A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Thursday, October 26, 2006

In this Issue
Door Sign
Controlled Correspondence
Copier & Printer Supplies
ITA FY06 Performance Results
FY07 Accounting Codes
Life Insurance Costs
5-Level Performance Management
Revamped OPM Website
Traveler's Corner
Where Do I Find

Door Signs

All requests for preparation and installation of door signs must be  processed by OOMS.  OOMS is charged with reviewing requests for uniformity of style, accuracy of titles as listed in Organization and Function Order 41-1, and printing only those signs reflect official organization titles.  To request a door signs, please submit a SF-1 signed  by an authorized budget official with the current fiscal year appropriation code to Diana Smith in room 4001.  Details such as how you want the  door sign worded, the size of the door sign requested, the room # where you want it installed, and what sign it should replace shouldl be included on the SF-1.  If you have any questions, please contact Diana Smith at (202)482-3265.

Controlled Correspondence

Recently, a number of draft responses to “A” Priority controlled correspondence have been submitted to the ITA Secretariat without the proper clearances.  ITA Secretariat requires that drafting offices obtain clearances via email from the Office of the General Counsel and the Office of Policy before submitting their draft responses to ITA Secretariat.  If the outgoing response is for a Member of Congress, you must also obtain clearance from ITA’s Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs.  Clearances may be obtained via email at the following addresses:  Office of the General Counsel: mailto:OCCIC@doc.gov; ; for OGC clearances on Import Administration issues, contact: IA_Communications@ita.doc.gov .  Office of Policy: pscranton@doc.gov or kknapp@doc.gov ,Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs: Lori_Harju@ita.doc.gov or Erin_Mewhirter@ita.doc.gov .  Please feel free to contact the ITA Secretariat staff at (202)482-5101, or by email at ITASEC@ita.doc.gov if you have any further questions about the clearance process.  You may also find information on our website regarding other controlled correspondence issues at www.ita.doc.gov/ita_sec/

Copier and Printer Supplies

Most copiers, printers and fax machines in ITA-headquarters and the Ronald Reagan Building are serviced, supplied and maintained by Cartridge Technologies Inc. (CTI).  Therefore, to ensure service in a timely manner ITA and Cartridge Technologies Inc. have scheduled supply deliveries for Tuesday and Thursday ONLY.  All supply calls should be placed by 3:00 PM the day before the scheduled delivery day.  You can place a service call or supply order by calling OCIO Help Desk at (202)482-1955 (Please note that Xerox and Oce machines, can only be serviced by Xerox Capital Services and Oce-USA Inc.Please make sure you provide the machine location, serial number, bar code and point of contact when placing a service or supply call.  If you have questions, please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email at Robin.Carpenter@mail.doc.gov

ITA FY 2006 Performance Results

ITA reports annually to OMB and the Department on several key performance metrics.  For FY 2006, ITA ‘s Planning and Performance Management Staff have produced the linked report below from pbViews, ITA’s performance measure tracking and reporting system.  This report depicts both planned targets and actual results for ITA’s critical annual outcome measures. We are providing only the data this time but please stay tuned for the next issue of Administrivial Pursuits for our interpretation of these results!  For additional information on ITA performance metrics, contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304.  For additional information on pbViews, contact Dondi Ojeda at (202)482-5204.  www.ita.doc.gov/ofm_guidance/Bud&Perf/FY06_pbviews_pursuits_link.pdf

FY07 Accounting Codes

The ITA Financial Coding System (Accounting Classification Codes) has changed for FY 2007.  Previously, in order to locate a code it was necessary to “build” a code using drop down menus.  The new system is a lookup menu and will give you the code you are looking for by pointing to and clicking on the Program unit and then clicking on the applicable Cost Center/Organization Code.  Select the Project applicable to find Fund Code. Once the Fund Code is selected simply add the applicable Budget Object Code and you will have the entire fiscal strip for your document.  The system is a lookup menu used for the categorization of funds for obligating documents (i.e., time and attendance reports, requests for procurements, credit card bills, purchase orders, travel orders, agreements, etc.). This code tells the accounting system the year in which the obligation is occurring, the fund that is being charged, the specific project that is being billed, the ITA performance goal that is supported by the obligation, the organization that is responsible for the charge and the budget object class used for the kind of goods/services requested. The code tables for FY 2007 are broken down into three main areas:  Accounting Codes – FY 2007 Domestic Codes, Accounting Codes – FY 2007 Overseas Codes, Accounting Codes – FY 2007 Budget Object Codes.  The new codes are located in the same location as previous codes – Go to:  Our Place - ITA Finance - Accounting Codes.  For additional information, please contact Rick Keller at (202)482-5598.

Life Insurance Costs

Did you know you pay the full cost of the options under the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program?  The cost depends upon your age.  The withholdings increase as you reach the next age group.  For example, insurance withholdings increase as you reach the next age group on the first day of the pay period that starts after your birthday.  For example, if you will be age 50 on June 4, you will begin paying the premium for the "50 through 54" age group on the first day of the pay period that starts after June 4.  For more information, see the FEGLI website at http://www.opm.gov/insure/life/booklet/2004/federal/optionA.asp.  If you have any questions about the FEGLI program, please contact Vanessa Lewis at (202)482-8327 or via email at Vanessa_Lewis@ita.doc.gov.

5-Level Performance Management Appraisal System  

ITA OHRM has designed and implemented a Refresher Information Performance Management Web site.  This Web site features over 45 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) by topic, a snapshot of the 5-Level performance appraisal system, an array of resource references for employees and supervisors, and an on-line video on the 5-Level system.  This information will assist supervisors and employees in administering the 5-level performance management system so that all employees receive the maximum benefit from this new appraisal system.  Please visit the ITA OHRM Performance Management Web page at http://ita.doc.gov/hrm/pms.htm .  For more information, you may contact Anesia.Robinson@mail.doc.gov  or Charlene.Gantt@mail.doc.gov .

Revamped Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Website

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has recently revamped its website to make it more user-friendly.  It is broken into three segments.  At the top, it features links to topics that are currently being highlighted, e.g., Hiring Toolkit, Influenza, Career Patterns and Recruitment Showcase.  Below that on the left side, there are links to What Is New at OPM.  The middle column provides links to information by Audience, e.g., Job Seekers, Federal Employees, Retirees & Families and HR Practitioners/Agencies.  The last column provides a link to the Operating Status of the Federal government.  Below that, there are links based on the Most Requested Topics, News & Events and About OPM.  The information available at OPM’s website should be of interest to most Federal employees.  To access the website, please go to http://www.opm.gov/.  If you have any questions about OPM and its website, please contact Marcia Tyler at (202)482-2850 or via email at Marcia_Tyler@ita.doc.gov.

Traveler's Corner

Question: Must a traveler use a contract carrier when traveling on official government travel?

Answer: Yes, a traveler must use a contract carrier when traveling on official government travel unless one or more of the following conditions exist(s) which must be noted in Block #14 of the travel order: (a) Space or a scheduled contract flight is not available in time to accomplish the Department's mission or the use of a contract carrier would require the traveler to incur unnecessary overnight lodging costs which would increase the total cost of the trip; b) The contractor's flight schedule is inconsistent with policies of the Department with regard to scheduling travel during normal working hours; or (c) a non-contract carrier offers a lower fare available to the general public, the use of which will result in a lower total trip cost to the Government, to include the combined costs of transportation, lodging, meals, and related expenses. The GSA Federal Travel Regulations require that all airline tickets must be purchased from the Travel Management Center (SATO).  If you have questions, call your travel contact or Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

Where do I find …. What to do if my voicemail isn't working?

If your voicemail isn't picking up, or if the red light is showing even when you don't have any voicemail messages, then please contact the Department's Help Desk technicians at (202)482-5010, extension 1.  The technicians will walk you through the solution to your voicemail problem.  Employees requiring voicemail resets should contact ITA's Phone Representative, Jeff Scherr at (202)482-3266 or by email at Jeffrey.Scherr@mail.doc.gov.

Approved by the Acting Director of Administration

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina.Harris@mail.doc.gov

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