Comings and Goings
Traveler's Corner
Where Do I find?.....
Issue No.  5 Bi-weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration March 6, 2002

Delay in Bankcard Statements

Due to the mail delivery restrictions to many federal buildings in the Washington D.C. area , it's still possible that Purchase Cardholders will not receive their Citibank statements in a timely manner to certify and send to DOI for payment. Cardholders who have not received their monthly Bankcard statement by the 15th of the following month, can access Citidirect to view their statements. Directions on how to access Citidirect can be found at the following web site address: Item number 1, Instructions for Cardholders. If a cardholder needs a hardcopy, Commerce Bankcard Center can accommodate the cardholder with a faxed replacement statement. If you have questions, please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via e-mail at

Responses to Secretarial Correspondence

When preparing responses to correspondence for the Secretary's signature, drafters and reviewers need to ensure that the replies address the issues and questions raised in the incoming letters. If it is determined that a particular issue or question should not be addressed, the preparer of the response should provide an explanation in the Cover Memo to the Secretary. All draft responses need to be received by the ITA Secretariat by the assigned due dates so that the reviewers have ample time to adequately clear the replies before submission to the Department's Executive Secretariat. For more information contact Donna Magruder at (202)482-5101or via e-mail at

FY 2003 Budget

ITA has received questions resulting from the Commerce Department Appropriations hearing held by the House Appropriations Subcommittee on February 27, 2002. We anticipate additional questions to arise as a result of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing which will be held on March 13, 2002. For more information, contact Alan Zegas at (202) 482-5739.

Trivia Question!!

Where can you find Domestic Hospitality codes for ITA?

Answer to Last Issue's Question:
When authorizing funds overseas, should the Performance Goal be included?
Answer: Yes, Performance Goals are required.

National Business Center Shutdown Update

The Department of the Interior, National Business Center, has established a dedicated phone with a pre-recorded daily update on the status of the shutdown situation. You are invited to call (202)208-3497, 24 hours a day to receive the latest information.

ITA Comings and Goings - 1/20/02 - 2/15/02

Arrivals - WELCOME!

US - Monica Farrow Edwards, ADMIN - Brenda D. Bradley, Antenette Williams, IA - Scott S. Holland, Frederick W. Mines, Terri Monroe, Daniel C. O'Brien, Trinette L. Ruffin, Angela S. Strom, MAC -Sarah Cook, TD - Simon Aronshtein, Megan B. Crowe, Michael B. England, Teressa Goodson, Yolanda Patterson, USFCS - David R. Ettingoff, Monica H. Toporkiewicz


ADMIN - Monica Farrow Edwards, Linda Kirton, IA - Doreen Chen, USFCS - Sandra L. Nyanankpe

Traveler's Corner

Question: What modes of transportation may a traveler be authorized to use while on official travel?

Answer: A traveler may be authorized to use common carrier transportation, Government vehicle, privately-owned vehicle, taxi or rental automobiles. The mode authorized should be in the best interest of the government. If you have questions, call your travel contact or Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

Where Do I Find....Travel Information?

There are several government websites that can help you prepare for travel. The Federal regulations governing travel can be found on : The Per Diem and lodging rates can be found either on our ITA homepage or at And you can apply for that telephone calling card with Jean Leslie at (202)482-3266, after filling out the form ITA-2062 founds on your network server. If you have questions about ITA's travel rules, regulations and processes you can contact Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.