Wednesday, July 10, 2002


CFO Home Page Archives Search
Records Management
Automated Travel
FY 2003 Budget
FY 2004 Budget
3rd Quarter Awards
Thrift Savings Plan


ITA Coming & Goings
Traveler's Corner
ITA Trivia
ITA Yardstick


Financial Management
Human Resources 
Organization and Management Support


Linda Moye Cheatham
Chief Financial Officer and Director of Administration
HCH Building, Rm. 3827
  Records Management
Each office should conduct an annual review of its records. The following items should be noted in the review:
1) Any necessary changes in the maintenance practices for both paper and electronic files that will help organize and maintain records properly, retrieve them rapidly, ensure their completeness, and make their disposition easier;
2) Records that are ready for transfer to the Records Center; and
3) Records that are eligible for disposal in accordance with the ITA Records Control Schedule for your organization or the General Records Schedule.
For information or assistance contact Herman Dogan at (202)482-3031.

ITA's Automated Travel Order

The Department of Interior (DOI) has informed ITA that travel orders are being submitted with duplicate travel order numbers. Preparers of the CD-29, "Travel Order" are reminded that a serial number will be added to the travel order only after you select the ADD option from either the button bar or from the menu bar under DATA. You should never reuse a number. If you have questions, contact Glenitta Chase at (202)482-3757 or Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989.


Metrocheks will be distributed to participating employees in Room B841B on July 9-11, 2002, according to the first letter of your last name, as follows:

A-E-July 9, 8:30-12:00
F-L -July 9, 12:00-3:30
M-R-July 10, 8:30-12:00
S-Z-July 10, 12:00-3:30

On July 11, 8:30-3:30, Metrocheks are available for pickup in Room B841B by any participating employee. Those employees who are unable to pick up their Metrocheks during the designated times can go to the Department of Transportation (DOT) headquarters, located at 400 7th Street, SW. Take the Metrorail to L'Enfant Plaza, exiting 7th and D. The Metrochek pickup window is located on the Plaza Level, Southwest corner of DOT in Room 206. The office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:30 until 4:00 pm with full coverage during lunch hours.

CD 410 Work Requests Cut-off Date

The Office of Space Management established August 1, 2002, as its cut-off date for accepting CD 410s charged to FY 02 funds. The Department’s designers, facility specialists, and engineers need the two-month time period to conduct site visits and provide cost estimates to as many clients as possible prior to the end of fiscal year 2002, (September 30). Funds will be obligating against FY 02 funds only if Space Management has completed its design work even though the construction may be performed in FY 03. If you need more information, please contact Judith Wilson at (202)482-3265.

FY 2003 Budget

Markup of the Appropriations Bills will resume after the July 4th recess. For more information, contact Alan Zegas at (202)482-5739.

FY 2004 Budget

The Department continues to review ITA's submission. The Deputy Secretary will be briefed in a few days and we expect to receive a passback from the Department on July 26 and our appeals will be due to the Department around July 30. For more information, contact Alan Zegas at (202)482-5739.

3rd Quarter Quarterly Stars Awards

Nominations for the 3rd Quarter Quarterly Stars Awards are now being accepted. The ITA Quarterly Stars Award recognizes employees who have made significant contributions to ITA programs and who have demonstrated exceptional and sustained effort toward the accomplishment of ITA's mission. Any employee can draft a nomination for another employee. Nominations should be submitted by the endorsing manager to the Workforce Development Division, Room 7412 HCHB, by August 9, 2002. Nominations will be evaluated in a peer review process with the Under Secretary Awards Program Panel making the recommendation to the Under Secretary. Questions on these awards should be directed to Christine Covington or Peggy Hawkins at (202)482-3947.

Thrift Savings Plan

The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) open season began May 15, 2002, and will end July 31, 2002. Please check your current TSP status and make changes through Employee Express or contact ITA/OHRM at (202)482-3301 by July 31, 2002. Final participant statements for the current TSP system will be mailed by the end of September 2002. Please visit the TSP website or call (504)255-6000 for additional TSP information.

ITA Comings and Goings 06/05/02 - 07/01/02

Arrivals - WELCOME!

OUS - Kimberly Lynn Herb, Brian K. Taylor IA - Daniel J. Alexy, Sirena Castillo, Katherine Earls, Ann Fornaro, Drew E. Jackson, Jacqueline R. Resper, Joanna Schlesinger, Lisa N. Shishido, Linda G. Sullivan, Mark Todd MAC - Charisse Glassman, Andrew G. Harrison, Amanda F. Hilligas, Caresta K. Jones TD - Aaron S. Brickman, Amy Choung, Kristie L. Fitzwater, Patricia M. Gershanik, Elizabeth R. Hance, Eric M. Holloway, Christopher T. Johnston, Maria Mussler, Kimberly A. Shaw US&FCS - Samuel A. Anyan, Jr., Ophir Caicedi-Marquez, Shooshan Danagoulian, Marcos Figueroa, Megan N. Galas, Sarah McFate, Andrew Moulton, Miranda Roane, Eric Tomlinson, Elizabeth White


OUS - Keith Smith, IA - Christopher Brady

Traveler's Corner
Question: Is there an instance where a traveler filing a voucher is exempt from the requirement to provide a receipt for all expenses of $75 or more?
Answer: A traveler may be exempt from a receipt requirement in the rare instance where the expenditure is deemed confidential. If you have questions, call your travel contact or Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.
Where Do I Find....Procurement information?

ITA's procurement provider, NOAA's Acquisition Management Division hosts a web-site at: This website has the procurement deadlines for FY 2002, online forms and other procurement information. If you have questions, contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989.

ITA Yardstick

The Yard Stick Seeks Your Bright Ideas. This column has attempted to inform and report to you since January about ITA performance. This issue, we turn the tables! We’d like to hear from you. Send me an e-mail with your ideas on how we can improve our performance and measure our success. In the next issue or two, I’ll inform readers about your suggestions. Go ahead, e-mail me at: and see what we can do to address your concern. Only one rule applies: No complaints or problems without suggested solutions! For additional information contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304.

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to