A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, October 27, 2004   

In this Issue
International Mail
Citibank On-Line Payment
Signature Cards
White Pages User Form
FY 2005 Budget
FY05 Accounting Structures for Cables
ITA Demonstrates Results FY04
Open Season - Thrift Savings Plan
Procurement Corner
Where Do I find

International Mail Weighing 16 oz. or More

Due to new U.S. Postal Service (USPS) regulations regarding security of overseas mail, the Department's central mailroom can no longer accept items weighing 16 ounces or more destined for overseas locations.  Nor can these item(s) be left in a collection box.  For security reasons, the sender must take items over 16 oz. directly to the post office for endorsement by an authorized postal service employee.  The Department's central mailroom will continue to accept and process items weighing less than 16 ounces.  If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Judith Wilson at (202)482-3265 or via e-mail at Judith_Wilson@ita.doc.gov.

Citibank Access and On-Line Payment System

Beginning in late November 2004, Citibank will offer travel cardholders the option of paying their travel card bill using the Citibank Online Statement System.  There is no extra charge for the service.  Stay tuned for more information.  If you have questions, please call Sharon Russell, ITA Travel Card Coordinator, at (202)482-3267. 

Signature Cards - Form ITA 2068

The new Fiscal Year started on October 1, 2004.  Signature cards for each person with authority to obligate ITA funds must be on file with NBC in Denver.  Due to the reorganization, and several inter-program unit moves, please ensure that everyone with signature authority submits a new signature card for FY 2005. ITA-2068, "Designation/Revocation of Authority to Approve Obligating and Payment Documents" (signature card) can be found at OurPlace under E-Forms.  If you have questions, please contact Roxanna Allen at (202)482-8363

White Pages User Form

A new electronic "Delete User" form in the White Pages is currently undergoing testing, and should be available shortly.  The electronic "Delete User" form will allow ITA employees to submit an electronic request to have users no longer employed by ITA removed from the White Pages.  This form, combined with the "New User Request" form, should allow for greater accuracy in the White Pages.  The "Delete User" form can be submitted by any employee to the help desk, and the help desk will contact the individuals supervisor, or the form submitter, to confirm that the employee is no longer working at ITA.  After a 30-day window the users record will be removed.  If you have questions or comments contact Seth Raley at (202)482-3756, or Seth.Raley@mail.doc.gov .  

FY 2005 Budget  

ITA remains under a Continuing Resolution, (CR) October 1, 2004 thru November 20, 2004.  Congress is in recess until November 16, 2004. The House and Senate Appropriations Committee staffers have begun hammering out issues involving Commerce-Justice-State (CJS) and related Agencies Appropriations in preparation for the Omnibus package.  If there are questions, please contact Amy Duncan at (202)482-5739.

FY 2005 New Cable Process

The ITA cable process has been transferred from ITA Budget to ITA Accounting. Funding cables are required to be routed electronically from program areas (TP/US&FCS, MAC, IA and MAS) to Sonya Holland in OFM.  The electronic funding cable will be the official record.  It is the cable issuer's responsibility to ensure that all approvals are obtained prior to forwarding the electronic cable to Sonya. Sonya will validate the accounting codes, release the record to be sent to the State Department and transmit the cable to be recorded in the accounting system (FFS).  If you have questions, Sonya can be contacted at (202)482-3152 or Sonya.Holland@mail.doc.gov 

ITA Demonstrates Commendable Results in Fiscal 2004

Based upon an analysis of performance metrics, ITA has demonstrated commendable results in fiscal 2004. ITA reports to the Department on 18 performance measures under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). ITA met or exceeded the target in FY 2004 on 15 of those 18 measures (83%).   In addition to tasks measured by metrics, 


ITA undertook a major reorganization to refocus its work on domestic industry issues, consolidated export promotion functions, and streamlined AD/CVD; conducted process mapping of the major areas within ITA to identify and implement areas of improvement; developed a new performance appraisal system; established an ITA-wide planning process to focus on China and other topical areas; and developed a plan to achieve compliance with OMB Circular A-25  which requires full cost recovery for goods and services provided by agencies.  For additional information on ITA 's performance management program, contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304.  

Open Season for the Thrift Savings Plan

The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) opens season is from October 15, 2004 through December 31, 2004. TSP elections or changes made between October 15, and December 31, 2004, will be effective the first full pay period of the election period based on the receipt date. Please confirm your TSP employee's contributions elections on your statement of Earnings and Leave. For additional information, contact Vanessa Lewis at (202) 482-8327, or Dottie Bowling at (202) 482-3504.

Receipt Date  

10/15 - 12/11

12/12 - 12/25

12/26 - 12/31

Effective Date




Open Season is a good time to review your investments. If you are covered by FERS, you can elect to contribute up to 15% of your basic pay each pay period, up to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) annual limit ($14,000 for 2005).  If you are covered by CSRS, you can elect to contribute up to 10% of your basic pay each pay period, up to the IRS annual limit ($14, 000 for 2005). You do not receive any agency matching contributions.  For additional information you can go to http://www.tsp.gov/, or the ThriftLine 1(877)968-3778.

Procurement Corner   

Question: How do I apply for a $25K card? 

Answer: To apply for a $25K card, an applicant must:

1.         Complete a 40-hour Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) training course. Upon completion, the applicant will receive a certificate of completion.

2.         Successfully complete the GSA purchase card web-based training course located at the following website address: http://apps.fss.gsa.gov/webtraining/trainingdocs/smartpaytraining/index.cfm
            smartpaytraining/index.cfm. A certificate is automatically generated upon successful completion.

3.          Complete form ITA2058 - Government Purchase Card Set-Up Form

4.         Complete a memo to Helen Hurcombe, Director of Acquisition and Grants, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to include a "justification for need." The memo must indicate if the applicant is the only cardholder or if there's an existing cardholder in the office, identify the reason why purchasing authority exceeding $2,500 is needed, and identify the office's historical purchasing patterns and other reasons requiring additional purchasing authority; include changes in the office causing an increase level of purchasing.

5.         REMINDER: Approving Officials for $25K cards must have completed SAP training. 

Submit your SAP certificate along with test score, GSA on-line certificate of completion, ITA2058 and "justification for need" memo and include a copy of the approving official's SAP certificate and GSA on-line certificate to Robin Carpenter, Agency Program Coordinator.  If you have questions please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email at Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov 

Where Do I Find......a List of Pay Periods & the Official Pay Dates?

A complete list of pay periods with the official pay date may be found at http://www.ita.doc.gov/hrm/Pay_Periods/.

Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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