A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

In this Issue
Email Bankcard Fraud
How To Fix Phone Problems
ITA Speakers' Series 
Prevent Slips & Trips and Falls 
Temporary Increase on Purchase Card
FY 06 Budget
Verification and Validation of Performance Data
Thrift Savings Plan Open Season
Learning Management System Briefings
Traveler's Corner
Where Do I Find?

Beware of fraudulent emails asking you to "verify" a bankcard account

Visa does NOT verify its accounts through Email. These messages are not from Citibank Visa and are not part of the travel card program.  They are designed to extract personal information from you - please do not respond.  If  you have questions contact Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

How To Fix Phone Problems

The procedure to repair, move or change all headquarters telephones is the same no matter what type of phone it is (VoIP phone, fax, or conference phone, modem, etc.)  If your phone is broken, please report it directly to the HCHB Phones Help Desk, (202)482-5010. If you need to order, move, reconfigure or otherwise change your phone, please contact ITA's Telecom POC, Jeff Scherr, at (202)482-3266, or his backup, Hamilton Humes, at (202)482-6123.  Further information is available at the Department's website at http://home.osec.doc.gov/wiring/hchb1.html.  If you have  questions, please contact Jeff Scherr at (202)482-3266.  

ITA Speakers' Series 

The Speakers' Series invites ITA employees to discuss current ITA issues.  The series is designed to meet monthly and informally for an hour.  Mark your calendar and join us on the following date:

Date and Time     Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 10:30 a.m.
Location:               Room 6029
Speaker:                Michael Richardson, Senior Commercial Officer, CS Israel
Topic:                    "Doing Business in Israel and West                               Bank/Gaza"

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the US-Israel Free Trade Agreement.  Come, meet Michael Richardson, and hear how U.S. companies are currently doing business in Israel and the West Bank/Gaza.  Michael will also discuss how the new Access Eastern Mediterranean program allows exporters to simultaneously target the six regional markets of Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey, and West Bank/Gaza.  Information about the new Middle East and North Africa Business Information Center will also be provided.  His presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.  For more information, please contact Lynna Cobrall at (202)482-3031.

Only You Can Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls

June is National Safety Month, and it's a great time to make an extra effort to prevent workplace injuries, including slips, trips, and falls.  Keep all aisles, stairs, and walkways free of clutter.  Open cabinet drawers are a tripping hazard; keep them closed when you're not using them.  Use caution on stairwells, and take steps one at a time.  Take only what you can carry comfortably and safely, and make sure you can see clearly over it- don't overload.  Finally, if you see a spill or other slipping hazard, report it immediately.  With your help, we can make ITA a safer place.  If you have questions, please contact ITA's Safety Officer, Jeff Scherr, at (202)482-3266.

Requesting a Temporary Increase on Purchase Card

When cardholder needs to request a temporary increase to their a monthly purchase limit, the Approving Official for the cardholder must send an email notification to the Agency Program Coordinator including the following information:

1. Cardholder name
2. Dollar amount of the monthly increase requested.
3. Justification of need for increase.
4. Goods or services the cardholder would like to purchase.
5. Number of cycles temporary increase is needed.

In addition, if the Approving Official is requesting a temporary increase to the single limit, the cardholder must provide a sole source justification (CD-492) if applicable, or submit market research (3 bids). All supporting documentation must be faxed to (202)482-1584 simultaneously when submitting the request.  For additional information, please contact Robin Carpenter, Agency Program Coordinator, at (202)482-4989 or via email Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov.

FY 2006 Budget

Both the House and Senate have begun preliminary discussions concerning the FY 2006 budget. The Secretary's appropriation hearing with the Senate was on May 26, 2005 and the House met on May 25 for a preliminary mark up of the FY 2006 budget numbers. We expect the full House committee action will take place on June 7.  If you have questions, contact Amy Duncan at (202)482-5739.


Annual on-site audits are currently taking place in Brussels, Belgium and Denver, Colorado. Each year the independent auditors perform financial audits in one domestic, one foreign and one HCHB location. The HCHB location has not yet been identified. The focus of the audit is on financial record keeping and the following of proper financial management rules and procedures. If you have questions about these audits or any issues about accounting in general please call Roxanna Allen at (202)482-8363.

Verification and Validation of Performance Data

ITA staff are reminded that they are responsible for the integrity of all reported performance data. During this past year, both the Inspector General and independent auditors have reviewed and found discrepancies in collected and reported performance data. This issue is becoming increasingly critical because of the heightened emphasis that is being placed on performance results. Individual ITA programs maintain source systems that collect and report data to the ITA-wide performance management system, pb Views. ITA anticipates that there will be several circumstances where data from these source systems will be evaluated for its accuracy during the remainder of this fiscal year. Individuals who collect and report data must be prepared to substantiate the source and the validity of this data upon request. Staff are advised to contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304 for guidance on the proper procedures for ensuring performance data integrity.

The Final Thrift Savings Plan Open Season Closes June 30, 2005 

The final Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Open Season, which began on April 15, 2005, closes on June 30, 2005. During this open season, participants covered by FERS may elect to contribute up to 15% of their basic pay each pay period; participants covered by CSRS may elect to contribute up to 10% of their basic pay each pay period. Public Law 108-469, which was signed on December 21, 2004, eliminates the TSP open seasons and the restrictions on contribution elections which are tied to the open seasons.  Beginning July 1, 2005, contribution elections will be processed under the new rules. The elections must be made on an effective date that is no later than the first full pay period after they are filed. Questions may be directed to Vanessa Lewis at (202)482-8327 or at Vanessa_Lewis@ita.doc.gov, or to Dottie Bowling at (202)482-3504 or at Dottie_Bowling@ita.doc.gov.   Information on the Thrift Savings Plan is also available at http://www.tsp.gov/. 

Learning Management System (LMS) Briefings

ITA OHRM's Strategic Workforce Management Group will be conducting a series of briefings in June 2005 on the Department's on-line training system-the Learning Management System (LMS).  The briefings will cover how to:  access the system; register for a class; develop a learning path; and create a transcript.  Employees will also learn how to use the LMS as a tool, not just a resource.  Information on the briefing dates and times can be found at http://ita.doc.gov/hrm/documents/lms_briefing_calendar.pdf
calendar.pdf.  Each program unit in ITA has a designated briefing date.  The briefings will be held in Room H6872.  Please call the Strategic Workforce Management Group at (202)482-3947 to reserve a seat for the briefing because seating at each briefing is limited to 20 participants.  If you have any questions about the LMS, please contact Tarik Pierce at (202)482-3571 or at Tarik_Pierce@ita.doc.gov.

Traveler's Corner

Question:  What is a traveler's liability for unauthorized use of a non-contract carrier when contract service is available and none of the exceptions allowing use of non-contract carrier met?

Answer:  Any additional cost or penalties incurred by the traveler resulting from unauthorized use of non-contract carrier are borne by the traveler.  If you have questions, call your travel contact or Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

 Where Do I Find....how-to-guides?  At http://www.ita.doc.gov/ooms/guidance.htm you can find summaries of ITA policies, procedures and guidelines.  You can either search on this page by subject alphabetically, or you click under "A", "Administrative Policy Guidance - Through the Maze" and find all of the summary instructions listed by title.  If you want further information please call Glenitta Chase at (202)482-3757.


Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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