A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In this Issue
Personal Identifiable Information
Disputing Fraudulent Charges
FY08 Congressional Appropriations
New ITA Accounting System
Health Benefits Open Season
Trivia Question Procurement/Purchase Card Corner
Where Do I Find
ITA Comings and Goings


Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

It is imperative that managers and staff of ITA understand that protection of PII is everyone’s responsibility.  The following FAQ’s are provided to help remind us of the importance of safeguarding PII.  PII does not impede our ability to perform our vital government functions, but requires greater oversight and judgment in how we use and protect PII. Click below to see Frequently Asked Questions regarding PII:  FAQs Regarding PII.  If you have questions please contact Elizabeth Barnaby at (202) 482-0482 or via email Elizabeth.Barnaby@mail.doc.gov .

Disputing Fraudulent Charges on the Government Travel Card

Regular monthly reconciliation and on-line monitoring of travel card statements are essential steps for travel cardholders in minimizing fraudulent charges.  If a cardholder does not recognize a charge on the travel card, he or she should begin the dispute process immediately. All disputes unresolved at the supplier-Cardholder level must be submitted to Citibank within 60 days of receipt of the invoice on which the charge(s) first appeared. After 60 days, the right to dispute a charge may be relinquished.  If you note any fraudulent charges contact Citibank at 1-800-790-7206 or if you have questions contact Sharon Russell at (202) 482-3267 or via email Sharon.Russell@mail.doc.gov .

FY 2008 Congressional Appropriations and Operations

The staff for both House/Senate Appropriation Committees are working to reconcile the two versions of the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill for FY 2008 in order to present it to the President. In the meantime, ITA will continue to operate under a Continuing Resolution (CR).  The CR which is scheduled to expire on November 16th, required that bureaus within DoC operate and incur obligations that mirror the same time frame in the previous year (also operating under a CR).  For the duration of the continuing resolution all procurements, including MOUs that would obligate ITA to $100,000 or more must be approved by your Resource Coordinator and the Budget Officer. For more information on operations during a CR please call  Michael House at (202) 482-5739.

New ITA Accounting System

The Commerce Business System (CBS) was successfully implemented for ITA on October 22, 2007.  Users may now access CBS through the CBS Portal: http://cbs.nist.gov/portal.  To obtain access, submit a CBS Portal access form.  The form may be accessed on the Portal (without a log-in) under “User Forms.”  From HCHB, mail can be sent to NIST via the Courier Service.  The service picks up daily in HCHB 4111 (OFM).  There are a number of resources available to answer your questions about CBS.  Who you contact will depend on the type of question you have.  If you are unsure of who to contact, you can call the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) at (301) 975-5375.

 Health Benefits Open Season and Annual Health Fair

This year, you will find one open season (November 12 – December 10, 2007) with three programs from which you can enroll or change enrollments (Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), Flexible Spending Account (FSA), and Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program).  It’s exciting times for Federal benefits!! Employee changes will be effective January 6, 2008.  The Department of Commerce will hold its annual health fair on November 14, 2007 where representatives from various program areas will be on hand to answer your questions about 2008 benefits.  Mark your calendars and plan to attend on November 14 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the Main Lobby of HCHB.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Karen Brown at  (202) 482-8065 or via email at Karen.Brown@mail.doc.gov.


What is FSAFEDS?


FSAFEDS is the Federal Government’s Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Program available to employees.  FSAFEDS allows you to set aside pre-tax money for eligible dependents and/or health care expenses.  By setting aside money before it is taxed, you reduce your taxable income, thereby paying less in taxes and saving money!  FSAFEDS offers three types of accounts:  A dependent care FSA, A general purpose Health Care FSA, and a Limited Expense Health Care FSA.  Click here https://www.fsafeds.com/fsafeds/index.asp to learn more.  You must enroll in FSAFEDS during the upcoming Open Season (November 12 - December 10) to take advantage of these tax-saving accounts in 2008.  Current 2007 participants must re-enroll to participate in 2008.  Enrollments do not carry forward year-to-year.  If you have any questions, please contact Karen Brown at (202) 482-8065 or via email at Karen.Brown@mail.doc.gov .

Trivia Question

Can you answer the trivia question?  Be featured in our bi-weekly Administrivial Pursuits by answering or providing trivial questions.  Questions and answers may be submitted to Nina Harris via email Nina.Harris@mail.doc.gov.

Trivia Question:  Where can you find a one stop resource for business applications and information?

The answer to the trivia question will be featured in the next Administrivial Pursuits.

Purchase Card Statement Reconciliation Reminder

Purchase Card statements must be reconciled within 10 days of receipt using the new Commerce Business System (CBS) accounting code structure, and the new purchase card log. Upon receipt of your statement, Cardholders must:  Review all transactions for accuracy; Describe each item listed on the purchase card log; Attach any mandatory approvals to the statement; Annotate the project, organization and object class accounting structure for each transaction on the purchase card log. Attach sales slips, or shipping receipts to the statement for EACH transaction; Attach the purchase card log with cardholder signature; Certify the statement by signing it; Forward the statement and all supporting documentation to the Approving Official within 5 work days after receipt.  Upon approval by the Approving Official, retain copies of the statement, purchase card log and supporting documentation for your files.  Once the Approving Official has signed the statement and purchase card log, forward a copy of the statement and all supporting documentation (purchase card log, receipts, etc.) to the following mailing address or fax: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Finance, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1621, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1621, (301) 975-8283 (fax).  If you have questions contact Robin Carpenter at (202) 482-4989.

Where Do I Find... Danny Alley

Who is Danny Alley you ask?  Danny is ITA’s not so secret expert on the new accounting system that ITA implemented on October 22nd.  Every day Danny is fielding scores of questions from ITA staff that are stumped by our new and more complex accounting code series or have questions regarding how to access the Commerce Business System (our new accounting system).   Danny requests to sit with users and assist them as they run their first set of reports off of the new accounting system.  Danny is located in room 4124 with the ITA budget staff and he can be reached via email Danny.Alley@mail.doc.gov or call (202) 482-2119. 

ITA Comings and Goings 9/07/07 - 11/02/07

Arrivals – Welcome!

ADMIN – Socorro Garcia, Camille Ivko, Getoria Berry, Kimberly Woods, Victor Powers; OCIO – Florine E. Barton; MAS – Justin Hoffmann, David Lee, Sean McMaster, Elizabeth Worthington; MACSandra Guzman, Neil Gibson, Dianne Suydam, Sherry Smith; USFCS – Joshua Leibowitz, Lorrete Green, Rochelle Lipsitz, Noor Saymeh, Tamarind Murietta; OUS – Eric Toy; IA – Toni Dach, Shawn Higgins, Benjamin Caryl.


ADMIN – Elvira Carter, Phyllis Daniels; IA – John Davies, William Dowling, Alice Gibbons, Michael Harrison, Maura Jeffords, Letitia Kress, Anya Naschak, Nazakhtar Nikakhtar, Bridgette Roy, Gerald Zerdy, Nicole Zink; MAC – Courtney Cooper, Scott Seaman; MAS – Robert Beadle, Samuel Giller, Elliot Levy; OCIO  Alan Vander Mallie; USFCS – Jason Hancock, Donald Huber, Jeremy Keller, Irina Mitchell, Robert Murphy, Arthur Pang, Mark Peters, Miguel Romano, Marlene Ruffin, Amy Sherman.  If you have any questions about “Comings and Goings,” please contact Brad Lockett at (202) 482-6342 or via email at Bradford_Lockett@ita.doc.gov.


Approved by the ITA CFO/Director of Administration

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina.Harris@mail.doc.gov

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