A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

In this Issue
Communications Initiative Update
Citibank Email Scam
FY05 Budget
ITA Performance Results
Open Seasons for 3 Benefits Programs
FY05 Performance Appraisal
Procurement Corner
Where Do I find

Communications Initiative Update   

The CFO/Administration Communications Working Group is reviewing methods to better communicate administrative information to the organization.  While several tools are currently used to provide administrative guidance, it is recognized that there are opportunities to increase their effectiveness.  Employees are encouraged to email their suggestions and comments to Lynna_Cobrall@ita.doc.gov or call (202)482-3031.

Citibank Email Scam

Purchase cardholders are continuing to receive Citibank Visa scam emails, so if you have received an email requesting you to update your account information or access to Citibank's website will be denied, please DO NOT reply. Disregard all emails of this type. If you are uncertain about the email, you can contact Citibank at (800)790-7206. If you have questions, please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email at Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov.

FY 2005 Budget 

ITA's FY2005 appropriation was passed by Congress on Saturday, November 20, as part of a $388 billion government-wide spending bill.  However, the bill will not be sent to the President for signature until a provision is repealed that could give the appropriations committees the right to examine the tax returns of Americans.  The Senate repealed the provision on Saturday and the House is expected to do so tomorrow.  In the meantime, another Continuing Resolution (CR) was signed by the President on November 21 that will fund operations through December 3, 2004.  ITA is currently waiting for additional guidance from the Department on funding levels under the new CR.  For additional information, contact Amy Duncan, ITA Budget at (202)482-5739.

ITA Performance Results Available Online

The FY 2004 Department of Commerce Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) was officially released on November 15th.  Employees may review the PAR at: http://www.osec.doc.gov/bmi/Budget/04APPR/KKPAR04.pdf  Printed copies will be available for distribution later this month.  Please check upcoming articles for updates.  The PAR provides an accountability of the Department of Commerce's (DOC) financial and performance results, enabling the President, Congress, and the American people to assess the Department's performance.  More specifically, the PAR verifies ITA's program standards, compliance with federal regulations and monitors improvement plans.  In an effort to continue providing quality products, the Planning and Performance Management staff in the Office of Financial Management is currently seeking suggestions for improving the PAR reporting process.  For additional information, or to provide feedback, please contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304.


Reminder on Open Seasons for Three Benefits Programs

Currently, there are three open seasons on three benefits programs during which employees have the opportunity to enroll and/or change their current election.  These are the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program, the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).  The FEHB and FSA open seasons began on November 8, 2004 and close on December 13, 2004.  To receive updated information, please go to www.opm.gov/insure/health and www.opm.gov/hsa.  The TSP open season began October 15, 2004 and closes on December 31, 2004.  Employees can log on to http://www.tsp.gov/ for updated information.  Employees can also call Vanessa Lewis at (202)482-8327 or Dottie Bowling at (202)482-3504 if they have questions on these benefits programs.

FY 2005 Performance Appraisal Cycle

Employees should have been given signed performance plans for the FY 2005 performance appraisal cycle by the end of October 2004.  If this has not yet been done, it should be done as soon as possible.  This will be the last appraisal cycle appraising ITA employees under the 2-level Pass/Fail system.  OPM has determined that agencies can make meaningful distinctions in performance only under a 4-level or 5-level performance appraisal system.  The Department has convened a working group with representatives from all bureaus that are not under a pay banding system.  The goal is to develop and implement a Department-wide pay-for-performance system in the coming year.  As more information becomes available, it will be disseminated to employees.  If you have questions on performance appraisal, please contact Charlene Gilmer Gantt at (202)482-2536.

Procurement Corner

Question: How do I dispute a transaction on a purchase card statement?

Answer: Cardholders may dispute a transaction on their government purchase card statement in Citibank's Citidirect system by logging on to http://www.cards.citidirect.com (If the cardholder has never been in Citidirect before or it has been several months since they last visited the website, please contact Citibank's Help Desk at 1-800-790-7206, option 2, for Username and Password instructions).

1. On Citidirect's Home Page select Inbox and Current Status.
2. Place cursor over the card number for the month of the statement desired.
3. Select the correct radio button beside the post date of the transaction to be disputed.
4. Click the Dispute button.
5. Information regarding the transaction appears.
6. Select the most appropriate reason for dispute.
7. Select Submit Dispute.
8. Print and sign the Dispute form.
9. Send the Signed Disputed Form to Citibank within 30 days from Citidirect Submission or the dispute will be disregarded.
10. To track a disputed transaction, the cardholder may select Inquiry and Dispute Log on the Home Page.
Where Do I Find.... Guidance for Administrative Control of Funds?
The guidance can be found at: http://www.ita.doc.gov/ofm_guidance/

Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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