A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

In this Issue
Citibank Email Scam
New Employee Orientation Website
FY05 Budget
Year-End Accruals Training
Mid-Year Compliance Performance
Group Life Insurance
Procurement/Purchase  Corner
Where do I find?

Citibank Email Scam

There is a new Citibank Visa scam in circulation. If you have received an email requesting that you update your account information or access to Citibank's website will be denied, please DO NOT reply. Disregard all emails of this type. Below is a link to the Commerce Bankcard Center's newsletter which has an article about the Citibank scams - http://www.rdc.noaa.gov/~casc/bankcard/pcard.pdf .  If you are uncertain about the email, you can contact Citibank at (800)790-7206. If you have questions, please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email at  Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov

New Employee Orientation Web site

ITA has launched the new employee orientation web site. This web site was designed for both new and seasoned ITA employees. It contains information that will help you throughout your career at ITA.  Please visit the following link http://www.ita.doc.gov/hrm/orientation/default.htm , or visit ITA's CFO homepage for the hyperlink. If you have questions please contact Seth Raley in OOMS at (202)482-3756, or by e-mail seth.raley@mail.doc.gov .

FY 2005 Budget

The House Committee on Appropriations approved the ITA's 2005 appropriation which matches the total of ITA's 2005 President Budget submission. However, there are earmarks that must be funded within that amount and OFM is currently analyzing the impact of the language on program funding levels.   This is just the first step of the Congressional appropriation action on our FY2005 funding request.  From here the budget proceeds to the full House for a vote.  The entire process is duplicated in the Senate and the Conferees of the two chambers resolve differences between the House and Senate versions.  If you have questions, please contact Amy Duncan at (202)482-5739.

Year-end Closing and Accruals Training

On July 20-22, 2004 ITA/OFM will conduct training on the Year End Close Procedures for FY 2004.  Topics to be covered but not limited to:  Accrual Definition, Certification Reports, Year End Procedures, Reports for Tracking Budget, Accounting Codes Crosswalk and answers to any questions you may have.  Sessions will be held at 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. To register, contact: Roxanna Allen on (202)482-8363 or by email Roxanna_Allen@ita.doc.gov.  or Crystal Bush on (202)482-8365 or by email  Crystal_Bush@ita.doc.gov .

Mid-Year ITA Compliance Performance Shines

ITA programs devoted to ensuring fair trade - Market Access and Compliance (MAC) and Import Administration (IA) - have performed well during the first half of FY 2004.  Third quarter results have not been tabulated but analysts indicate that those results are promising as well.

  •      Import Administration, once again has completed 100% of its antidumping and countervailing duty cases on time; and

  •       MAC has initiated 72 new market access and trade compliance cases and has concluded 36 market access and trade compliance cases. In both cases, these figures represent achievement of ambitious mid-year targets.

These figures represent critical results for many U.S. firms who are entitled to the benefits of trade agreements negotiated by the U.S., to resolution of non-tariff trade barriers, and to aggressive investigations of unfair trade practices that undercut fair trade.  If you wish to learn more about ITA performance please contact Halina Malinowski on (202)482-4083.


Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Calculator

With this online FEGLI calculator, you can rapidly and conveniently determine the face value of your FEGLI life insurance; calculate how much you are paying for this coverage, and see how choosing different options can change the amount of your life insurance and premium withholdings; and see how the life insurance carried into retirement will change over time.  A FEGLI calculator can be found at www.opm.gov/calculator/index.htm. For more information, contact Dottie Bowling at (202)482-3504.

Procurement/Purchase Corner

Question: How do I Certify a Citibank Statement?

Answer: The Cardholder must:

(a) Review all transactions for accuracy. Report accountable property to the servicing property office, DOI/NBC, Judy Lombardi at (303)969-7780 x2535. (b) Describe each item listed on the purchase card log. (c) Attach any mandatory approvals to the statement. (d) Indicate the object class and accounting code for each transaction on the purchase card log. Attach sales slips, or shipping receipts to the statement for EACH transaction. (e) Attach the purchase card log. (f) Certify the statement by signing it. (g) Forward the statement and all supporting documentation to the Approving Official within 5 workdays after receipt. (h) Upon approval by the Approving Official, retain copies of the statement and supporting documentation for your files. (i) Once the Approving Official has signed the statement, forward the original statement and all supporting documentation (purchase card log, receipts, etc.) to the following:
Gerri Richie
Products and Services
Mail Stop D-2761
7301 W Mansfield Ave.
Denver, CO 80235-2230
(303)969-7780 x2998(voice) or (303)969-7075 (fax)

Where Do I Find.... Correspondence Guidelines and Formats

ITA's Secretariat has a website which provides correspondence guidelines, procedures, and letter formats. The website can be accessed at http://www.ita.doc.gov/ita_sec/. If you have questions contact Donna Magruder at (202)482-3633.

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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