A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

In this Issue
Work Reference Chart
Leadership School Courses 
Performance Appraisal Progress 
    Review Reminder
Separation Procedures for ITA   
New Printer/Copier Maintenance
Performance Management
ITA Budgets
ITA Accounting
Procurement Corner
Where Do I Find?

Work Reference Chart (WRC) Changes

The Office of Organization and Management Support (OOMS) maintains the ITA Work Reference Chart on the CFO website. The chart is available at http://www.ita.doc.gov/ooms/itawrc.htm . This chart depicts each program unit in ITA and provides directory information for each office. All changes (staff change, room, telephone, fax numbers or cable codes) should be forwarded to your program unit Resource Coordinator who will transmit them to Glenitta Chase via e-mail . If you have additional questions about the WRC, contact Glenitta at 202-482-3757.

Leadership School Courses 

The Strategic Workforce Management Group (SWMG) of the Office of Human Resources Management is pleased to announce the following Leadership School courses during the months of April, May and June: Communications and Conflict Management, Integrating Budget and Performance, Leading Change, Presentation Skills, Project Management, Supervisory Leadership and Systemic Leadership & Management. To enroll in these classes, fax a completed and signed Request, Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training (SF-182) to 202-482-3946 or bring it to Room H7412.   For additional information, contact Anesia Robinson at 202-482-1380.  

Performance Appraisal Progress Review Reminder

Progress reviews must be completed by April 30, 2005 for all covered employees.  During the progress review, managers must provide feedback to employees on each of the individual critical elements in their performance plans. This is also the time for managers to make any necessary changes to plans, either by adding, changing or deleting a critical element in a plan. Changes to the performance plan may be due to new work assignments, reorganizations, mission changes or other changes such as career development activities and/or detail assignments. If a manager believes that an employee could receive a rating of "Does Not Meet Expectations" at the end of the rating period, it is important that you contact Michael Stein, in the Office of Human Resources Management's Employee and Labor Relations Services Group at 202-482-2274.  Michael can provide assistance on how to document and communicate this level of performance to the employee and, to the extent possible, determine what actions, if any, should be taken to help the employee bring the performance up to "Meets Expectations." If you have any general questions about the performance appraisal process,  contact Charlene Gantt at 202-482-2536. 

Separation Procedures for Employees Leaving ITA

Employees leaving ITA must follow the separation procedures as outlined in the ITA OHRM Separation Procedures.   The procedures are for all employees separating from ITA. Completion of the Separation Clearance form is mandatory.   Employees who fail to complete the clearance process could experience a delay in receiving final payment of funds owed.  ITA employees must complete form ITA-2076, which is available on the Our Place intranet site.  If you have questions regarding the separation process,  contact your servicing HR Assistant:  Darlene Johnson at 202-482-8065 (OUS, CFO/ADMIN, CIO and IA) and  Jackie Davis at 202-482-0654 (USFCS, MAC and MAS).  


The method for distributing Metrochecks has changed. April 5, 2005 has been designated for ITA employees to pickup their Metrocheks in Room B841B from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. If you are unable to pickup your Metrocheks that day, you can pick them up April 6 or 7. Please note that on April 7, 2005, Department of Transportation (DOT) representatives will be at HCHB from 8:30 to 11:30 am only. Employees are reminded to be sure to check that the Metrocheks given to them by the DOT representatives are correct before departing the distribution site. 

Those employees who are unable to pickup their Metrocheks during the designated times can go to the Department of Transportation (DOT) headquarters, located at 400 7th Street, SW. Take the Metrorail to L'Enfant Plaza, exiting at 7th and D. The Metrocheks pick up window is located on the Plaza Level, Southwest corner of DOT in Room 206. The office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. with full coverage during lunch hours. If you have questions, please call Sharon Russell at 202-482-3267.

New Printer and Copier Maintenance Program 

ITA's CFO and CIO have worked together to simplify the management of ITA headquarters printers and copiers.  CTI (Cartridge Technologies Incorporated) won the contract to provide maintenance and toner cartridges for headquarters printers and copiers (except Xerox and Oce copiers).  Effective immediately, order all services and toner cartridges through the CIO Help Desk at 482-1955 (except Xerox at 800-821-2797 and Oce at 800-627-1113), but continue ordering paper and staples through normal procedures. For faster service when placing orders for supplies or repairs, provide the Help Desk with the following information: your name, make of the equipment and serial number, location, and a description of the problem. 

Preventive Maintenance.  CTI technicians will be visiting your offices to perform preventive maintenance as prescribed by the manufacturer.  To make it easier for you to order service and toner supplies, CTI will also attach a label to the front of each machine with the machine's serial number and other important information. If you have any questions call Robin Carpenter at 202-482-4989


ITA is participating in an Office of Management and Budget exercise called the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART). The PART is a systematic method of assessing the performance of program activities across the Federal government. PART assessments review overall program effectiveness spanning from how well a program is designed to how well it is implemented and what results it achieves. The Market Access and Compliance program and the Import Administration program are being PART this year. For more information on the PART please call Ed Meyer at  202- 482-3304.

ITA Budgets

The Fiscal Year FY 2007 budget process will start this month. It is a multi-step process which includes the development of an ITA budget proposal that is sent to the Department of Commerce for consideration in late May then on to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in early September. OMB passes back their decision in late November and the final budget goes to Congress in early February 2006. Simultaneously, ITA is defending the FY 2006 budget before the House and Senate Appropriation Committees and executing the FY 2005 budget. For more information on the budget please call Amy Duncan at  202- 482-5739.

ITA Accounting

In preparation for the year-end close, we are beginning to audit the FY 2005 budget. The independent outside auditors (KPMG) are testing our data and procedures during the year so that this year's audit can be completed sooner. It is not uncommon for auditors to visit an office and check such things as time and attendance records, credit card statements, travel documentation and other financial materials. For more information on the audit, call Leslie Hyland 202-482-5434.

Procurement Corner

Question: How does a Cardholder request a temporary monthly limit increase?

Answer: The Approving Official of the cardholder must send an email notification to the Agency Program Coordinator including the following information:

  1. Cardholder name
  2.  Dollar amount
  3. Justification for increase, which should include market research
  4.  Goods or services the cardholder would like to purchase
  5.   Number of billing cycle periods the increase will be needed   

For additional information, please contact Robin Carpenter, Agency Program Coordinator at 202-482-4989 or via email at Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov

Where Can I Find....a listing of Federal Register (FR) Certifying Officials for ITA...open your browser and go to: http://www.ita.doc.gov/ooms/FRcontacts.htm.  Information about publishing documents in the Federal Register can be found at http://www.ita.doc.gov/ooms/ooms29.htm.  For additional information, contact your program unit FR official or Glenitta Chase at 202-482-3757.

Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Glenitta_Chase@ita.doc.gov


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