A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

In this Issue
Transit Benefit
Information Collections
End of Year Performance Appraisal Process 
Budget Data Request
Additional Guidance
Senate Action on ITA's Appropriation
Preliminary FY 2005 Performance Results for ITA
Procurement Corner's
Where Do I Find?
ITA Comings & Goings

Transit Benefit

Participants are reminded that when a change to the information provided on the original transit benefit application occurs (i.e., home address, transit benefit amount, etc.), a new ITA-2064, "DOC Application for Transit Benefit" application must be completed.  The form is located on "Our Place" under eforms.  If you have questions about the transit benefit program, please call Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

Information Collections

Packages submitted for a renewal or extension of an OMB information collection (hereinafter "collection") must be submitted to the Office of Organization and Management Support (OOMS) a minimum of 30 days in advance of the expiration date in order to meet the Department's processing requirements.  If the renewal is not received at least 30 days prior to expiration, the collection may expire before OMB acts on the renewal and will be considered a violation of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).  Any question regarding the PRA process should be directed to Jacqueline.Harris@mail.doc.gov or (202)482-4011. 

End of Year Performance Appraisal Process

The FY 2005 performance appraisal period ended on September 30, 2005. All performance appraisals should be completed no later than October 30, 2005. OHRM, Strategic Workforce Management Group (SWMG) will be providing certification sheets to officials during October. These certification sheets are needed to enter performance ratings into the Department of Commerce's personnel database. All certification sheets should be submitted to the Office of Human Resources Management, SWMG, Room H7412 (HCHB) by November 18, 2005.  For questions, please call Charlene Gantt at (202)482-2536 or via email at mailto:Charlene_Gantt@ita.doc.gov or Christine Covington at (202)482-3041 or via email at mailto:Christine_Covington@ita.doc.gov. 

Budget Data Requests

Upon occasion, program offices may be requested to provide budget and financial information from other entities, including the Department of Commerce, the Office of Management and Budget, Congress and the public. These requests must be forwarded to the Office of Financial Management, which will coordinate and clear the response. If you have questions please contact Amy Duncan at (202)482-5739 or via email Amy.Duncan@mail.doc.gov .

Additional Guidance

Guidance on accounting for contingent liabilities-unasserted claims, commitment accounting, and travel obligations has been issued and is available on the OFM website.  Questions should be directed to Roxanna Allen via email Roxanna.Allen@mail.doc.gov or at (202)482-8363.

Senate Action on ITA's Appropriation

The full Senate has completed action on the Commerce Appropriation request for FY 2006. The House/Senate Conference, which will work on the many differences between the two versions, has not been scheduled. A continuing resolution for at least the first 30 days of FY 2006 is highly likely. If you have any questions please contact Doug Allis at (202)482-9151 or via email Doug.Allis@mail.doc.gov .


Preliminary FY 2005 Performance Results for ITA

ITA reports to OMB and the Department on several key performance metrics on an annual basis. For FY 2005, ITA anticipates that it will meet or exceed the planned target for 16 of our critical 18 measures, an 88% success rate. Please see our preliminary results (as of 9/28/05) below for export promotion and compliance metrics. Final results will be posted in mid-October.  Export Promotion -We are within 6% of target on the "Number of Exporters Entering a New Market for the First Time" and by October 12th, our final data may show that we have achieved this target as well. This measure remains tied to continued slow growth abroad and is attributable to such external factors as currency values, rising energy costs, increased interest rates and trade disruptive externalities such as the Tsunami and recent hurricanes.  Compliance - ITA initiated 163 market access and compliance cases and concluded 123 cases. We concluded 48 more cases than planned. The Market Access and Compliance (MAC) program has made significant progress in achieving its long-term performance goal by exceeding targets for the number of market access and compliance cases concluded in both FY 2004 and FY 2005. The high level of cases concluded can be attributed to ITA's continued engagement with existing trading partners and the conservative target setting in the absence of baseline historical data. Import Administration (IA) continues to meet statutory deadlines for 100% of its cases.  For additional information on ITA performance metrics, contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304.

Procurement Corner's

Question: How do you prepare a Statement of Work (SOW)?

Answer:  To prepare a SOW, the requesting office should address their unique requirements for the product or service, provide a detailed description of the product/service required, indicate when the product or service is needed and how it supports a program or unit initiative. Include any specific reporting requirements and the name of the ITA contact.  Refer to OOMS-35, "Through the Maze", for additional guidance.  If you need additional assistance contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989.

Where Do I Find....GAO Reports

Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports and testimony are available on line.  To find a GAO report or testimony involving ITA, go to http://www.gao.gov/docsearch/agency.php  At this location, you can access GAO reports on ITA, the Department of Commerce and all other government agencies.  If you have questions about this, contact Linda Bell at (202)482-3032 or e-mail Linda at Linda.Bell@mail.doc.gov .  

ITA Comings and Goings 08/09/05 - 10/03/05

Arrivals - WELCOME!
OUS - Joshua Franzel, Roy Neal; ADMIN - Vladimir Diaz,  IA - Robert Carrigg; MAC - Christine Brown, Diana Fonovich, Renee Hancher; MAS - Emily Barragan, Yeo Jin Chun, Jacob Dreizin, Pamela Green, Martin Johnson, Joseph Neuhoff, Brian O'Hanlon; US&FCS - Ira Belkin, Francis Peters, Michael Steward.  
ADMIN - Glenitta Chase, Seth Raley, Tamara Spriggs; IA - Naomi Freeman, Gregory Kalbaugh, Susan Lehman, Michael Obhof, Linda Sullivan; MAC - Logan Strohm; MAS - Jeffrey Rohlmeier; US&FCS - Jacqueline Bell, George Best, Stephen Butler, Kelcy Hahn, Michael MacDonald, Georgette Tuaimeh, Eric Watson, Lynn Whiteheart, Tonya Williams.  If you have questions contact Diane Evans at (202)482-4382 or via email mailto:Diane_Evans@ita.doc.gov .


Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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