and more important, and now is a good time for ITA employees to make the time to review and update their profiles in the White Pages.  If information or assistance is needed, please contact charles.jefferson@mail.doc.gov, or call (202)482-6078.

Visitor Access to the HCHB

All ITA employees are reminded for the following steps apply to visitors to the HCHB.  All visitors:  Must pass through the magnetometer or be scanned with hand-held screening devices; must have all packages, briefcases, purses, etc. scanned or searched;  must show a picture ID and sign the visitor’s log; will receive and must display a visitor’s pass which will be visible at all times while in the building, located on the front of the outside garment, chest level; must be escorted by a HCHB employee while inside the building  (The visitor must provide the name and phone number of the DOC employee or organization they wish to visit to the receptionist, who will contact that person or organization and request them to provide an escort).  Employees are reminded that if they sign-in a visitor, they are responsible for escorting that visitor for their entire stay in the building.  If a visitor needs to go to another office, the employee must escort them to that office and ensure that another authorized person takes responsibility for the escort of the visitor.  If another escort is not immediately available, the visitor should be escorted back to the lobby to the security checkpoint to wait for another escort.  If you have any questions regarding this or other security matters please contact Kurt Arneson, ITA Security Manager, at (202)482-3633 or Kurt.Arneson@mail.doc.gov

Federal Register

Notices are published in the Federal Register (FR) to provide general information of public interest.  They may announce meetings, grant application due dates or other information requiring public notice.  If you have any questions on how to prepare an FR notice please contact Jacqueline Harris at (202)482-4011 or via email Jacqueline.Harris@mail.doc.gov.  You may also click on the following link:  http://www.ita.doc.gov/ooms/ooms29.htm to learn more about the process.

FY 2007 Year-End Financial Closing

ITA Accounting Memorandum 2007 – 02, FY 2007 Year-End Financial Closing Requirements, dated August 24, 2007, provides the procedures and requirements that apply to domestic activities serviced by the National Business Center.   Please find this memorandum at:  www.ita.doc.gov/ofm  under “What’s New” and “Accounting Memorandums.”  Cooperation from all program and resource managers will ensure that financial records accurately reflect the accounting activity that forms the basis for our internal and external financial year-end reporting.  The year-end closing takes on heightened significance this year with the imminent conversion of our financial records to the Commerce Business System on October 1st.  Please address questions to Ms. Roxanna Allen at (202)483-8363.


ITA Strategic Plan 

Over the past year, ITA’s leadership has dedicated considerable time and effort to define and plan its long-term strategy for FY 2007 – FY 2012. In August of this year, the Department published its FY 2007 to FY 2012 Strategic Plan. You may access the DOC Plan at: http://www.osec.doc.gov/bmi/budget/07strplan/DOC07strplan.pdf.  ITA has now published its plan.  The ITA Strategic Plan reflects the Department of Commerce and the International Trade Administration’s long-term goals and is the most accurate and up-to-date description of ITA’s long term strategic direction.  The plan is available for all employees. Click the following link: http://www.ita.doc.gov/ofm_guidance/handouts/ITA_stratplan2007.pdf. to obtain a PDF version.  ITA leadership intends to post adjustments and changes to portions of this document, as objectives are accomplished, or trade statistics or metrics change. These changes will be posted to the OFM website and employees notified in Administrivial Pursuits to ensure the ITA plan remains an evolving and “living” document.  For further information on ITA’s Strategic direction or ITA’s planning and performance management efforts, contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304 or  via e-mail Ed.Meyer@mail.doc.gov .

FY 2007 Performance Appraisal End of Year Activities

The general workforce performance appraisal cycle ends on September 30, 2007.  Employees are encouraged to start preparing a statement of their accomplishments and contributions, which their supervisors can use in making decisions on their ratings.  To learn more about the Performance Management System, go to http://www.ita.doc.gov/hrm/ and click on Performance Management System on the lower right-center and then click on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in the Tool Box.  The FAQs cover all aspects of the performance appraisal process and system.  If you have any questions about this, contact Anesia Robinson at (202)482-1380 or via email at Anesia.Robinson@mail.doc.gov.  

Procurement/Purchase Card Corner

Question: How do I Certify a Citibank Statement?

Answer: The Cardholder must:  (a)   Review all transactions for accuracy. Report accountable property to your office property custodian (b)   Describe each item listed on the purchase card log. (c)    Attach any mandatory approvals to the statement. (d)   Indicate the object class and accounting code for each transaction on the purchase card log. Attach sales slips, or shipping receipts to the statement for EACH transaction. (e)   Attach the purchase card log.  (f)     Certify the statement by signing it. (g)   Forward the statement and all supporting documentation to the Approving Official within 5 workdays after receipt. (h)   Upon approval by the Approving Official, retain copies of the statement and supporting documentation for your files. (i)     Once the Approving Official has signed the statement, forward the original statement and all supporting documentation (purchase card log, receipts, etc.) to the following:  Beverly King, Products and Services, Mail Stop D-2761, 7301 W Mansfield Ave. Denver, CO 80235-2230, (303)969-5506(voice) or (303)969-7281(fax).  If you have any questions contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email Robin.Carpenter@mail.doc.gov .

Where Do I Find.... Information on how to reconfigure or setup a phone?

For general information, including step-by-step instructions on how to setup voicemail and other telephone features, visit the Department’s HCHB phones website, http://home.osec.doc.gov/wiring/hchb1.html.  To reconfigure a phone, please email the user’s name, room number, phone extension, phone MAC address, requested changes, and point of contact to Jeffrey.Scherr@mail.doc.gov.  There are three barcodes on the reverse of the phone; the barcode beginning with “000” or “001” is your phone’s MAC address.  If you have questions, please contact Jeff Scherr at (202) 482-3266.

ITA Comings and Goings 8/10/07 - 9/07/07

Arrivals – Welcome!

OUS – Kathleen Marksberry;  MAS – William Sutton; USFCS – Sally Siberman, Allin Hedge, Susan Crawford, Nathan Harsch


OUS – Howard Levitas, Stephen Lutes, Scott Sendek; IA – Carrie Blozy, Peter Nevenglosky, Julie Santoboni, Bret Sechrist;   MAC – Aron Davidson;  MAS –Nicholas,Sauer.

If you have any questions about this information, contact Bradford Lockett at (202)482-6342 or via email at Bradford.Lockett@mail.doc.gov.


Approved by the ITA CFO/Director of Administration

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina.Harris@mail.doc.gov

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