A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

In this Issue
Management Reviews & Special Studies
Retiring Employees
National Finance Center Operations 
FY06 Budget
Audit Status
Individual Performance Plans to ITA's Strategic Plan
Combined Federal Campaign
Procurement Corner's
Where Do I Find
ITA Comings & Goings

Management Reviews & Special Studies

Do you need assistance in conducting a management review or a special study? If so, please consider partnering with the Office of Organization & Management Support (OOMS). The OOMS Management Analysis Division helps managers create and sustain high performance by improving the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of ITA programs and services. We provide objective information and analysis that supports improved operations and effective decision-making. For additional information, please contact Charles Jefferson via email  charles.jefferson@mail.doc.gov or call (202)482-6078.

Retiring Employees

Please remember that when you leave Federal service that all administrative responsibilities must be completed before ITA can issue your final paycheck and/or lump sum payment.  Which means, among other things, that ITA must assure that:

  • Travel card balances have been paid
  • All Purchase card statements have been reconciled, signed and forwarded to DOI - Gerri Richie.  Purchase card account has been cancelled by submitting the ITA2061
  • Calling card has been cancelled. 
  • Transit Benefits have been cancelled.

Because numerous signatures are required, it is important to start a week before your scheduled departure date.  You can obtain the ITA 2076 - Separation Clearance Form, at OURPLACE.  If you have additional questions concerning the administrative procedures please contact the Office of Organization and Management Support at (202)482-5436.

National Finance Center Operations

Great News! Effectived Monday, October 31, 2005, the National Finance Center (NFC) Payroll Operations Call Center in New Orleans, LA resumed operations to all their customers. The Office of Human Resources Management joins the NFC staff with expression of sincere thanks to all our customers and clients for their patience during the NFC recovery operations process at their alternate work and recovery operations sites due to Hurricane Katrina. We are happy to report that the majority of the NFC's systems are back to normal operations. If you have any questions, please call Lorese Green at (202)482-5232 or Annjuana Rogers at (202)482-3806.

FY 2006 Budget

The Continuing Resolution (CR) that funds federal agencies is due to expire November 18. We are expecting another CR to follow without lapse but do not have information on how long it would extend. Staff are reminded that while under a Continuing Resolution, funding is limited. Only activities essential to operations should be undertaken. No new initiatives or programs should be started. If you have questions, please contact Amy Duncan at (202)482-5739.

Audit Status

The audit of the Department's FY 2005 financial statements has been completed and the final audit report is expected to be issued in November. There were no material issues related to ITA as part of the audit. The level of assistance and cooperation provided by ITA during the course of the audit was appreciated. Questions can be addressed to Roxanna Allen at (202)482-8363.

Alignment of Individual Performance Plans to ITA's Strategic Plan

Over the past year, ITA has updated and revised core components of its Strategic Plan through a set of carefully determined strategic goals and tangible objectives to set ITA's long-term direction. The goals are measured by ITA performance metrics that assess ITA's long-term progress and its annual results.  These revised Strategic Plan components also address the purpose of the President's Management Agenda by helping to create an organization that is more customer-focused and more oriented toward performance, results and accountability. We have reached a juncture where both our management and our employees can now be accountable for their contribution to our strategic direction through alignment of individual performance plans to ITA's stated goals and objectives. [Please note that the information contained on the strategic plan document may change since it is still subject to adjustments and revisions by Senior ITA Management. You will be advised of any changes made as a result of their review.]  The following link will take you to the strategic plan document. ITA employees who seek additional information on ITA's strategic plan or performance measures should contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304.

Combined Federal Campaign

Once again the Combined Federal Campaign for the International Trade Administration is underway! By now you should have seen the posters and materials with the theme "Be an Everyday Hero" around your office. The 2005 Catalog of Caring has been distributed to employees thru office keyworkers. This year a searchable version of the Catalog is available online at http://www.cfcnca.org/search/. You can use this search to look for particular types of organizations; by key-words in the organization's description; and, by location zip code.  If you are interested in donating to hurricane disaster relief related organizations you should check out the OPM website listing of organizations that have been identified by FEMA as Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Organizations: http://www.opm.gov/cfc/disasters/katrina-relief.asp .  Please return your pledge form ASAP to your office keyworker while you think of it now. The CFC is the best way for Federal Employees to donate. Remember that you can use payroll deduction to make your tax deductible contribution have more impact for the charity and easier for you.  If you have any questions about this article please contact Doug Allis at (202)482-9151.

Where Do I Find....Information on the Federal Employees' Health Benefits Open Season?

The annual open season for the Federal Employees' Health Benefits (FEHB) Program begins on Monday, November 14, 2005 and closes on Monday, December 12, 2005.  OPM has information on its website at http://www.opm.gov/insure/health about eligibility, choosing a plan, changing an election, etc.  If you have any questions about the FEHB program or the open season, please contact Vanessa Lewis at (202)482-5232 or Dottie Bowling at (202)482-3504.

ITA Comings and Goings 09/19/05 - 10/31/05

Arrivals - WELCOME!

ADMIN - Carlos Lopez; IA - Juanita Chen, Alexander De Filippi, Damian Felton, William Quigley, Ryan Radford; MAC - Daniel Lee; MAS - Matthew Hein, Amanda Horan; TP&US&FCS - Amy Bragg, Miguel Romano, Aliza Totayo.


CIO - Mandell Bray; ADMIN - Eugene Henry, Tina James; IA - Ashleigh Batton, Amber Musser; MAS - Douglas Baker; TP&US&FCS - Bruce Blakeman, Ann Grant, David Hardy. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Evans at (202)482-4382 or via email at Diane_Evans@mail.doc.gov.


Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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