A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

In this Issue
Bankcard Statement
New Copier Maintenance
New Archiving Procedures
ITA Forms and Stationary
FY 2004 Travel Order 
Self-Paced Training 
FY 2003 Budget
FY 2004 Budget
FY 2005 Budget
Where Do I Find?
Traveler's Corner 
ITA Comings & Goings



Metrocheks will be distributed to participating employees in Room B841B from October 7-9, 2003, according to the first letter of your last name, as follows:

A-E-October 7, 8:30-12:00
F-L-October 7, 12:00-3:30
M-R-October 8, 8:30-12:00
S-Z-October 8, 12:00-3:30

On October 9 from 8:30-3:30, Metrocheks are available for pickup in Room B841B by any participating employee. Those employees who are unable to pickup their Metrocheks during the designated times can go to the Department of Transportation (DOT) headquarters, located at 400 7th Street, SW. Take the Metrorail to L'Enfant Plaza, exiting at 7th and D. The Metrocheks pickup window is located on the Plaza Level, Southwest corner of DOT in Room 206. The office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. with full coverage during lunch hours. If you have questions, please call Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

Bankcard Statement Disputes

CitiBank has released a new version of Citidirect that gives the Cardholders the ability to initiate vendors disputes. Cardholders can now use an online form to describe their transaction dispute. Once the cardholder submits the dispute, a popup appears with instructions to print the form, sign it and fax it to CitiBank. Please remember that cardholders must submit the signed document within 30 days. If the bank does not receive the document within 30 days, the dispute will be resolved in favor of the vendor. The Commerce Bankcard Center's web page will be updated notifying users of this new feature with instructions and will also provide the Agency Program Coordinator short instructions for dissementation. If you have questions, please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email, Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov.

New Copier Maintenance Program

To streamline copier maintenance, all copiers in ITA-headquarters will be serviced, supplied and maintained by Danka in FY 2004. The only exception is Xerox machines which can only be serviced by the manufacturer, Xerox Capital Services. That means all other brands of copiers, Canon, Toshiba, Ricoh, etc. will be serviced by Danka. For service on all but Xerox copies, please call the Danka service number at 1(800)653-2652.  After reviewing the options to ensure prompt and efficient maintenance and support of ITA's headquarters copiers, OOMS decided to contract with Danka Office Imaging to provide a consolidated support program in order to make it easier for people to get prompt service, ensure better reporting of copier use, and make it easier if offices wish to connect their copier to their network printer. If you have questions, please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email, Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov.

New Archiving Procedures

Effective October 1, 2003,  ITA has implemented new procedures for retiring and shipping official  records for staff located at ITA Headquarters.  Records will no longer be consolidated and stored in the records holding and staging facility for pickup by staff from Washington National Records Center.  Instead, ITA offices will obtain the SF-135, "Records Transmittal and Receipt", from OurPlace and email the completed form to the ITA Records Management Officer for approval.  Upon approval, the originating office will contact the central mailroom at (202)482-4447 to arrange for the pickup of the boxes and shipment to WNRC directly from their office. The detailed procedures are outlined in the Through the Maze Manual under OOMS-7, "How to Retire, Ship and Retrieve Official Records".  For additional information and assistance, contact Glenitta Chase at (202)482-3757.  

ITA Forms and Stationary Catalog

The September 2003 ITA Forms and Stationery Catalog has been revised and updated.  This catalog identifies all current ITA forms, envelopes and stationery as well as public use form and serves as a reference guide for ITA employees.  Only forms listed in this catalog are current and official.   To access this catalog, log on to http://www.ita.doc.gov/ooms/ITACatalog.htm.  For additional information, contact Glenitta Chase at (202)482-3757 or e-mail glenitta_chase@ita.doc.gov.



FY04 Travel Orders

A quick reminder to all travelers and travel order preparers:  FY 2004 travel orders must be prepared using the FY 2004 forms and FY 2004 travel order numbers.  The FY 2004 Travel order forms are available on "OurPlace" at: (http://ourplace.ita.doc.gov/ourplace.nsf?Open.  After signing on, select "E-forms" from the navigational bar on the right.  Then select "ITA Smart Forms" from the menu bar, and then select the CD-29, Travel Order form for FY 2004.  If you have questions, please call Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

Self-Paced Training

The USDA Graduate School has expanded their Self-Paced Training program. There are two types of Self-Paced Training courses available: Self-Study, designed for independent learning and Instructor-assisted, designed to guide you through a series of readings and assignments. One of the most attractive features of Self-Paced Training, is that it allows you to choose the time and place most convenient for you to start your training. Over 85 courses are available through this program. To learn more about this flexible approach to learning, log on to the Graduate School website at www.grad.usda.gov/selfpaced or by calling 1(888)744-GRAD. If you have additional questions, please call LaVerne Hawkins at (202)482-2537.

FY 2003 Budget

FY 2003 has ended. The OFM staff will continue to monitor all obligations closely.  If there are any questions contact Beryle Randall (after October 3, 2003) on (202)482-4873.

FY 2004 Budget

The House and Senate have passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) to cover the period October 1, 2003 through October 31, 2003.  The CR will allow ITA to continue to operate at a conservative spending rate during that time period.  Detailed funding availability information will be available from OFM in the next few days. If there are any questions, please contact  Beryle Randall at (202)482-4873.

 FY 2005 Budget

Under Secretary Grant Aldonas and others met on September 25, 2003 with the OMB examiners to discuss ITA's FY 2005 Budget request.  OMB has submitted several questions that are being answered by various program offices and the Office of Financial Management (OFM).  The OMB "passback" is expected in late November 2003.  If there are any questions, please contact Beryle Randall at (202)482-4873.       

Where Do I Find....ITA 2068 Signature Card?

The ITA-2068, "Designation/Revocation of Authority to Approve Obligating and Payment Documents" (Signature Card) can be found at OurPlace under E-Forms.  If you have any questions, contact Elizabeth Seals at (202)482-8367.

Traveler's Corner

Question: Can an ITA employee solicit payment for travel, subsistence, and related travel expenses from a non-Federal source?

Answer:  An ITA employee is prohibited from soliciting payment for travel, subsistence and related travel expenses from a non-Federal source but may accept a travel gift if it is offered and is approved by the program Deputy Assistant Secretary.  If you have questions, please call your travel contact or Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

ITA Comings and Goings 08/01/2003 - 09/22/2003

Arrivals - WELCOME!

US - Mary Brewer; ADMIN - Christine Agoo, Quineica Pryor; IA - Jonathan McKernan; MAC - Beverly Fuortes, Kim White; TD - Jessica Arnold, Richard Champley, Julie Heizer, Heidi Hijikata, Isabel Hill; US&FCS - Meredith Janik, Lalinda McMillan, Geravia Steele, Traci Ann Thompson, Eric Wolff.


US - Julie Cram, Jeffrey Freshour, Heather Layman; ADMIN - Alfredo Hurtado; IA - Geoffrey Craig, Julio Fernandez, Jarrod Goldfeder, Shannon McCormack, Christopher Priddy; MAC - Harrison Cook, Andrew Dilworth, Gerald Feldman, Jason Gomberg, Allison Tepley; TD - Simon Aronshtein, Scott Beech, Marianne Carreras Paz, Leslie Simon, Shannon Yu; US&FCS - Kelly Buck, Stephen Craven, Carol Kim, Amy Klemt, Jenelle Krall Matheson, Omar Mahmood, Anne Nash, Shirley Robben, Naomi Robinson, Susan Sawmiller, Shilo Snavely, Eric Tomlinson.


Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov
