A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Thursday, July 19, 2007

In this Issue
Security Briefings
Protect Personally Identifiable Information
New Chief in OOMS
FY08 Budget
New Chief in OFM
Prohibited Personnel Practices
Procurement/Purchase Corner
Where Do I Find
ITA Comings and Goings

Security Briefings 

Security briefings are available for interested ITA offices.  These briefings are designed to provide information and answer security related questions.  Topics include information security, safes, classified documents and security checks, emergency procedures and planning, personnel security; security clearances and investigations and physical security.  If your office is interested in a security briefing, please contact the ITA Security Manager, Kurt Arneson, at (202)482-3633 or at Kurt.Arneson@mail.doc.gov.

Protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Protecting PII is a growing concern in government and should be an ongoing priority for all ITA employees.  Just a few simple precautions can go a long way to protect not only your personal information but also that of your colleagues from identity theft.  A definition of what constitutes PII can be viewed on the OCIO web site: http://ocio.os.doc.gov/ITPolicyandPrograms/IT_Privacy/DEV01_002682#P60_13002. When handling PII:  Never leave a document containing PII unattended if you leave your workspace; PII should be out of sight.  Remember to safeguard your computer. Store Pll in lockable cabinetsTransport information so that PII is inaccessible and inconspicuous; simple coversheets or envelopes can protect PII.  Shred information when it is no longer required according to records management guidelines.  When possible, make contact with the employee to whom you are delivering documents so that the PII is given directly to the intended receiver.  These simple steps should become habits for all ITA employees.  The slight inconvenience these precautions take pales in comparison to the life changing impact identity theft has on individuals and their families. If you have any questions, please contact Liz Barnaby (202)482-0482 or elizabeth.barnaby@mail.doc.gov.  

New Chief of Management Service 

My name is Anneliese Simmons and I am the new Chief of the Management Services Group here in OOMS.  I'd like to thank all the staff here who have helped me get acquainted during my first week and given me such a warm welcome.  My last job was working on policy for the CFO at the Library of Congress and before that, I worked for 10 years for the Peace Corps, with six years spent in West and Central Africa.  My background is in administration and budget, and I recently finished my master's degree in Public Policy from the University of Maryland.   I am originally from Kansas and now live in Bethesda with my two children and one large dog.  I look forward to learning more about ITA operations and functions.  I am lucky to have a very competent and professional staff, and I welcome any ideas you may have about how we can continue to provide excellent customer service to you.  I am located in Room 4001.  My number is (202)482-6123 and my email is Anneliese.Simmons@mail.doc.gov .  I look forward to meeting all of you.

FY 2008 Appropriations Update

On July 12, 2007 the full House Appropriations Committee began the mark up of the FY 2009 Appropriations Bill for Commerce, Justice and Science agencies.  The markup adjourned after several hours of debate on a gun amendment. The markup was webcast by the House Appropriations Committee at http://appropriations.house.gov/Subcommittees/sub_cjs.shtml . Future webcasts of Appropriations action will be posted to the same site. The House report and bill languate text are not available yet. When they are available they will be posted on-line at http://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app08.html .  The Senate completed its markup of the Commerce, Justice and Science agencies on June 28. The full text of the bill and report is available on-line thru Thomas at http://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app08.html.  If you would like more information please call Mr. Doug Allis at (202)482-9151.

New Chief of Accounting and Financial Systems

We are very pleased that Catherine (Cathy) Roberts is ITA’s new Chief of Accounting and Financial Systems.  Cathy is located in Room 4112 and can be reached by phone at (202)482-3153.  Her email address is Catherine.Roberts@mail.doc.gov.  Cathy has a remarkably strong background in all aspects of financial operations, financial statement preparation, and financial systems and has worked at the Federal Aviation Administration, where she managed financial operations. Cathy will oversee all of ITA’s accounting operations and systems work, manage the conversion to the Commerce Business System, and maintain the excellent financial management precedent she has inherited from Roxanna Allen, to whom we owe a tremendous “Thank You” for the outstanding job she did while managing the accounting functions for the past 11 months.  Cathy is a very open person for whom customer service is a major priority.  She is dedicated to utilizing our new financial management system to advance the work of ITA both domestically and around the world.

Prohibited Personnel Practices

There are 12 prohibited personnel practices, including reprisal for whistleblowing, that are defined in Section 2302 (b) of Title 5 of United States Code.  A personnel action (such as an appointment, promotion reassignment or suspension) may need to be involved for a prohibited personnel practice to occur.  Generally stated, Section 2302(b), provides that a Federal employee authorized to take, direct others to take, or recommend or approve any personnel action may not engage in any action of the list of 12 prohibited personnel practices. The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is responsible for investigating any allegations of such practices.  To read the list of prohibited actions and some frequently asked questions, please go to the OSC website at http://www.osc.gov/ppp.htm.  If you have any questions, please call Marcia Tyler at (202)482-2850 or via email at Marcia_Tyler@ita.doc.gov.

Procurement/Purchase Corner 

Question: How do I Create and Approve a Requisition in C. Request?

Answer:  All requisitions are created in C. Request using the following website address: https://crequestprod.ocs.doc.gov/.  Guidelines were created to provide step-by-step instructions on “How To” enter a requisition into C Request and “How To” review and approve requisitions. Both documents are located in our “Through the Maze” manual accessible via Ourplace. If you have questions please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email at Robin.Carpenter@mail.doc.gov

Where Do I Find... Information on Merit System Principles?

Most Federal employees have heard the term Merit System Principles but many do not know exactly what they are and where to find information on them.  The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is responsible for administering this program throughout the Federal government.  As part of OPM’s oversight and accountability responsibilities, they evaluate how agencies adhere to these very important principles.  The Merit System Principles are codified in Section 2301, Title 5 of United States Code.  The provisions are on OPM’s website at http://www.opm.gov/ovrsight/mspidx.asp.   If you have any questions, please call Marcia Tyler at (202)482-2850 or via email at Marcia_Tyler@ita.doc.gov.

ITA Comings and Goings 6/15/07 - 7/13/07

Arrivals – Welcome!

ADMIN – Dawn Murphy, David Richards, Tina Cheng, Anneliese Simmons, Catherine Roberts, Mykeia Garrett;

USFCS – Glenn Ferreri, Peter Liston, Shelby Peterson, Debra Guice, Steven Wilson, Daniel Crocker.


IA – Sandra Coleman, Christopher Riker;   MAS – Mary Thornton;  USFCS – Shannon Boozman, Beryle Randall, Bernd Kietz.  If you have any questions, please contact Brad Lockett at (202)482-6342 or via email at Bradford.Lockett@mail.doc.gov.



Approved by the ITA CFO/Director of Administration

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina.Harris@mail.doc.gov

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